TS ICET 2024 Phase 2 Counselling (Concluded): Direct Link, Dates, Web Options, Document Verification

Intajur Rahaman

Updated On: October 03, 2024 11:45 AM | TS ICET

The TS ICET 2024 phase 2 counselling started on September 20, 2024, with the registration process and slot booking for phase 2 and concluded on September 28. The TGICET final phase counselling dates were released at tgicet.nic.in. Find out more about TS ICET Phase 2 counselling right here!
TS ICET 2024 Phase 2 Counselling

The TS ICET 2024 phase 2 counselling started on September 20, 2024, with registration, slot booking, and payment of processing fees and concluded on September 28, 2024 . The TGICET Phase 2 counselling process schedule was released on the official website @tgicetd.nic.in. Aspirants who could not secure a seat allotment of their choice or were not allotted any seats in the first round of the counselling process were eligible for the TS ICET phase 2 counselling round. Candidates must note that Phase 2 of the TS ICET counselling process was the final phase.

Also Read: Who is Eligible for TS ICET 2024 Final Phase Counselling

TS ICET Final Phase Counselling 2024 Registration Direct Link

Aspirants will be able to register for the TS ICET counselling final phase once the registration link is activated on the official website. Check out the link direct link to TS ICET Phase 2 counselling mentioned below:

TS ICET Final Phase Counselling 2024 Registration - Direct Link (Closed)

TS ICET Final Phase Counselling 2024 Dates

The TS ICET phase 2 counselling schedule has been released on the official website. Check out the dates for the TS ICET final phase counselling mentioned below:

TS ICET Counselling Events

Second/Final Phase Dates

Online filing of Basic Information, Payment of Processing Fee & Slot Booking for selection of Help Line Centre, Date & Time to attend for Certificate Verification for not attended candidates in First Phase

September 20, 2024

Certificate Verification for Booked Slots

September 21, 2024

Exercising TS ICET 2024 Web Options

September 21 to 22, 2024

Freezing of Web Options

September 22, 2024

TS ICET Seat Allotment

September 25, 2024

Payment of Tuition Fees & Self Reporting through the website

September 25 to 27, 2024

Reporting to Colleges

September 25 to 28, 2024

Spot Admissions

September 27, 2024

TS ICET Phase 2 Counselling Registration

Once the registration for the TS ICET final phase counselling opens on September 20, 2024, candidates will only be able to exercise their web options for the final phase of the counselling process if they register for the second phase. The TS ICET counselling fee, which is INR 1200 for general candidates and INR 600 for those in reserved categories, must be paid by the candidates.

Candidates must go to the official TS ICET counselling website, @tgicet.nic.in, and click on the "Candidate Registration" link in order to register for the final phase counselling. Candidates must then input the necessary information, such as their date of birth and TS ICET hall ticket number. Upon generating the necessary login credentials, candidates will have access to the counselling registration form. To advance to the next stage of the counselling process, candidates must complete the registration process and pay the registration fee.

TS ICET Final Phase Counselling Certificate Verification

The certificate verification step of the counselling process comes after the counselling registration is concluded. All candidates who have been shortlisted must go through document verification at the designated help centres during this phase. Additionally, candidates who did not get their certificates verified in the first phase of the counselling process have to appear for the certificate verification process in the final counselling phase. To have their documents verified, candidates must register at the help centres and also book their slots. The following papers are needed for the certificate verification process:

  • TGICET-2024 Rank Card.
  • TGICET-2024 Hall Ticket.
  • Aadhar Card.
  • S.S.C or its equivalent Marks memo.
  • Intermediate or its equivalent Memo-Cum-Pass Certificate.
  • Degree Memorandum of marks.
  • Degree Provisional Pass Certificate.
  • Study or Bonafide Certificate from IX class to Degree.
  • Transfer Certificate (T.C).
  • Income Certificate issued on or after 01-01-2024 by the competent authority, if
  • applicable.
  • EWS Certificate issued by Tahsildar valid for the year 2024-25, if applicable.
  • Integrated Community Certificate issued by the competent authority, if applicable.
  • Residence Certificate of the candidate for a period of 7 years preceding qualifying
  • examination in case the candidate has no institutionalized education.

Also Read: List of Documents Required for TS ICET Counselling 2024

TS ICET Final Phase Counselling Web Options

After completing the document verification phase successfully, candidates can use the web options that are made available on the official website to participate in the TS ICET 2024 counselling choice-filling process. Anywhere with an internet connection and a computer or laptop can finish the TS ICET choice filling process . To use their web options during the web-based counselling process, candidates must go to the official TS ICET counselling website.

Candidates must click on the "Web-Options" link that will be available as soon as the TS ICET web options for the final phase are made public. To log in and use web options, candidates need to provide their date of birth, TS ICET hall ticket number, and captcha code on the login page. To exercise options, the candidate needs to go to the Option Entry Form in the following step. The Help Screen on the portal contains all the information about the entire process. Candidates must save their entries and close the portal after completing all of the options.

