Rajasthan PTET 4-Year B.Ed Counselling 2023 - Dates, Registration, Seat Allotment, Choice Filling, Process, Documents, Fee, Colleges

Diksha Sharma

Updated On: April 06, 2023 10:03 AM | Rajasthan PTET

Rajasthan PTET Counselling 2023 schedule will be published soon on the official website. Candidates will be assigned colleges through the online counselling process. Get the detailed Rajasthan PTET Counselling schedule from this article.

Rajasthan PTET Counselling 2023 (4-Year B.Ed)

Rajasthan PTET (Pre-Teacher Education Test) will be conducted by Govind Guru Tribal University, Banswara, Rajasthan. As a result, the Rajasthan PTET counselling 2023 process will also be conducted by them. Candidates who will clear the PTET exam will be eligible to take part in the online counselling round. Through the counselling process, the candidates are provided admission to different B.Ed colleges in Rajasthan based on the rank obtained by them in the entrance exam.

The entrance exam is conducted for admission into the 4-year B.Ed program offered by various Teacher Training institutions (B.Ed colleges) in the Rajasthan state. The different types of B.Ed courses offered are BA B.Ed and B.Sc B.Ed. To get admission into a B.Ed college in Rajasthan, aspirants have to appear for Rajasthan PTET which will be conducted on May 21, 2023.

Rajasthan PTET 2023 counselling schedule will be soon available on the official website. Check the detailed PTET counselling process from this article.

Rajasthan PTET Counselling Dates 2023

After the Rajasthan PTET 2023 exam will be conducted in May 2023, the result is expected to release in June 2023. The Rajasthan PTET counselling process will begin after the result has been published. At the end of 1st round of counselling, eligible candidates have to report to their respective colleges. The exact counselling schedule will be updated soon. Check out the 4-year Rajasthan PTET Counselling Dates 2023 from the table below:



Rajasthan PTET 2023 Exam Date

May 21, 2023

Rajasthan PTET 2023 Result

June 2023 (Tentative)

Admission Fee Submission


Reporting in College after the First Round of Counselling


College Reporting after Upward Movement after 1st Round of Counselling


Commencement Date for 2nd Round Counselling Registration and Fee (Rs 5,000) Submission


College Choice Filling


Allotment after 2nd Round of Counselling


Admission Fee (Rs 22,000) Submission after 2nd Round Counselling


College Reporting after Counselling


Rajasthan PTET Counselling Registration 2023

Those candidates clearing the Rajasthan PTET 2023 entrance exam have to register themselves for the counselling round. To complete the counselling registration, they have to visit the official website of the exam authority. Given here are the instructions for registration:

  • Visit the official website, ptetggtu.com.
  • On the homepage, candidates will find the ‘Rajasthan PTET Counselling Registration 2023’ link.
  • Click on the counselling registration link.
  • Fill out the counselling registration form entering all details and documents required.
  • To complete the registration, pay the counselling fee.

Rajasthan PTET Counselling Process 2023

The Rajasthan PTET Counselling process will go through the following steps:



Step 1: Registration

The candidates who qualify the Rajasthan PTET exam will have to register for the counselling process. The candidates will have to visit the official website, fill the form and pay the counselling fee to complete their registration.

Step 2: Choice Filling

After the registration, the candidates will have to exercise web options and make their choice for the colleges and courses in the order of priority. Make sure to give your priority to the college carefully as the seat allotment will depend on your priority of preference. The candidates are advised to make as many choices as possible to increase their chance of seat allotment.

Step 3: Seat Allotment

Based on the rank of the candidates in Rajasthan PTET 2023 and the choice filled, the candidates will be allotted seats for admission.

Step 4: Payment of Fees

After the seat allotment, the candidates will have to pay the admission fee to book their seats in the allotted college. The candidates will have to pay Rs. 22,000 admission fee through challan / online and download the bank receipt for the admission process.

Step 5: Document Verification

The candidates will have to submit all the required documents. Only after the verification of submitted documents, the candidates will be provided admission.

Step 6: Reporting

Finally, the candidates will have to report to the college with all the documents and fee receipt.

Rajasthan PTET Counselling Documents 2023

At the time of Rajasthan PTET Counselling 2023, the candidates will have to submit the required documents for verification. The candidates who fail to submit the documents will not be allowed for admission.

