TS ICET 2025 Sample Questions for Analytical Ability with Answers

Intajur Rahaman

Updated On: February 13, 2025 12:23 PM | TS ICET

The TS ICET 2025 Sample Questions for Analytical Ability are an important resource for aspirants preparing for the exam. Practicing these questions improves time management and also speed and accuracy. Read on to find the best TS ICET Analytical Ability sample questions!
TS ICET 2025 Sample Questions for Analytical Ability

TS ICET 2025 Sample Questions for Analytical Ability are one of the most crucial resources that aspirants have to utilize to enhance their overall preparation for TS ICET 2025 . These sample questions will not only help you test your preparation but also improve your time management skills, speed, and accuracy. Additionally, there is a high chance of TS ICET sample questions for Analytical Ability appearing in the actual question paper. In this article, we have mentioned the best TS ICET Analytical Ability sample questions with answers for aspirants!

Also Read: TS ICET MBA Exam 2025

TS ICET 2025 Sample Questions for Analytical Ability with Answers

The Analytical Ability section of the TS ICET question paper includes two subcategories which are Data Sufficiency and Problem Solving. Aspirants will find the sample questions for both of these portions mentioned below.

Data Sufficiency

Note: In the following questions, a question is followed by data in the form of two statements labelled as (a) and (b). You must decide whether the statements mentioned are sufficient enough to solve the question. Using the data make the appropriate choice between 1 to 4 by following the guidelines mentioned below:

  1. Mark choice (1) if the statement (a) is sufficient alone to answer the question but (b) does not answer the question.
  2. Mark choice (2) if the statement (b) is sufficient alone to answer the question but (a) does not answer the question.
  3. Mark choice (3) if both statements (a) and (b) are sufficient to answer the question but neither statement alone can answer the question.
  4. Mark choice (4) if both statements (a) and (b) together are not sufficient to answer the question and additional information is required to answer the question.

  1. Is x > y?
    1. x150  > y150
    2. x75  < y75

Ans: (2)

  1. Find the straight line l: ax+by+c = 0
    1. l passes through (1,1)
    2. l crosses the x-axis at (2,0)

Ans: (3)

  1. What is the first term of the Arithmetic progression?
    1. The sum of the first 6 terms of the progression is 78.
    2. The sum of the first 10 terms of the progression is 210.

Ans: (3)

  1. What is the highest value of n so that 2n divides by m?
    1. 40 divides m.
    2. 288 divides m.

Ans: (4)

  1. What is the area of triangle ABC?
    1. AB + BC = 7
    2. CA = 5

Ans: (4)

  1. Find values of x and y.
    1. 2x = 3y
    2. 4x2 + 9y2 = 12xy

Ans: (4)

  1. Is triangle ABC an acute angled triangle?
    1. The sides of the triangle are in the ratio 4:5:7
    2. The length of the longest side is 28 cm.

Ans: (1)

  1. If a is an integer, 100< a <200, then what is the value of a?
    1. a gives the remainder 5 when divided by 10.
    2. a is divisible by 11.

Ans: (3)

  1. What is the height of the mountain?
    1. The angle of elevation at the top of the mountain is 60o
    2. The top of the mountain is seen from a point that is on a horizontal line with the base.

Ans: (4)

  1. If a, b, c are in a geometric progression, then a+b+c = ______?
    1. a = 7
    2. The third term of the geometric progression is twice the first term.

Ans: (3)

  1. Is P the father of Q?
    1. Q is the daughter of P.
    2. P is the mother-in-law of R.

Ans: (1)

  1. What is the volume of a cylinder whose height is 16 cm?
    1. The cylinder is made of iron.
    2. The diameter of the base is 16 cm.

Ans: (2)

  1. Ravi and Ramu start a business jointly. What is Ramu’s share of the annual profit of INR 50,000?
    1. Ravi’s investment is 25% more than Ramu’s investment.
    2. Ramu’s investment is INR 1,75,000.

Ans: (1)

  1. How many girls are there in the class?
    1. The number of boys in the class is 72.
    2. 12 times the number of girls in the class is 7 times the number of boys.