TS ICET Final Phase Counselling Seat Allotment

The seat allotment for the TS ICET 2024 is contingent upon the preferences submitted by candidates and the seat availability at their preferred colleges. During the TS ICET final phase counselling seat allocation process, candidate reservations that are applicable are also taken into consideration. An applicant is free to choose from as few or as many options as they like. It is advised that applicants not choose any colleges they are not interested in during the TS ICET web options.

Soon after the web options close and all registered candidates have submitted their preferences, the seats for the TS ICET final phase counselling will be allotted. After the results are posted on the official website, candidates will be able to view their seat allocation. The TS ICET seat allotment result will consist of the following details:

  1. Hall ticket number
  2. Name
  3. Gender
  4. Rank
  5. Father's name
  6. Caste
  7. Allotted Institute
  8. Allotted Branch

TS ICET Final Phase Counselling Post Seat Allotment

Candidates will receive a seat allotment letter with instructions on when to report to the designated college after being assigned a seat through the TS ICET final phase counselling. Candidates must physically visit the college within the allotted time frame in order for admissions and document verification to be completed. Candidates must pay the admissions fee, finish any remaining formalities, and provide the necessary documentation for verification after visiting the college.

Further counselling phases will be held for candidates who were not allotted a seat or whose seat assignment was not their first choice depednign on the availability of seats. In order to assign the remaining seats in different colleges, the Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) will hold another round of counselling during TS ICET spot admissions.

TS ICET Spot Admissions

Once all phases of the TS ICET counselling are concluded, the TS ICET Spot admission rounds are conducted. Seats in private unaided MBA colleges are given to candidates who took the TS ICET exam for MBA admission through the TS ICET counselling spot admissions process after all other seats are filled. Spot admissions are held at the specific colleges where seats are still available following the conclusion of the TS ICET counselling. Interested candidates should contact the appropriate college or university staff member to enquire about spot admissions.

Hopefully, we were able to inform you of the TS ICET final phase counselling 2024. Check out the articles below to learn more about TS ICET 2024!

Related Articles:

To speed up your TS ICET MBA admission process, please fill out the Common Application Form (CAF) or call our helpline number 18005729877. For any queries regarding TS ICET, candidates can log on to the CollegeDekho QnA Zone .

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Can I participate in the TS ICET final counselling phase if I have been allotted a seat in the first counselling round?

Yes, you can participate in the TS ICET final counselling phase if you have been allotted a seat in the first counselling round. However, the seat allotment during the first phase of TS ICET counselling must not be your first preference. During the first round of TS ICET counselling, candidates might not be happy with their seat allocation. Candidates may choose to wait for improved seat allotments during the final TS ICET counselling phase. A seat at the candidate's target college may become available during the TS ICET counselling process; only then is there a chance that the candidate will be given that seat. But depending on other criteria, such as reservation category or TS ICET score, that seat might also be given to another applicant.

Can I appear for TS ICET counselling if I do not meet the qualifying cutoff?

If you belong to General category, you need to meet the TS ICET qualifying cutoff or TS ICET passing marks in order to be eligible for the TS ICET counselling. However, if you belong to any reserved category like SC/ST/PwD, you are not required to meet any qualifying cutoff criteria. The TS ICET qualifying cutoff is 25% or 50 out of 200 for general category students.

How will seat allocation be done during TS ICET Phase 2 counselling?

During the TS ICET final counselling phase, candidates are assigned seats based on a number of criteria. The following criteria are used to allocate a candidate's seat during the counselling process:

  • Candidate’s TS ICET rank
  • TS ICET cutoff ranks
  • Reservation criteria for seat allotment
  • Options exercised by the candidates during the counselling rounds
  • Number of seats allotted and filled during the counselling rounds

Is TS ICET rank the only factor considered for MBA admission through TS ICET counselling?

No, TS ICET rank is not the only factor considered for MBA admission. Other factors like academic profile, professional profile, relevant work experience, extracurricular activities, etc. are also taken into consideration while offering MBA admission.

How can I apply for TS ICET final phase counselling?

Candidates who participated in the first phase of the TS ICET counselling process but did not get a seat allotment of their preference or did not participate in the certificate verification and choice filling process can apply for the TS ICET final phase counselling. Candidates will be able to apply for the final counselling phase once the registration window for the same is opened on the official website at tgicetd.nic.in.

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I need to apply for LPU certificate. Please help!

-NikitaUpdated on December 09, 2024 03:28 PM
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JASPREET, Student / Alumni

To apply for LPU certificate visit the official website and access the certificate application or student portal section.Provide necessary details like Personal information course details and certificate type.


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The best choice between LPU's MBA or LLB depend on career goals. MBA is ideal for business management roles, while LLB is for legal careers. consider your interest and long term aspirations before deciding.


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