Top 10 College Canteens in DU


Updated On: July 05, 2016 06:01 pm IST

The time has come to choose your perfect college, one that will suit you the best. And to choose that college you must have a lot of parameters like l
Top 10 College Canteens in DU

The time has come to choose your perfect college, one that will suit you the best. And to choose that college you must have a lot of parameters like location, faculty etc. We have one more parameter that you should add to your list and that is - FOOD!. Well, this should be the main parameter because the best memories you will make will be in the canteen hanging out with your friends, just chilling. And obviously, the place should be awesome enough with awesome*er food. For that CollegeDekho brings to you the list of Top 10 College Canteens in DU and what is their exclusive feature. Have a look:

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Ramjas College

Establishment Year: 1917

Exclusive Feature: Gluten food

Delhi School of Economics

Establishment Year: 1949

Exclusive Feature: Non-Vegetarian food

Sri Venkateswara College

Establishment Year: 1961

Exclusive Feature: Vegetarian food

St. Stephens College

Establishment Year: 1881

Exclusive Feature: Alluring Environment

Sri Ram College of Commerce

Establishment Year: 1926

Exclusive Feature: Continental food

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Hans Raj College

Establishment Year: 1948

Exclusive Feature: Enrapturing experience

Jesus and Mary College

Establishment Year: 1968

Exclusive Feature: Abundant Choices

Hindu College

Establishment Year: 1899

Exclusive Feature: Royal Residence of Samosa

Lady Sri Ram College

Establishment Year: 1956

Exclusive Feature: Hygiene fortress

Kamla Nehru College

Establishment Year: 1964

Exclusive Feature: Awesome Ambience

Also Read: College Life – A Sweet Memory in a Person’s Life

So, this was the list of the Top Colleges with Good Canteens in DU. Hope your food parameters will be met by the college you choose. Have an amazing and fruitful *wink* college life.
Stay Awesome.

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