The candidates must bring the following documents at the time of Rajasthan PTET Counselling 2023:

Rajasthan PTET Score Card

Counselling Letter

Qualifying exam mark sheet

10th/ 12th mark sheet/ certificates

Valid photo identity proof

Income Certificate

Caste Certificate (if applicable)

Domicile Certificate

Character Certificate

Passport Size Photographs

Rajasthan PTET Counselling Fee 2023

To register for Rajasthan PTET counselling 2023, the candidates who have qualified the PTET exam have to pay a counselling fee. Without paying the counselling fee, the counselling registration process will not be completed. The counselling fee can be paid using the bank challan. The candidates will have to pay INR 5,000 as the Rajasthan PTET 2023 counselling fee.

Rajasthan PTET Counselling Reservation Policy 2023

As prescribed by the Rajasthan government, there is a certain reservation policy for different categories of candidates. The reservation policy will be considered while allocating the seats for admission. The reservation policy for Rajasthan PTET Counselling 2023 is mentioned in the table below:

Category of Candidate

Reservation Policy

Scheduled Caste (SC)


Scheduled Tribes (ST)


Other Backward Classes (OBC)


Female Candidates

20% (8% for the widow and 2% for divorced women)


As prescribed by the government

Physically Challenged

3% to 5%

Economically Weaker Section (EWS)


Ex-serviceman/ in-serviceman defence personnel


Rajasthan PTET 2023 Seat Allotment

Candidates will be considered for the Rajasthan PTET 2023 seat allotment process only if they have enrolled themselves for the counselling round and paid the fees. The Govind Guru Tribal University will allocate the seats after considering the factors such as:

  • Candidate’s rank and category
  • The college preference of the applicant
  • Available seats based on the candidate’s category

The seat allocation list is released separately for each Rajasthan PTET participating college. Candidates have to open their registered accounts to check and confirm their allotment status. To check the PTET seat allotment list, go through the steps below:

  • Rajasthan PTET 2023 Contenders have to click on the "Seat Allotment" link on the Rajasthan PTET 2023 homepage.
  • In order to access your account, you have to enter your Rajasthan PTET 2023 application number and password on the login page.
  • The seat allocation list will be displayed on the screen after successfully logging in.
  • Candidates can also download the list for reference.

List of Popular Colleges for B.Ed Admission through PTET 2023

The various participating colleges for Rajasthan PTET Counselling 2023 is listed in the table below:

Dev B. Ed Girls College

MKB Mahila B.Ed.. Mahavidyalaya

Tilak Teacher Training College for Women

Dr Radhakrishnan Teachers Training College

Shiv Saraswati Mahila Teachers Training College

Pacific Academy of Higher Education & Research Society

St Wilfred’s Teachers Training College

Sant Jogendra Teacher Training College

Tagore Teachers Training College

Deep Shikha Teachers Training College

Important Instructions Regarding Rajasthan PTET 4-Year 2023 Counselling List

Candidates who are called for Rajasthan PTET 2023 counselling need to know certain instructions regarding the counselling process. Below given are some of the crucial instructions followed during the Rajasthan PTET 2023 counselling.

  • Candidates will be assigned Teacher Education Institutions through the online counselling process.
  • Students can follow the newspapers and the official website as the counselling schedule is released in Rajasthan's leading newspapers, as well as on the Rajasthan PTET website (www.ptetraj2023.com) along with relevant instructions.
  • After the declaration of the Rajasthan PTET 2023 results , candidates are advised to stay in touch with the leading newspapers in Rajasthan and the PTET website.
  • B.Ed aspirants who will not complete the online counselling process or will refuse to accept the allotted B.Ed college through online counselling will not be considered for admission to the B.Ed course .
  • The admission to the Teacher Education Programme will be done through the Rajasthan PTET examination, which Jai Narain Vyas University will handle.
  • Candidates will not get options for filling seats at the Institutional (College) level.
  • Eligible candidates will be allotted a Teacher Education Institution/ College in the State through the online counselling process based on their merit, as determined by their faculty, category, teaching subjects, choice of college filled, etc.
  • The eligible candidates will not be allocated seats based on belonging to their district/ place or any other criteria other than those specified in the rules.

For more updates related to Rajasthan PTET, stay tuned to CollegeDekho !

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What are some instructions that candidates should know for Rajasthan PTET 4-year B.Ed counselling?

Candidates will be allocated Teacher Education Institutions through the online counselling process. Students need to take a look at Rajasthan's leading newspapers, as well as on the Rajasthan PTET website (www.ptetraj2022.com) along with relevant instructions. The admission to the Teacher Education Programme will be done through the Rajasthan PTET examination, which will be handled by Jai Narain Vyas University.

