How to Solve Parajumble Questions in CAT 2024

Yash Dhamija

Updated On: November 18, 2024 05:33 PM | CAT

How to solve parajumble questions in CAT 2024 is a common query among CAT aspirants. Parajumbles are easy to attempt and can improve the overall CAT 2024 exam score!

Tips to Solve Parajumble Questions in CAT

How to solve para jumble questions in CAT 2024 is one of the most common concerns of students preparing for the exam. Para jumbles is one of the most important types of questions covered in the Verbal Ability section of the Common Admission Test (CAT). The topic is also called Sentence Rearrangement. Questions covered in this section are in the form of three to four sentences that the candidates will have to rearrange in order to form a meaningful paragraph.

Although para jumbles questions are a scoring part of the CAT 2024 exam, the sentences given in the question are not easy to decode and put together correctly. Candidates have to read all the sentences carefully in order to correctly answer tricky Para Jumbles. The CAT 2024 exam will be conducted by IIM Calcutta on November 24, 2024 . Those appearing for the exam can find all the important tricks and tips on how to solve para jumble questions in CAT 2024.

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What are Para Jumble Questions in CAT 2024?

As explained earlier, para jumble questions or sentence arrangement questions will consist of 3-4 sentences that the candidates will have to arrange in the correct order. Until 2019, around 15% of the total questions asked in the CAT exam were para jumble questions but there was a change in percentage in the CAT 2020 due to the revised CAT exam pattern 2024 . In 2024, the exam pattern of the CAT exam is expected to be the same as that of last year's. The Para Jumble questions can be asked in the MCQ format or non-MCQ format.

For Non-MCQ or TITA Questions, there will be no negative marking while for the MCQ questions, one mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer. The exam pattern of CAT 2024 is provided below.

Section Name

Total Questions

Time Allotted

Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)


40 minutes

Quantitative Ability (QA)


40 minutes

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)


40 minutes



120 minutes

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Tips and Tricks to Solve Para Jumble Questions in CAT 2024

Before starting to solve para jumbles in the CAT exam 2024, candidates are advised to read the sentences carefully. After that, they can follow the tips provided below to answer the questions correctly.

Tip #1: Identify the Purpose of the Passage

Candidates should try to find out the purpose of the passage. Different types of purposes of para jumble questions are as follows.

  • Solution-Oriented: These types of paragraphs will first explain the problem or issue and then move to the possible solutions
  • Explain: These types of paragraphs will first present a general approach to some concept and then move on to the presentation of the idea. It will then be followed by the specific aspects in the following sentences.
  • Surprise / Amaze: These types of paragraphs aim to create wonder or amazement among the readers.
  • Anxiety / Concern: The paragraphs concentrate on the problem or issue in a way that increases the reader's concern, and then describe the features of the issue that are the reasons for the concern or anxiety.
  • Aware: These types of paragraphs first make you aware of the facts and situations. These questions will first provide you with the background information before proceeding to the key issue and topic to be discussed.

Tip #2: Check the Indicators/ Keywords

Candidates can look for indicators and keywords to join their sentences. Some of the common indicators are listed below.

  • Introduction – A, Nowadays, An, Beginning.

  • Comparison Indicators – Likewise, Similarly.

  • Conclusion – Clearly, Thus, Eventually, Therefore, Finally.

  • Additional Information Indicators – Also, Additionally

  • Cause and Effect – Due to, as, since

  • Contrast Indicators – On the one hand, But, Yet, However, Nevertheless, Although.

  • Sequence Indicators – Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Lastly.

Tip #3: Form Mandatory Pairs

Candidates can also form mandatory pairs to arrange the sentences in the correct order. Mandatory pairs are basically a combination of two or more sentences that are obvious to come one after the other. These pairs will help you get rid of some of the options provided in the questions. Candidates can join the mandatory pairs and then apply permutations and combinations for the rest of the choices.

Tip #4: Use Time Sequencing

Some of the sentences contain keywords or indicators that provide an idea about the sequence of the event. Candidates can utilize these kinds of keywords to find out the correct sequence of the sentence. Some of the time sequencing keywords are “later, earlier, and then”.

Tip #5: Identify the Opening Sentence

Candidates should focus on identifying the opening or starting sentence. An opening sentence can be an independent sentence that introduces something. An opening sentence would never start with “ but, however, nevertheless, and, so, moreover, and conclusive words”

Tip #6: Take help of Pronouns, Nouns, and Antecedents

Apart from the time sequencing keywords, candidates can take the help of the nouns, pronouns, and antecedents to rearrange the sentences. For example, a sentence containing the pronoun “he, her, and his” is obvious to come after the sentence containing a noun (name).

