Science Projects for Class 12

Ankita Jha

Updated On: November 23, 2022 04:30 PM

Science projects for Class 12 students can be very lucrative, interesting and groundbreaking. The candidates can check interesting projects for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics in this article.
Science Projects for Class 12

Projects are a very important part of the course curriculum as it helps students to get deep knowledge and understand the complex structure of the subject. The Science stream students must have a clear concept of the subjects and for doing well-structured projects.  Science projects for Class 12 students are really of great importance as it makes them get to the bottom of the subject and also they can figure out core concepts and reasons behind the laws, theories, equations, derivations,  etc.

As we know, any board's curriculum focuses on the interactive way of learning for the children. It puts emphasis on doing a lot of project work, especially for science students to enhance their knowledge in science subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Biology and break the intricacy.

Science projects for Class 12 students can be very lucrative, interesting, and groundbreaking. The students must take initiative and do Science projects for Class 12 so as to identify their positive and negative areas in the particular science subject. The student must do 12th-grade science fair projects without any help and assistance because this will boost their confidence and keep them motivated. In this article, we have provided some of the important Science projects for Class 12 students that can help them in many aspects.

Subject-Wise Science Project for Class 12

As we know, Science projects are an essential part of the Class 12 course structure, so the students must be aware of the few best Science projects for Class 12 students. We have clubbed top projects for science stream students of class 12. Science projects for Class 12 also are beneficial as these projects carry a certain amount of marks in the final result of Class 12th boards. Thus, the students must be very aware of the projects for the subjects mentioned below.

  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Mathematics

Physics Project for Class 12

Physics is a branch of science that deals with the study of properties and matter, energy and their mutual relationship. The branch of Physics deals with optics, gravitation, and the law of motion. Students can understand the concepts behind the formulas and derivations with the help of Physics projects. With the help of working models, the students will be able to understand the basic reasons behind the functioning of the models.

How to Create a Visual Doppler

The candidates can check the detailed Physics project for class 12 as mentioned below in the table.

Aim of the Project

To check what happens to sound waves by creating a visual model of what happens when a vehicle passes by.


The theory for the Visual Doppler is a basic explanation for the Doppler effect.  Each successive wave crest is produced from a position closer to the observer than the crest of the previous wave, as the source of the waves is heading toward the observer. A visual simulation of what happens to the sound waves is created by this project to make them sound very different as the vehicle approaches than when it exits.

Project Requirement

Tape, ruler, toy car, marker, scissors, two pieces of colored construction paper, plain paper, and camera.

Electric Car

The candidates can check the detailed Physics project for class 12 mentioned below in the table.

Aim of the Project

To explore various concepts of Physics like Aerodynamics, Electric Circuit, and Conversion of Energy.


Making an electric car for your Physics project for class 12th will set you apart from your classmates. It is easy to make and fascinating to see it work which makes it a perfect option for a project. The electric car works on a simple principle where the transmission of force from the motor to a wheel is carried through two gears and the use of rubber bands is made which act as a belt

Project Requirement

Four wheels, paper clips, battery motor mount, a plastic board for car chassis, four tire rings, battery holder,  straw, electric motor, rubber bands, transmission pulley, and screws.

Insulation Value

The candidates can check the detailed physics project for class 12 mentioned below in the table.

Aim of the Project

To equate straw insulation with traditional forms of insulation, which are fiberglass and rigid foam panels, which are widely used today.


The most critical element in building an energy-effective contribution is adequate insulation. Insulation will hold the heat inside during cold days. Isolation will trap the sun outdoors on hot days. Insulation materials are structures that avoid the transmission of heat from a house inside and outside. To insulate walls, floors, and pipes, various materials may be used.

Project Requirement

Digital thermometer, speakers,  and


Marvelous Magnetics

The candidates can check the detailed physics project for class 12 mentioned below in the table.

Aim of the Project

The purpose of this experiment was to decide how diamagnetism could influence levitation using graphite, paper, plastic, aluminum foil, or no substance.


About how many man-made objects today use magnetism or even diamagnetism, this study may even interact with the earth. The world’s fastest train, for instance, is in Japan and runs on magnetism.

Project Requirement

Plastic instead of graphite, , levitation pedestal, graphite, paper, aluminum foil, and adjustment screw.

Hydro Power

The candidates can check the detailed physics project for class 12 mentioned below in the table.

Aim of the Project

The project is conducted to learn about the first-hand force of water.


At the foot of dams, hydropower plants are designed to take advantage of higher water pressure at the edge of a dam. The excess water is funneled into a tube called a penstock into the dam. The water is then concentrated on a turbine’s blades. The water pressure of the water transforms the engine, and a power generator turns the turbine.

