Karnataka PGCET MBA Counselling 2024: Dates, Document Verification, Option Entry, Fee Payment and Instructions

Abhinav Chamoli

Updated On: September 06, 2024 12:40 PM | Karnataka PGCET

The Karnataka PGCET MBA counselling 2024 dates will be announced by the Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) on the official website. There are multiple stages of the counseling process and it is conducted in online mode.

Karnataka PGCET MBA Counselling Process

Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) will be conducting the Karnataka PGCET counselling 2024 for candidates who wish to seek MBA admission to Karnataka PGCET participating colleges. There are multiple stages of the counseling process and it is conducted in online mode. Candidates had to visit the helpline center physically for the document verification stage of the counseling process. Only candidates who completed the document verification round successfully are allowed to proceed to the Option Entry round followed by seat allotment rounds. The counselling process typically starts after the PGCET MBA results have been declared and the cutoff for the exam has been announced. The Karnataka PGCET 2024 exam for MBA/ MCA was successfully conducted on August 4, 2024. Candidates were able to apply for the exam from May 27 to July 7, 2024. The Karnataka PGCET result 2024 is expected to be released in September 2024. Candidates will find all the necessary information regarding the Karnataka PGCET counselling in the following article.

Also Read: Karnataka PGCET 2024 MBA Cut Off

Karnataka PGCET MBA Counselling 2024 Overview

Counselling is an essential step in the conduction of Karnataka PGCET 2024 in which candidates are allocated seats in MBA colleges based on their preference and merit. KEA releases the cutoff for marks for respective colleges and a merit list is prepared in which candidates are ranked according to their PGCET MBA 2024 score. Candidates are then allotted seats in their preferred college, depending on availability.

Important Dates for Karnataka PGCET MBA Counselling 2024

KEA is yet to release the official schedule for the Karnataka PGCET MBA 2024 Counselling Process. The counselling dates for the first and second round of admissions will be updated in the table below once they are available on the official source.



Karnataka PGCET MBA Exam

August 4, 2024 (Concluded)

Karnataka PGCET MBA Provisional Answer Key

To be Announced

Karnataka  PGCET MBA Result Declaration

To be Announced

First Round of Counselling

Document Verification

To be Announced

Display of Seat Matrix

To be Announced

Option Entry

To be Announced

Mock Allotment Results

To be Announced

Provision to Change Options

To be Announced

Provisional Seat Allotment Results

To be Announced

Exercising Choices on Allotted Seat

To be Announced

Payment of Fee

To be Announced
Last Date for Reporting to Allotted College To be Announced

Second Round of Counselling

Document Verification in Bangalore center

To be Announced

Option Entry

To be Announced

Second Round Seat Allotment Result

To be Announced

Payment of Fees and Reporting

To be Announced

Last date of reporting to colleges

To be Announced

Karnataka PGCET MBA 2024 Document Verification Centres

Given below is the list of helpline centres that candidates have to visit for the document verification process of Karnata PGCET 2024.


Centre Name



Karnataka Examinations Authority Office Premises

18th Cross, Malleshwara, Bangalore


Vidya Vardhaka College of Engineering

3 RD Stage, Gokulam, Mysore - 570002


Rao Bahadur Y Mahabaleshwarappa Engineering College

Cantonment Ballari - 583104


Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management

Adyar, Mangalore - 575007


PES Institute of Technology

Sagar Road, Shivamsogga - 5877206


Bapuji Institute of Engineering & Technology

Davangere - 577004


PDA College of Engineering

Aiwan E Shahi Area, Kalaburgi - 585102


Sri Dharamsthala Manjunatheshawara College of Engineering

Davalgiri, Dharwad - 580002


BLDEA's BP DR. PG Halakatti College of Engineering & Technology

Ashram Road, Vijayapura - 586103


Angadi Institute of Technology & Management

Savagoan Road, Belagaum - 590009

Karnataka PGCET MBA Document Verification Schedule

Document Verification for Karnataka PGCET MBA Counselling will be started after the results are declared. Candidates will be called for document verification at various centres as per the rank-wise schedule that will be updated below.


Forenoon Session - 1
(9:00 am - 11:00 am)
Reporting Time: 8:45 am

Forenoon Session - 2
11:15 am - 1:15 pm
Reporting Time: 10:45 am

Afternoon Session - 1
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Reporting Time: 1:30 pm

Afternoon Session - 2
4:15 pm - 6:15 pm
Reporting Time: 3:30 pm

Rank Numbers

Rank Numbers

Rank Numbers

Rank Numbers











Karnataka PGCET MBA Document Verification Revised Schedule For Bangalore Centre

The document verification schedule for document verification in the Bangalore centre of Karanataka PGCET 2024 will be updated below.


