Teaching is More About Passion, than Profession


Updated On: September 02, 2016 05:23 pm IST

People from your everyday life who are actually making a difference.
Teaching is More About Passion, than Profession

‘There are still many causes worth sacrificing for, so much history yet to be made’- Michelle Obama

This quote gives me chills and an instant kind of energy and motivation to do things. To do things differently and to make a change is not something that is appreciated easily, no one wants to be the part of the race but everyone wants to win the race. There are 7.125 billion people breathing on earth right now and in every 4.3 seconds, a new life becomes part of this humongous planet. So, why not try to do something, something useful. But I have always heard people saying- ‘What difference can one person make?’, ‘It is stupid to try fighting for things alone’ and the most common one ‘Try to ignore it!’. But there are people who tell us not to ignore it, who make us a human worth being part of this planet and most importantly they make us understand the importance of almost everything and these people are- Teachers. There is a very famous saying- ‘Those who can, do and those who can’t, teach,’ but thinking practically teachers are the main reason people can do things because teachers are the ones who lead the way and make us fierce enough to travel the road less travelled. This Teacher’s Day let’s salute and appreciate the people who are not per say a classroom teacher but have taught us the importance of doing things with one motive i.e. Helping Others. Here is a list of people who have taught us that ‘One’ person can really make a difference.

Dr A P J Abdul Kalam

The most loved and respected human. He used to say ‘Black colour is sentimentally bad but a blackboard makes the student’s life bright’. He has worked so much for our country and for this world.

Teaching- He has taught us that it is important to believe in yourself because if you don't no one will.

Babar Ali

Babar is one of the people who does not want the education of children to suffer just because they cannot afford it. He belongs to a poor family and knows that poverty can take a toll on people so he decided to teach underprivileged children after his school hours. His amazing work earned him a title called ‘ Youngest Headmaster in the World’ by BBC.

Teaching- He has taught us that we should help people so that they don’t feel the pain that we have felt.


Kareem belongs to the city Hyderabad where he gives out newspaper to poor children. He makes sure that the children read the paper in order to be socially aware because being poor is not an excuse to be ignorant.

Teaching- He has taught us that since we are part of this word we should try to keep up with this world in order to make our place in this world.

Anand Kumar

Anand Kumar is a name that almost everyone knows. He is the Founder of Super 30 and provides free coaching to meritorious students (who cannot afford fees for a coaching institute) preparing for JEE in Bihar. 99% of his students make it to the IIT's every year! He is a mathematician and writes for numerous national and international journals.

Teaching- He has taught us that everyone deserves a chance to have a bright future.

Dr Ravindra Kolhe

Dr Kolhe works in a little village called Melghat in Maharashtra. He gives healthcare services to the tribals of the village at a price of Rs.1. He is doing this service for the last twenty-five years.

Teaching- He has taught us that helping others is the biggest profession.

Sindhutai Sapkal

Research shows that 1,73,00,000 people in this world are orphans and Sindhutai has adopted every orphan she could find. She was abandoned by her family and was left with nothing but it did not stop her from helping those children out as she understood the pain one feels when there is no one to help.

Teaching- She has taught us that if you cannot find hope then, be one.


Venkatesh is a school dropout who lives in Chennai and has saved 450 people from drowning in the Marina beach. He works with the beach patrol in exchange for no money. He just does this as it gives him immense satisfaction.

Teaching- He has taught us that you should feel satisfied with the work you do.

I think this is enough motivation for you to feel that ‘one’ person can really make a difference, so do not listen to the people who are too afraid to do what they want. We are in the 21 st century and we have achieved a lot but there is still so much to do. Let’s not lose sight of what we have to do while celebrating what we have already done. I just want to wish Happy Teacher’s Day to everyone as everyone once in their life play the part of a ‘Teacher’.
Stay Awesome.

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