Project Requirement

Gallon of water, half gallon paper milk carton,, 10p nail, ruler, magic marker, masking tape, scissors, paper pad, and pencil.

Chemistry Project for Class 12

Chemistry projects are very interesting and challenging as there are multiple aspects of Chemistry. Students do projects on Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Inorganic Chemistry. In these projects and models, the students will be able to know about the chemicals, atoms, molecules, matter, energy, chemical reactions, and relationship between different properties of matter. Chemistry projects help the students to understand things practically and they remember the concepts for a longer time. Some of the popular Chemistry projects are mentioned below for the students of class 12.

Presence of Oxalate Ions in Guava Fruit and Different Stages of Ripening

The candidates can check the detailed Chemistry project for class 12 mentioned below in the table.

Aim of the Project

To analyze the presence of oxalate ions in guava fruit and different stages of ripening.


Carboxylic acids- primarily found in animals and plants- are produced in our body by the conversion of Vitamin C to oxalate. Excessive oxalate in our urine can cause hyperoxaluria (kidney stones).

Project Requirement

Mortar, funnel, paper, measuring flask burette of 100ml, pestle, beaker, weighing machine, dilute H2SO4, filter,  L (N /10) KMnO4 solution.

Surface Chemistry Colloidal Solutions

The candidates can check the detailed Chemistry project for class 12 mentioned below in the table.

Aim of the Project

To basically study the surface chemistry of colloidal solutions.


Colloids are homogeneous solutions that contain separate phases. The dispersed phase consists of particles that are evenly distributed in the continuous phase. Some colloids exhibit the phenomenon of the Tyndall effect which makes them translucent (Scattering of light by colloidal particles.). Gums are secreted by stems of trees and are natural polysaccharides. On heating with water, this soluble substance gets hydrolyzed and yields a number of monosaccharides which leads to a colloidal solution.

Project Requirement

Glass rod, burner, arabic gum of 5 gram, Two beakers of 250 ml and 50ml, funnel,  wire gauze,  tripod-stand, filter papers, and distilled water of 100 ml.

Electrolyte Turns on the Solar Cell

The candidates can check the detailed Chemistry project for class 12 mentioned below in the table.

Aim of the Project

To study how electrolytes and different objects influence the solar cell’s output energy.


The solar cells have more energy output when the material is blended well. Through this experiment, various objects and substances with different measures are used to impact the output energy of a solar cell.

Project Requirement

Water, glass slides,  multimeter, vinegar (10ml), titanium dioxide (6g), dishwashing detergent,  TiO2 solution, and berries.

Paper Chromatography

The candidates can check the detailed Chemistry project for class 12 mentioned below in the table.

Aim of the Project

To analyze ink components in black markers/pens using paper chromatography.


Chromatography is used to separate the components from complex mixtures. Ink manufacturers mix various colors to make newer ones. Paper chromatography helps separate different ingredients by attracting them to alcohol or water.

Project Requirement

Wooden splints, two mini binder clips, beaker of 100 ml and 500 ml ,90% isopropyl alcohol, marker, and different black pens.

Sterilization of Water Using Bleaching Powder

The candidates can check the detailed Chemistry project for class 12 mentioned below in the table.

Aim of the Project

To determine the quantity of bleaching powder required for sterilization or purification of different samples of water.


Bleaching powder or Calcium hypochlorite [Ca(ClO)] is a very common way to disinfect drinking water with accurate scientific details. By using 5 drops of bleaching powder for 2 litres of water, the chemical is set to sit for half an hour which can then make it safe for drinking. Bleaching powder also reacts with decaying levels and has lesser health risks than other chemical compounds like THMs.

Project Requirement

Starch solution, bleaching powder, glass wool, measuring flask of 250ml, weight box, titration flask, burette, 100ml graduated cylinder glazed tile, 10% KI solution, sodium thiosulfate solution , and different samples of water.

Biology Projects for Class 12

Biology projects for class 12 will help the students to understand the different biological activities that occur within human beings as well as plants. Biology projects are more relatable for the students as they can see the physiological activities getting changed with reference to the environment. The projects are able to explain the functioning of bacteria, fungi, and viruses in the human body as well as plants.

Even though there are endless Biology projects that can be performed at class 12, the students can look at the below-mentioned popular ideas for Biology projects that will make their concepts even more clear.

Growing Yeast: Sugar Fermentation

The candidates can check the detailed Biology project for class 12 mentioned below in the table.

Aim of the Project

Yeast alone or when mixed with water does not give any reaction.


Yeast is classified as a fungus and is made up of eukaryotic microbes, i.e, they have cells with nuclei. Fermentation is the process of breaking down a substance by bacteria, microorganisms, or yeast. Yeast gets activated when mixed with sugar as it breaks down due to fermentation.

