KCET 2025: Exam Dates, Syllabus, Eligibility, Exam Pattern

Diksha Sharma

Updated On: June 21, 2024 12:45 pm IST | KCET

KCET 2025 exam is expected to be conducted on April 18 and 19, 2025 by the Karnataka Examinations Authority as an offline exam. Candidates can check all details pertaining to the KCET 2025 exam here in this article. 

KCET 2025

KCET 2025: The Karnataka Examinations Authority will conduct the KCET 2025 exam tentatively on April 18 and 19, 2025 as a pen and paper based test for a total time duration of 80 minutes per session. KEA will release the KCET 2025 application form tentatively on January 10, 2025 on its official website. The expected last date for students to apply for the KCET 2024 exam will be February 23, 2025. The KCET 2025 admit card is expected to be released by the authorities on April 3, 2025. Students willing to appear for the KCET 2025 exam can check this article to know about the KCET 2025 exam dates and other important information.

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KCET 2025 Syllabus KCET 2025 Exam Date

KCET 2025 Exam Date

As per the previous year trends, the Karnataka Examinations Authority will conduct the KCET 2025 exam tentatively on April 18 and 19, 2025 as an offline exam. The total time duration of the KCET  2025 exam will be of 1 hour 20 minutes for each session.

KCET 2025 Important Dates

Candidates can check the important dates pertaining to the KCET 2025 exam here in the below table.


Tentative Dates

Commencement of KCET 2025 Application Form

January 10, 2025

Deadline to Fill KCET Application Form 2025

February 23, 2025

Release of KCET 2025 Admit Card

April 3, 2025

KCET 2025 Exam Dates

April 18 to 19, 2025

KCET 2025 Preliminary Answer Key Release Date

April 29, 2025

Release of KCET 2025 Final Answer Key

May 10, 2025

KCET 2025 Result Date

May 25, 2025

KCET 2025 Eligibility Criteria

KEA releases the eligibility criteria of KCET 2025 along with the official information brochure. As per the KCET 2025 eligibility criteria the minimum age to apply for the KCET 2025 exam is 17 and there is no upper age limit for the students. As per the academic requirements, candidates have to successfully clear the Class 12 board examination with a minimum 45% marks in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics / Biology / Biotechnology for general category candidates and 40% for SC / ST candidates. Moreover, students must have English as a compulsory subject in Class 12.

KCET 2025 Application Form

The Karnataka Examinations Authority will release the KCET application form 2025 in the online mode tentatively on January 10, 2025. The last date to fill the application form of KCET 2025 will be February 23, 2025. The process to fill up the application form is mentioned below.

Step 1 - New User Registration

Candidates have to visit the official website of KEA at cetonline.karnataka.gov.in to register for the exam. To register themselves candidates have to enter the required information and submit the details. Upon successful registration the candidate will receive their application number and User ID on the registered mobile number and mail ID.

Step 2 - Form Filling & Image Upload

Candidates have to proceed to fill up the application form after successfully completing the registration process. All details pertaining to personal information, communication details, academic details have to be entered while filling up the application form. Moreover, while filling the KCET 2025 application form candidates have to upload their passport size photograph, signature, left thumb impression and signature of parents.

Step 3 - Payment of Application Fee

After filling the application form and uploading the necessary documents candidates have to pay the requisite application fee either in the online mode or through the offline mode.

Step 4 - Printout of Application Form & Principal Signature

Students after paying the application fee must take a printout of the application form. Upon taking a printout of the application form candidates have to affix a passport size photograph and sign on the printed copy of the form along with their respective left thumb impression. The printed application form has to be duly signed by the Principal of the 2nd PUC college along with a seal.

Documents to be Uploaded

Students can check the documents to be uploaded along with the dimension and file size as specified by the authorities.


Size of the File




5 KB to 40 KB

3.5 cm X 1.5 cm



5 KB to 40 KB

3.5 cm X 4.5 cm


Left Thumb Impression

5 KB to 40 KB

3.5 cm X 1.5 cm


Application Fee of KCET

Candidates can check the KCET application fee here in the below table.




Within Karnataka

General / OBC

Rs. 500


Rs 250



Outside Karnataka


Rs. 750

Outside India



KCET 2025 Exam Pattern

The exam pattern of KCET  2025 is released along with the information brochure by KEA. As per the KCET 2025 exam pattern the total number of questions to be asked in the exam is 60 per subject. The total time duration for each subject / session is 80 minutes and marks allotted per question is 1. There will be no negative marking in the exam and the KCET 2025 exam will be conducted as a pen and paper based test.

KCET 2025 Syllabus

The KCET syllabus is based on first year PUC and second year PUC syllabus. Candidates can check the subject wise first year and second year PUC syllabus here in the below table.

KCET Mathematics Syllabus

Students can check the KCET first year and second year PUC syllabus here.

First Year PUC Syllabus

Second Year PUC Syllabus

Limits & Derivatives

Application of Integrals

Sets, Relations & Functions

Three Dimensional Geometry

Introduction to 3D-Geometry

Differential Equations


Application of Derivatives

Trigonometric Functions


Complex numbers and Quadratic equations Linear Inequalities


Mathematical Reasoning



Continuity and Differentiability

Binomial Theorem

Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Principle of Mathematical Induction

Linear Programming

Conic Sections

Vector Algebra

Straight Lines

Relations & Functions,

Permutations and Combination


KCET Physics Syllabus

Applicants can check the KCET first year and second year PUC physics syllabus here.