How to Answer Para Jumble Questions in CAT 2024?

Candidates can follow the approach provided below to answer the para jumble questions in the CAT exam 2024.

  • Read all the sentences and understand the meaning of the sentences

  • Identify the theme and topic. Some of the common themes of these kinds of questions are Politics, Literature, and Education
  • Analyze the logical flow of ideas between the sentences. Sentences should flow smoothly from one to the next, with each sentence logically following the previous one.
  • Look for a sentence that can serve as the opening sentence. It often introduces the main topic or provides context for the paragraph. Opening sentences might contain general statements, background information, or definitions.
  • Identify the style (manner of writing) and tone (the emotional aspect of the paragraph)

  • Look for the mandatory pairs, Conclusion statement, linking words, and Introductory statement

  • Elimite the options containing mandatory pairs, time sequencing, and Introductory statement

  • Complete the paragraph with all the permutations and combinations

How to Answer ParaJumble Questions in CAT

Also Read: How to Approach CAT 2024 Question Paper?

Types of Para Jumble Questions in CAT 2024

Candidates are advised to solve the question paper provided here to get an idea about the types of para-jumble questions included in the CAT 2024 syllabus . They can also download the PDF provided here:

Difference between MCQ Parajumbles and Non-MCQ Parajumbles

As we know, para jumbles questions in the CAT 2024 exam can be either in the TITA format or in the non-TITA/MCQ format. The major difference between non-MCQ parajumbles and MCQ-based parajumbles during the CAT exam 2024 is the amount of time it will take the candidate to find the correct response. The time taken by candidates will vary considerably in each circumstance. When options are provided, test-takers are more likely to pick the correct response in less time.

However, the entire process of finding the correct response may be time-consuming and tedious if the correct sequence is required to be entered. During such a situation, CAT 2024 exam candidates should keep calm and not panic if they feel like they are stuck on a particular question.

When options are provided in a CAT 2024 para jumbles question, it is possible to use them strategically to first establish the correct sequence before removing the incorrect response. When the options aren't provided, the test-taker must choose from the provided sentences the one that will probably begin the paragraph, followed by the one that will probably continue the idea, and so on until he has finally come up with the correct order.

The likelihood is that candidates will find the correct answer during the process if the question is simple, but if the question is difficult, candidates may unknowingly waste valuable time, something that is quite common when engrossed in solving a complex question during the CAT exam 2024. One of the strangest things that occur during the actual exam is that candidates often don't know they've lost a lot of time until they check the timer.

Also Read: Important Topics for CAT 2024

Difficulty Level of Para Jumble Questions in CAT 2024

The difficulty level of the para jumble questions covered in the CAT exam is moderate. Candidates might face confusion between two or three choices while answering a question. They are advised to solve a maximum number of CAT 2024 mock tests and CAT previous years' question papers to practise these types of questions. They can also consult the previous years’ toppers and experts to know the tips and strategies to attempt para jumble questions in the CAT exam 2024. The articles provided below will help the candidates to know some tips and strategies for the CAT 2024 exam.

Candidates must note that, as per the updated exam pattern of CAT, they will get only 40 minutes to answer each section. They are thus advised to divide their time accordingly.

They can spend 20-25 minutes on reading comprehension and 15-20 minutes on Non-MCQs or TITA questions. Solving the mock test papers of CAT will help the candidates to get an idea about the total time they should allocate to each type of question.

All the candidates are advised to carry their CAT admit card 2024 along with them while going for the exam. Once the exam is over and the CAT 2024 answer key is out, you can use the CAT percentile predictor 2024 to get an idea of your score. Soon after the declaration of CAT result 2024 , you can also refer to the CAT college predictor 2024 to know which colleges you can get admission to.

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Any candidate who has any doubts or queries regarding the CAT exam may clear his doubts about the Collegdekho QnA zone . For admission-related queries, fill out our Common Application Form . We wish you all the best for the CAT 2024 examination!

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What are parajumbles?

Parajumbles literally refer to unorganised paragraphs. Candidates are given a group of related sentences that are not in any particular order in the Para jumbles questions. Candidates are required to read all of the sentences and arrange them in order.

How can I solve Non-MCQ parajumbles in CAT?

Do keep in mind that it can be very difficult to handle solving Para-jumbles without answer options. Focusing on your reading abilities is the best course of action in this situation. In essence, the answers to these questions reflect your reading ability, so you should work on strengthening your capacity to understand complex text and draw connections between ideas.

