The exam time is here.Scoring good marks in exams need a planned studies with good presentation of your answer sheet.Here are the some important tips to score more with flying colors.
- The answer sheet will be of 40 pages only.
- No additional supplements will be given.
- Before writing anything on the answer sheet, the answer sheet should be checked properly. If there are any pages loose, misprinting and front sheet contains the mistake. Then that answer sheet should be immediately replaced by a new one.
- You are not supposed to write your name, address, the name of God, sign and symbols in the answer sheet.
- To cancel an answer a line across should be drawn and signature should be taken from invigilator.
- The new question should be started from a new page.
- Students are allowed to use only blue or black ink pen or ball point pen.
- Underline should be done with the pen itself. Sketching and diagram could be done with pencils.
- Hall ticket should be carefully checked.
- Inside the examination hall, mobile phones are not allowed. In accounts, calculators are allowed.
- Take wrist watch with you for time management.
- In front of answer sheet under the head No. Of questions answered should be filled correctly.
- Sit in the exam hall with peace of mind and positive attitude.
- Right-hand side margin should be drawn on every page of answer sheet for alignment.
- Try to solve questions serially.
- Handwriting and presentation play a very important role.
- For 10 marks questions and 8 marks question 18 minutes should be given. For 5 marks and 4 marks questions, 9 minutes should be given.
- The question no. Should be written at the centre of the answer sheet.
- Specify the question no. Clearly at the starting itself.
- Every answer should be written within 4 pages as there are 10 questions and 40 pages answer sheet.
Source :Subhashree Bhattacharya, Campus Ninja GS College-Nagpur
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