Project Requirement

Sugar, water, 3 clear cups, and a permanent marker.

Effect of Sugar on Bean Plant Growth

The candidates can check the detailed Biology project for class 12 mentioned below in the table.

Aim of the Project

To determine whether plants grew stronger and healthier with the addition of sugar while watering


Sugar is a source of energy. When sugar is added to water while watering plants, the plants should grow healthier and stronger as they get additional energy from the sugar. This could be observed by visual inspection and measurement of plant samples with and without sugar for comparison.

Project Requirement

Bean seeds, distilled water, water with added sugar, cotton, and beaker.

The Speed of Sprouting Seeds

The candidates can check the detailed Biology project for class 12 mentioned below in the table.

Aim of the Project

To determine the speed of growth of bean seeds in different germinating solutions.


Soak the bean seed in separate cups containing- distilled water, hydrogen peroxide, malt, humic acid, potassium nitrate, and fish emulsion. Keep the seeds damn by placing them in between coffee filters. Record germination results over a period of 4 days.

Project Requirement

Five sets of 10 bean seeds, hydrogen peroxide, malt, potassium nitrate, distilled water, cup, humic acid, fish emulsion, and coffee filters.

Effects of Diet on Blood Glucose

The candidates can check the detailed Biology project for class 12 mentioned below in the table.

Aim of the Project

To investigate the relationship between blood glucose and diet in non-diabetic people.


A person’s blood glucose level rises after consumption of a high carbohydrate meal. Likewise, blood glucose would be low if a person consumes a low carbohydrate diet.

Project Requirement

Measuring the blood glucose level in 4 non-diabetic persons using a glucometer before meals and then one hour, two hours and 3 hours after eating.

Does the Color of Light Affect Plant Growth

The candidates can check the detailed Biology project for class 12 mentioned below in the table.

Aim of the Project

Observation on how different light colours affect plant growth


Place plant pots in different boxes afterthat let them grow and record their measurements.

Project Requirement

Potting plant, seeds, rulers, Five  boxes with various coloured transparencies, and colours like yellow, green, red, blue, etc

Maths Projects for Class 12

In the CBSE curriculum, there are  different types of Mathematics Projects for class 12 students that have been introduced. Projects are the best way to learn and retain the concepts and help the students to understand the topic in a more refined manner. In the current scenario, the traditional approach of memorizing and learning do not hold a lot of relevance. The students are trained with the help of concepts and projects. One can check some of the common and important projects of class 12 as mentioned below.

Pascal Triangle

The candidates can check the detailed Maths project for class 12 mentioned below in the table.

Aim of the Project

Model making on Pascal Triangle


  • About Pascal Triangle
  • History of Pascal Triangle
  • Construction process of Pascal Triangle
  • About the properties of Pascal Triangle - prime number properties, sum of numbers in any row is 2 when n is the number of rows, Hockey stick pattern, Fibonacci sequence

3D Snowflakes

The candidates can check the detailed Maths project for class 12 mentioned below in the table.

Aim of the Project

Model making 3D snowflakes


You are required to make a model with its project report having contents-

  • What is a 3D snowflake?
  • Application in our day to day  life
  • Use of mathematics in model making of 3D snowflakes.
  • Explanation of the process in detail of model making

The Random Fibonacci Sequence

The candidates can check the detailed Maths project for class 12 mentioned below in the table.

Aim of the Project

Exploring Fibonacci numbers


Fibonacci numbers are a sequence of numbers i.e. 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,24….. The first number is 1, the second number is 1 and the next term is equal to the sum of the previous two numbers of the sequence itself.

  • Explain the history of the Mathematician who introduced Fibonacci numbers.
  • With the help of pictures and examples explore natural things that are relatable to the concept of Fibonacci numbers. Example is counting the number of leaves in a small plant, it is probable that it will correspond to one of the Fibonacci numbers.

Benefits of Science Project for Class 12

Science Projects for class 12 have always been very beneficial for the students as they are able to transform their theoretical knowledge into practical outcomes. Check some of the important benefits from the Science Project for Class 12 mentioned below.

  • Team building is done in the classroom and also at home as some projects are also done at home and eventually reaches every household as parents also contribute in making interesting science projects. According to the reports also, around 75% of the students seek support from their family members to come out with the best of their projects.
  • A science project not only enhances a child's mental growth but also increases their efficiency to participate in activities.
  • Science projects for class 12 help the students to develop leadership qualities and they can turn out to be good team leaders in future.
  • Apart from improving their subject knowledge conceptually and practically, the students of class 12 are also able to enhance their presentation skills.
  • Boost confidence and develop the ability to perform well.
  • Science Projects also help in sharpen mind and develop analytical skills.

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