First Year PUC Syllabus

Second Year PUC Syllabus

Work, Energy & Power

Moving Charges and Magnetism

Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion Gravitation

Wave Optics

Motion in a Straight Line

Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance


Electromagnetic Induction


Ray Optics and Optical Instruments

Mechanical Properties of Solids

Electromagnetic Waves

Laws of Motion

Semiconductor Electronics

Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Alternating Current

Physical World

Magnetism and Matter

Thermal Properties of Matter

Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

Units and Measurements

Electric Charges and Fields

Kinetic Theory



Communication Systems

Motion in a Plane

Current Electricity

KCET Chemistry Syllabus

Candidates can check the KCET chemistry first year and second year PUC syllabus here.

First Year PUC Syllabus

Second Year PUC Syllabus



Structure of Atom


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

Haloalkanes and Haloarenes


p-Block Elements

Some p – Block Elements

Phenols and Ethers


Chemistry in Everyday Life

s – Block Elements

Coordination Compounds

Redox reactions

Phenols and Ethers

Gases and Liquids Thermodynamics

Chemical Kinetics, Surface chemistry

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure States of Matter

d and f Block Elements

Organic Chemistry – Some basic principles & Techniques


Environmental chemistry

Solid State

Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Ketones and Carboxylic acids

General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements



KCET Biology Syllabus

Students can check the KCET Biology first year PUC syllabus and second year PUC syllabus here.

First Year PUC Syllabus

Second Year PUC Syllabus

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Microbes in Human Welfare

Plant Growth and Development

Organism and Population

Plant Kingdom

Environmental Issues

Body fluids and Circulation

Reproduction in Organisms

Anatomy and Flowering Plants


Breathing and Exchange of Gases

Biodiversity and Conservation

Excretory Products and their Elimination

Reproductive Health

Biological Classification

Biotech: Application

Neural Control and Coordination


Respiration in Plants

Biotech: Principles and Processes


Human Reproduction

Cell Cycle and Cell Division

Morphology of Flowering Plants

Locomotion and Movement

Living World

Digestion and Absorption

KCET 2025 Preparation Tips

Typically, tips and tricks for major exams like KCET assist students to successfully qualify the exam. Similarly, KCET being one of the major exams conducted by the Karnataka Examinations Authority requires candidates to deliver the utmost level of focus that will ultimately enable them to qualify the same. Candidates must follow the KCET 2025 preparation tips mentioned in the below section.

  • Solving Maximum Number of Question Paper: Candidates who will be appearing for the KCET 2025 exam must not only solve the KCET previous year question papers but also solve question papers of various national and university entrance tests like JEE Main, VITEEE and Amity JEE, other state entrance examination papers like the WBJEE, KEAM and mock question papers of various important coaching institutes.

  • Focus of High Weightage Topics: It is advised by experts and academicians that candidates must give utmost priority to those concepts and topics that get the highest weightage in the KCET exam. For the biology section the important topics like  Plant Growth and Development, Respiration in Plants, Ecosystem, Microbes in Human Welfare, Human Reproduction. From the chemistry section, the important topics like d and f Block Elements, Ketones and Carboxylic acids, Electrochemistry, s – Block Elements, Hydrogen etc. From the Mathematics section the high weightage topics include Probability, Inverse Trigonometric Functions, Vector 3D, Application of Integrals, LPP, Permutation and Combination, Definite Integrals. Some of the important topics from Physics are Thermodynamics, Optics, Wave Motion, Oscillation, Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance.

  • Selective Study: It is highly recommended to study selectively for any competitive exam. Students need to understand how much time they should spend on each subject. It is therefore advised that students prepare for the important topics that they anticipate being asked on the upcoming exam. On the other hand, students are free to omit topics that are not typically tested on the exam.

  • Use of Tricks: Candidates to prepare for the KCET exam can take a look at the trick videos on YouTube and other websites. It is required of candidates to watch a few videos that they can use as study aids. They will be more relaxed as a result, and they will also become aware of the strategies that students can employ.

KCET 2025 Best Books

Candidates can check the important books for KCET preparation here.

Physics Books for KCET

Name of Book

Name of the Author

Physics for 1st Year PUC

AS Govind

Physics for Karnataka CET and COMEDK

K. L. Gomber and K. L. Gogia

Fundamentals of Physics

S Chand

NCERT books of Class 11 and 12 for Physics


KCET Books for Chemistry

Name of Book

Name of the Author

Modern ABC Chemistry

SP Jauhar

New Course Chemistry


Chemistry for 1st Year PUC

Prof. Somashekara Prasad

NCERT books of Class 11 and 12 for Chemistry


KCET Mathematics Books

Name of Book

Name of the Author

CET Mathematics


Mathematics for 1st Year PUC

Dr. PG Umarani

Candidates can check this article to know about the KCET 2025 exam dates and other important information.

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