Forenoon Session - 1
(9:00 am - 11:00 am)

Forenoon Session - 2
11:15 am - 1:15 pm

Afternoon Session - 1
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Afternoon Session - 2
4:15 pm - 6:15 pm

Rank Numbers

Rank Numbers

Rank Numbers

Rank Numbers










Document verification postponed due to 'unavoidable circumstances' as per KEA notification


Karnataka PGCET MBA 2024 Counselling Process

Students appearing for Karnataka PGCET MBA counselling must have an understanding of the different stages involved in the process. The counselling takes place in the following steps.

Karnataka PGCET MBA Step-Wise Counselling Process

Each step has been explained in more detail below.

Step 1: Karnataka PGCET MBA 2024 Result and Cutoff Declaration

KEA will declare the Karnataka PGCET 2024 MBA result in December 2024 once it satisfies all the objections raised to the PGCET 2024 Provisional Answer Key . KEA will also specify a Karnataka PGCET 2024 MBA Cutoff, which the candidates will have to clear in order to qualify for the shortlisting process. A merit list will also be created in which the candidates will be ranked according to their marks scored in the examination.

Step 2: Display of Seat Matrix and Invitation

KEA will display the complete list of Karnataka PGCET 2024 MBA Participating Colleges on the official website. The number of seats available in each college will also be displayed for the reference of the candidates participating in the counselling process. Candidates whose names appear in the merit list will be invited to participate in the counselling.

Step 3: Registration for Counselling

Invited candidates will have to report to the counselling centre to complete the registration process. The reporting time for Karnataka PGCET MBA 2024 Counselling will be released by KEA on its official website. Candidates will be provided with a time slot as per their ranks.

List of Karnataka PGCET 2024 MBA Counselling Centres

KEA will set up counselling centres in different cities across the state for the convenience of candidates. Given below is the list of counselling centres for Karnataka PGCET 2024 MBA.

Bangalore Mysore
Mangalore Belgaum
Bellary Davangere
Raichur Dharwad
Shimoga Gulbarga
Dharwad Bijapur
Karwar --

Step 4: Document Verification

After the registration process, candidates will have to get their documents verified by the concerned authorities. The details that a candidate has provided in the PGCET 2024 MBA Application Form will be verified from their original academic documents. Only after the verification has been done, a candidate will be eligible for option entry. After successful verification, the candidate will be issued a verification skip and an acknowledgment card.

Documents Required for Karnataka PGCET 2024 MBA Counselling

The following documents must be taken by the candidate to the counselling centre along with one photocopy of each. The original document will be verified and returned to the candidate while the photocopies will have to be submitted at the document verification counter. Given below is the list of documents required.

Class 10th Mark Sheet & Certificate Class 12th Mark Sheet & Certificate
Graduation Mark Sheet Degree Certificate
Karnataka PGCET 2024 Admit Card Karnataka PGCET 2024 MBA ScoreCard
A printed copy of the Karnataka PGCET 2024 Application Form
Income Certificate (if applicable) Category Certificate (if applicable)
Domicile Certificate (for candidates belonging to Karnataka / Hyderabad region)

Document Verification Schedule for Karnataka PGCET 2024 MBA Counselling

The detailed rank-wise schedule for the document verification round of Karnataka PGCET MBA Counselling will be posted on the official website of KEA.

Secret Key for Option Entry

Candidates whose documents are successfully verified will be issued a secret key. This secret key will be required to register for the web-based option entry round. The secret key will be unique for each candidate and should be kept safe and confidential.

Step 5: Option Entry

In the Option Entry process, the complete list of colleges and seats available in MBA colleges will be displayed in the portal. The candidate will be required to choose colleges and courses and arrange them in the order of preference. There is no limit to the number of options that can be chosen by the candidates.

The option entry process is web-based and can be accessed from any place. A candidate can use their personal computer or visit an internal cafe to complete this process. However, KEA recommended the following browsers to complete this process:

  • Internet Explorer version 8 or above
  • Mozilla Firefox version 10 or above
  • Google Chrome

Additionally, the site must be viewed at a resolution of 1024x720 or higher.

Registration for Option Entry

Registrations for the Option Entry round were conducted on kea.kar.nic.in. Candidates were required to create their password for this round. The following information were required for the Option Entry registration process in Karnataka PGCET 2024 MBA Counselling.

  • Karnataka PGCET MBA Roll Number (CET Number)
  • Karnataka PGCET 2024 MBA Application Number (mentioned on the Application Form)
  • Secret Key Code
  • Mobile Number
  • Email ID

Candidates will also be prompted to create a New Password and Confirm it. They will also need to set a Secret Hint Question, which will be required in case a candidate forgets their password for Option Entry.

Once logged in, all of the details of the candidate will be displayed in the portal. This must be verified by the candidate and any discrepancies must be brought to the attention of the exam conducting authority.

Selection of Choices in Option Entry

Candidates will not be required to choose options in one go. They will have a window lasting a couple of days to do the same. The Detailed Option Worksheet will be available for download for the candidate. It will contain the following details.