What are the types of parajumbles in CAT?

Understanding the types of para jumbles that are frequently asked in CAT is a great place to start when learning how to solve them. In previous CAT exams, questions involving parajumbles of four different types have been asked. The jumbled sentences are coded with an alphabet (typically A, B, C, and D) for each category. The four types parajumbles in CAT are:

  • The first category, which is also the most difficult of the four, asks candidates to unjumble four or five sentences that have been given in a random order.
  • The second category asks candidates to rearrange a group of four or five sentences that include the opening sentence.
  • In the third category, candidates must correctly order 4–5 sentences so that they flow into the final sentence. The closing sentence is provided.
  • The fourth category is the simplest of the bunch. This category includes an introduction, four or five supporting sentences, and a conclusion.

What are some useful tips to solve the parajumble questions in CAT?

Since para jumbles are the type of questions that can only be solved using logic and experience, it is important that candidates follow some guidelines when solving these in the CAT question paper. Some important tips to follow for para jumble questions in CAT are:

  • Follow the general to specific rule by switching from an introductory to a detail-oriented sentence. Look for a sentence that introduces a subject, a person, or an idea. This will be the first phrase.
  • Next, look for the concluding sentence, which is usually a statement of conclusion. It will wrap up what has already been said rather than introducing a new concept.
  • Making mandatory pairs is extremely helpful in resolving para jumbles. Sentences that are paired together inexorably are known as mandatory pairs. Finding these interconnected pairs of statements is the key to solving parajumbles.

How can I increase my CAT VARC score?

The VARC section of the CAT can be a challenging portion of CAT if candidates have not prepared well for it and test-takers frequently run into issues in this section. However, if preparation is done effectively, this section can be the most scoring part of the CAT exam. Successful performance in this section requires long-term planning. The only activity offered is reading. Setting up a reading routine is crucial. It is essential to develop a reading habit if you want to pass this section of the CAT, which has about 18 questions on RC.

How can I prepare for parajumble questions in CAT?

The key to solving parajumble questions is practice. Candidates should practice as many parajumble questions as possible to increase their knowledge of identifying pattern in these problems. It is often advised by experts that candidates should solve more Non-MCQ parajumble questions because it is harder to identify and crack these types of questions during the CAT exam. Candidates should also practice forming a general structure when solving these questions since there is always a broader theme in these questions. Finally, candidates should attempt enough mock tests to make sure they are able to solve parajumbles in a limited amount of time so that they do not spend too much of their exam duration on these questions.

What are some other important topics in the VARC section of CAT?

It's crucial to understand the subjects that will contribute the most to your CAT VARC preparation. Candidates will perform well and improve their overall percentile score if they prepare the most crucial CAT VARC section topics. Candidates should read books on economics, astronomy, psychology, philosophy, fiction, autobiographies, science, sociology, history, geography, art & culture, literature, and biographies in preparation for the RC portion of the exam. Important topics from the verbal ability section include English Grammar, One-word Substitution, Fill in the Blanks, Antonyms, Synonyms, Sentence Correction, Vocabulary, Foreign Words, etc.

Why are parajumbles important for increasing the CAT score?

Parajumbles are often considered to be the bread and butter of increasing the overall CAT score. This is because of two reasons: first, it's simple to score well in these questions, and second, if you can solve parajumbles quickly, it suggests that you have a solid command of English and grammar. There are no set formulas or rules for it, but if you have practiced enough of these questions, you will be able to spot a pattern very quickly. It is advised to continue practising parajumbles through CAT mock tests, sample papers, and previous year question paper to enhance your experience with these types of questions.

How many parajumbles are there in the CAT question paper?

Although it is not possible to predict the exact number of parajumbles that will be asked in CAT, it can be assumed that 15% of the CAT verbal section, or 3 to 5 questions out of the 24 total in Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension, are anticipated to be parajumbles. The parajumble questions can either be in the MCQ or Non-MCQ format questions (TITA questions). There is no negative marking associated with non-MCQ questions, so candidates should not skip them. Due to the inability to use the elimination rule, it becomes challenging to construct sentences in this type of question.

What is the division of questions in the CAT VARC section?

Understanding the format of this exam section is a crucial component of CAT VARC preparation. Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension are the two sections that make up the section. This section has 24 questions in total, 24 of which are MCQs and 24 of which are not. There are 3 non-MCQ questions and 21 MCQ questions in total. This section typically has 4 RC passages with 4 questions for each. The remaining questions concern verbal ability and cover subjects like parajumbles, summaries, facts, and inferences, among other things.

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