How does the tie-breaking policy work in the Rajasthan PTET 4-year B.Ed exam?

A merit list of the candidates will be prepared based on the marks obtained by the candidates in the Rajasthan PTET 4-year B.Ed examination. When the candidates score the same marks, a merit list will be scheduled based on the marks scored by the candidates in the qualifying examination. While checking the marks of the qualifying students, if the marks are found same, then the date of birth of the students will be taken into consideration. The candidate who is older age will get the chance to take admission to the B.Ed program. 

Which colleges offer a B.Ed program through the Rajasthan PTET 4-year exam?

The participating colleges of Rajasthan PTET 4-year B.Ed examination are Dev B.Ed Girls College, Dr Radhakrishnan Teachers Training College, Tilak Teacher Training College for Women, MKB Mahila B.Ed Mahavidyalaya, Shiv Saraswati Mahila Teachers Training College, Sant Jogendra Teacher Training College, St Wilfred’s Teachers Training College, Pacific Academy of Higher Education & Research Society, Tagore Teachers Training College, Deep Shikha Teachers Training College, etc. 

What factors need to be considered while allotting seats to candidates for the Rajasthan PTET 4-year B.Ed course?

The factors that are taken into account for the Rajasthan PTET 4-year B.Ed course seat allotment are the rank and category of the candidate, the candidate's college preference and seat availability in the candidate's preferred category. The seat allotment list is disclosed separately for each participating university. Candidates have to enter their registered accounts to confirm their seat allotment status. Once the seat allotment process is completed, the examination authority will issue the Rajasthan PTET seat allotment list.

What does happen in the choice-filling process in Rajasthan PTET 4-year B.Ed counselling?

After the Rajasthan PTET 4-year B.Ed registration, the candidates will have to exercise web options and make their choice for the colleges and courses in the order of preference. Make sure to give your priority to the college carefully as the seat allotment will depend on your priority of preference. The candidates are advised to make as many choices as possible to increase their chances of seat allotment. The whole process of choice-filling needs to be fulfilled by the candidates to get into a B.Ed college.

What is the reservation category for Rajasthan PTET 4-year B.Ed counselling?

There is a certain reservation policy for different categories of candidates as mentioned by the Rajasthan government. The reservation policy will be considered while allocating seats for admission. Scheduled Caste (SC) category candidates get 16%, Scheduled Tribes (ST) get 12%, Other Backward Classes (OBC) are allotted 21%, Female category candidates get 20% (8% for the widow and 2% for divorced women), Physically Challenged candidates get 3% to 5%, Economically Weaker Section (EWS) get 10% and Ex-serviceman/ in-serviceman defence personnel get 5%.

What is the counselling fee for Rajasthan PTET 4-year B.Ed counselling?

To register for Rajasthan PTET 4-year B.Ed counselling, the candidates are required to pay a counselling fee. Without the counselling fee, no candidates will be permitted to register for the counselling. The counselling fee can be paid using the bank challan. INR 5000 has to be paid by the candidates as the Rajasthan PTET counselling fee. Candidates need to log in to the official website of Rajasthan PTET to pay the counselling registration fee. 

What are the documents required for Rajasthan PTET 4-year B.Ed counselling?

At the time of Rajasthan PTET counselling, candidates have to get their documents verified in order to get admission to the 4-year B.Ed programme. The important documents that they have to present are Rajasthan PTET Score Card, Counselling Letter, Qualifying exam mark sheet, 10th/ 12th mark sheet/ certificates, Valid photo identity proof, Income Certificate, Caste Certificate (if applicable), Domicile Certificate, Character Certificate and Passport Size Photographs. The candidates who fail to submit the documents will not be allowed admission.

How to register for Rajasthan PTET 4-year B.Ed counselling?

To register for Rajasthan PTET counselling, candidates have to first visit the official website of the exam. Then, they have to click on the link for the Rajasthan PTET counselling registration. After the registration form is visible, candidates have to fill it up by entering all the required information. A counselling fee has to be paid in order to complete the registration process for counselling. The official website of Rajasthan PTET is ptetraj2022.com.

Why is Rajasthan PTET conducted?

Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur conducts Rajasthan PTET (Pre-Teacher Education Test) and offers admission into the 2-year and 4-year B.Ed programmes offered by various Teacher Training institutions (B.Ed colleges) situated in the state of Rajasthan. B.Ed courses offered to the students are BA B.Ed and B.Sc B.Ed. Candidates who will clear the exam will get the chance to get into any B.Ed college. 

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