  • Type
  • College
  • Option No
  • Course Description
  • College Description

KEA advises candidates to prepare a rough list of colleges and courses according to their preference to have an easier time when filling in the options online. Candidates can take a printout of the Option Entry Worksheet and fill in their preferences as 1, 2, 3, 4... in the space given under Option No.

When candidates are satisfied with their options, they can move on to the online option entry process. This must be done by clicking on the Candidate's Option Entry link available in the portal and giving option numbers in the designated spaces.

Modifying Options

Candidates can modify their saved options at any point before the deadline. The link to modify options will be available after logging into the Option Entry Portal. Candidates can simply change the preference of options as desired and click on Update to save the changes.

If a candidate wishes to delete a chosen option, they can just change its preference to 0 and click on Update. Candidates must ensure that they modify options as per their desire before the specified deadline. The options chosen by the candidates at the deadline are automatically frozen and considered for seat allotment.

Step 6: Seat Allotment

The Karnataka PGCET 2024 MBA Seat Allotment Process is conducted in multiple rounds. The seat allotment is conducted automatically by a computer as per the options entered by a candidate, their preference, and the availability of seats in their desired course or colleges.

The reservation under various categories will also be considered during the seat allotment process. Reserved category students will be allotted seats first. Once they are filled, allotment for the remaining seats will be continued for all of the remaining candidates.

Only the candidates who have participated in the first round of counselling will be considered for the subsequent rounds. Exercising of options is a must after every round. More details can be found below.

Exercising Choices After Seat Allotment

After each round of seat allotment, there would be four choices available to a candidate on how to proceed.

Choice 1: Candidates who are satisfied with the seat allotment can refrain from participating in further rounds of counselling. The seats allotted to such candidates will be finalized and made unavailable for further rounds of counselling. Such candidates can complete the fee payment and confirm their admission on the KEA website before the deadline. In case a candidate fails to do so, their allotted seat will be cancelled.

Choice 2: Candidates who are satisfied with their allotted seats but willing to participate in the next round can choose this option. They will be required to pay the allotment fees. However, they will still be included in the next round. If a better seat is allotted to the candidate, they will be upgraded and the previously allotted seat will be cancelled.

Choice 3: Candidates who are not satisfied with their allotted seat can opt to surrender their allotted seat but still be included in the next round. In such a case, a candidate will be considered for the next round of allotment with the options they have already entered. However, they will not be considered for the previously allotted seat.

Choice 4: Candidates can surrender their allotted seats and refrain from participating in further rounds. Their candidature for all subsequent rounds will be cancelled.

Also Read: List of MBA Colleges Accepting Karnataka PGCET 2024

Karnataka PGCET 2024 MBA Seat Allotment Fee

Candidates who wish to exercise Choice 1 or Choice 2 after seat allotment are required to pay the fee prescribed by KEA. The VTU registration fee for MBA courses is Rs. 3,500. The fee payment process for Seat Allotment is conducted offline in the following steps.

  • Candidates must download the challan for fee payment from the official website.
  • The challan will already have the candidate's details mentioned such as Name, Allotment Details, Fee, etc.
  • The fee must be paid in full at the chosen bank. Candidates will receive a fee payment receipt in return.
  • The details of the receipt must be provided on the KEA official website to confirm the seat.

Instructions for Candidates Appearing in Karnataka PGCET 2024 MBA Counselling

Given below is a set of important instructions that a candidate must go through before appearing for the counselling process for Karnataka PGCET MBA 2024.

  • Candidates must conduct their own proper research about colleges and courses before deciding on preferences. They are also advised to consult their peers regarding this decision.
  • Candidates must take all of the required documents for verification along with one photocopy of each. The photocopies will be submitted to the verification centre. No original document will be submitted.
  • Candidates must be the Secret Key Code confidential as it can be misused to register for the Option Entry process in their name. The Secret Key must be kept safe as the candidates will not be allowed to choose options without entering the key.
  • Candidates are allowed to modify options any number of times before the specified deadline. They must ensure that they are completely satisfied with their chosen preferences as no changes will be permitted thereafter.

Related Articles:

If a candidate has any doubts or queries about the counselling process, they can post their questions on the CollegeDekho QnA Zone . To schedule a free counselling session for admission-related assistance, fill out the Common Application Form (CAF) for your desired college or call our helpline number 18005729877.

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Dear Student,

Agar aap ka GATE score 530 hain, to NIT Durgapur, IIIT Bihar aur IITDM Kurnool mein Data Science & Artificial Intelligence course ke liye admission mil sakta hain. Agar aap OPEN Category se belong karte hain, toh NIT Durgapur mein aap ko shayad admission na mile, but OBC-NCL/ EWS ategory mein admission mil sakti hain. Aap doosre NIT colleges accepting GATE score 500-600 bhi check kar sakte hain. Unfortunately, GATE score 530 pe aap ko kisi bhi IIT mein admission nahi milegi. 

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