ITI Baker and Confectioner Syllabus: Course Structure, Detailed Syllabus

Jahanvi Bakshi

Updated On: February 13, 2025 05:06 PM

ITI Baker and Confectioner Syllabus include subjects like ingredients, baking techniques, maintaining equipment, safety procedures, storage of bakery products, etc. Scroll down to check out the detailed syllabus of ITI Baker and Confectioner Trade and its course structure.

ITI Baker and Confectioner Syllabus: Course Structure, Detailed Syllabus

ITI Baker and Confectioner Syllabus : The duration of the ITI Baker and Confectioner Trade is one year. Under this ITI Trade, students get to learn about the different types of baking techniques, ingredients, preservation techniques for bakery products, equipment, and much more. If you aspire to become a baker or a confectioner or are interested in learning more about confectionery and bakery techniques, then this is the course for you. To be eligible for this ITI Trade, students are required to have passed the Class 10th examination. In addition to that, students must not be less than 14 years of age on the first day of their academic session. Scroll down to skim through the detailed syllabus of ITI Baker and Confectioner Trade and its course structure.

Also Read: ITI Courses After 10th in India

ITI Baker and Confectioner Detailed Syllabus

ITI Baker and Confectioner Trade comes under the sector of the Food Industry. To know about the detailed subjects and syllabus of Baker and Confectioner trade, scroll down:

ITI Baker and Confectioner Syllabus: Detailed Topics and Subjects

  • Introduction to the Baker & confectionery industry.
  • An orientation programme on the course and related job Career opportunities in Bakery & Confectionery.
  • Organizational hierarchy of Baker & Confectioner Department.
  • Attributes of Baker & Confectioner services personals.
  • Duties and responsibilities of Baker & Confectioner service personnel.
  • First aid for cuts/ burns and its importance.
  • Fire hazards, contents of first aid.
  • Personal safety and industrial safety.
  • Personal hygiene & Care of Skin, Hands, Feet, and Food handlers.
  • Hygienic protective clothing.
  • Grooming and Etiquettes.
  • Working area hygiene and its importance. Preparedness for emergencies.
  • Waste management.
  • Structure of wheat grain.
  • Different types of flour are available.
  • Constituents of flour, PH value of flour, Water absorption power of flour, Gluten formation, Capacity of flour, Grade by flour.
  • Milling of wheat is a role of bran and germs.
  • Classification of Raw material seasoning & flavouring agents.
  • Basic Principle of food storage according to type flavouring agents of commodities.
  • Different cereal & flour for the bakery products.
  • Quality of flour - Starch: - Availability of starch in different cereals.
  • Uses of starch, Extraction of starch, Different products of grain starch.
  • Calculation: Simple table, Weight & measures, Measurements of liquid, Different measures used in the bakery & confectionary.
  • Aims and objective of baking food.
  • Raw material required for Bread-making. - Role of flour, Water, Yeast, Salt, Sugar, Milk & fats.
  • Principals involved in bread preparation Different types of bread and their properties, ingredients used.
  • Method of Bread Making.
  • Straight dough method, Notime dough method, Sponge and dough method.
  • Characteristic of Good Bread.
  • External Characteristics.
  • Internal Characteristic Bread faults & their remedies.
  • Yeast: - An elementary knowledge of Baker's yeast.
  • Role of yeast in the fermentation of dough a conditions influencing its working.
  • Effect of over & under fermentation and underproofing of dough & other fermented products.
  • Factors affecting the quality of the bread.
  • Characteristic of Good Bread.
  • External Characteristics
  • Internal Characteristics.
  • Bread diseases: - Rope and Mould causes & its prevention.
  • Staling of bread Bread Improvers, Improving physical quality.
  • Oven Baking: - Elementary Knowledge of Ovens
  • Types of the oven
  • Temperature Chart
  • Bakery Layout: - The required approval for setting up a bakery.
  • Government Procedures & e-bylaws.
  • Selection of Site.
  • Selection of equipment.
  • Quality Control of raw material.
  • Quality Control of finished product.
  • Cakes: - Methods for the production of cakes.
  • Raw Material required for cake Making.
  • Role of ingredients like flour, sugar, shortening and egg for cake production.
  • Machinery involved in cake production.
  • Types of icings. - Various types of Ice cream bombe.
  • Introduction to various icing equipment:

a. Piping bags

b. Nozzles

c. Platte knifed. Different types of designing cutters

  • Cake-making method: - Sugar Batter Process, - Flour batter Process, Genoese Method, - Blending and Rubbing Method Correct temperatures for baking various varieties of cake.
  • Factors affecting the quality of the cake.
  • Characteristics of Cakes Internal & External.
  • Balancing of Cake Formula.
  • Cake faults and their remedies.
  • Knowledge of Genoese making. - Correct temperature and time.
  • Proper knowledge of equipment.
  • Faults in pastry making Internal & external.
  • Preparation of cookies and Biscuits.
  • Factors affecting the quality of Biscuits & cookies.
  • The raw material required for cookies making - Faults – Internal & External causes of cookies & Biscuits making & their remedies.
  • Role of flour, sugar, shortening & eggs etc.
  • An elementary knowledge of properties and use of moistening agents.
  • Principles of Pastry making & its various derivatives:
  • Shortcrust paste
  • Choux paste
  • Puff paste
  • Flaky paste
  • Study of Confectionery Ingredients like Starch and its derivatives, An Elementary knowledge of source, properties & use of fats, and oils used for confectionary products.
  • Characteristic of chemicals and leavening agents.
  • Study of sugar-boiled confectionery like Amorphous confectionery & Crystalline confectionery Introduction to the confectionery work.
  • Confectionary terms.
  • Introduction to the basic tools used in the confectionary Role of flour, sugar, shortening and egg Knowledge of different sauces which are used in confectionery like: - Truffle sauce, - Cherry sauce, - Strawberry puree Knowledge of white chocolate & cocoa powder Storage of confectionery products.
  • Protection of food & contamination.
  • Common pest control in Bakery.
  • Safety: - Causes of Accidents in Bakery & its prevention.
  • Introduction of Indian Sweets prepared in halwai section & its ingredients, preparation procedures, uses & derivatives - Channa, - Sugar syrups, - Khoya& dry fruits Coordination of Bakery & confectionary with other section of the main kitchen.
  • Difference between Indian & Western Confectionery To know various types of packaging materials.



ITI Baker and Confectioner Course Structure

Check out the course structure of the ITI Trade Baker and Confectioner from the table given below:


Course Element

Notional Training Hours


Professional Skill (Trade Practical)



Professional Knowledge (Trade Theory)



Employability Skills




Also Read: ITI Application Form 2025: Dates, Fee, Registration Process

If you wish to learn more about ITI Baker and Confectioner Syllabus or have any questions in your mind that you would like to get resolved, then you can consider contacting us through our toll-free number 1800-572-9877 or by filling out CollegeDekho’s Common Application Form . For any other queries or doubts, consider contacting us through our QnA zone to get them answered by some of our top experts in this matter.

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What is the fee for the ITI Baker and Confectioner Trade?

The fee for the ITI Baker and Confectioner Trade is INR 16,000 for a 1-year course.

What are the passing criteria for the ITI Baker and Confectioner Trade?

The minimum pass percentage for Trade Practical and Formative assessment is 60% & for all other subjects is 33%. There will be no Grace marks.

What are the subjects taught under the ITI Baker and Confectioner Trade?

The subjects taught under the ITI Baker and Confectioner Trade are baking techniques, equipment handling and maintaining techniques, types of ingredients, etc.

What are the total notional training hours for the ITI Baker and Confectioner Trade?

The total notional training hours for the ITI Baker and Confectioner Trade is 1600 hours.

What are the eligibility criteria for ITI Baker and Confectioner Trade?

The eligibility criteria for ITI Baker and Confectioner Trade requires students to have passed Class 10th from a recognized board or its equivalent. Moreover, students must not be more than 14 years of age on the first day of the academic session.


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