Ans: (3)

  1. What is the median of the data containing a set of observations?
    1. The mean of the data is 78.
    2. The mode of the data is 77.

Ans: (3)

  1. What is the product of 5 positive real numbers in geometric progression?
    1. Sum of the 5 numbers is 386
    2. The third term is 42

Ans: (2)

  1. What is the mode of the frequency distribution?
    1. The arithmetic mean of the frequency distribution is 58.
    2. The total frequency is 100.\

Ans: (4)

  1. What day of the week does Mr. X’s birthday comes in the year 2023?
    1. Last year his birthday was on Wednesday.
    2. Mr. X was born in the month of February.

Ans: (1)

  1. Who is tallest among A, B, C?
    1. B is the father of C.
    2. A is the only son of C.

Ans: (4)

  1. Who is the youngest among A, B, C?
    1. B is the brother of C.
    2. A is the daughter of B.

Ans: (4)

  1. How many students are there in the school?
    1. Out of the total number of girls in the school, 25% belong to the age group below 10 years and these are 150 in number.
    2. The ratio of girls to boys in the school is 5:7.

Ans: (3)

  1. Find the area of the rectangular field.
    1. The expenditure incurred in fencing along the sides of the rectangular is INR 30,000.
    2. The cost of fencing per foot is INR 500.

Ans: (4)

  1. Anil has 3 credit cards A, B, and C. He owes balances on all three cards. Does he owe the greatest balance on the card B?
    1. The sum on the balances on cards B and C is INR 1350 which is 3 times that of card A.
    2. The balance on card is 4/3  of the balance on card and 4/5 of the balance on his card C.

Ans: (2)

  1. Is the standard deviation of the ages of students in Class A greater than the standard deviation of the ages of students in Class B?
    1. The difference between the ages of any two students in Class A is always more than one year.
    2. No student in Class B is more than 6 months older than any other student.

Ans: (3)

  1. Is n an even integer?
    1. 6n is even.
    2. 71n is odd.

Ans: (2)


  1. EFK:GHO::____:_____
    1. BDF:EGL
    2. CDH:EFK
    3. DEL:KLW
    4. LMY:KOY

Ans: (1)

  1. 2:49:12::___:___:___
    1. 6:64:16
    2. 5:100:15
    3. 4:121:14
    4. 1:16:11

Ans: (2)

  1. April:64::July:____
    1. 216
    2. 248
    3. 343
    4. 625

Ans: (3)

  1. PLAN:MIXK::MAPLE:____
    1. HNOJX
    2. HYNIC
    3. JYNPC
    4. JXMIB

Ans: (4)

  1. MINOR:69::MAJOR:____
    1. 57
    2. 70
    3. 68
    4. 71

Ans: (1)

  1. Pick the Odd One Out:
    1. SORE
    2. SOTLU
    3. NORGAE
    4. MEJNIAS

Ans: (3)

  1. Pick the Odd One Out:
    1. Pear
    2. Apple
    3. Litchi
    4. Orange

Ans: (4)

  1. Pick the Odd One Out: Knife, Sword, Hammer, Needle, Thread, Axe, Blade, Nail
    1. Thread
    2. Hammer
    3. Sword
    4. Nail

Ans: (1)

  1. Pick the Odd One Out: 60, 90, 150, 210, 330, 390, 510, 630
    1. 60
    2. 90
    3. 150
    4. 630

Ans: (4)

  1. Pick the Odd One Out: January, March, May, June, July, August, October, December
    1. March
    2. May
    3. July
    4. June

Ans: (4)

  1. 1, 9, 36, 100, ____, 441, 784
    1. 225
    2. 289
    3. 324
    4. 361

Ans: (1)

  1. 8, 18, 38, 78, 158, ____, 638
    1. 248
    2. 268
    3. 318
    4. 328

Ans: (3)

  1. If RECORD is coded as UHFRUG, the code for ENTRANCE is

Ans: (4)

  1. In a certain code, the words PRIME and TOWER are respectively coded as FNJSQ and SFXPU, then in the same code the word BEGIN is coded as
    1. CQHJO
    2. OJHFC
    3. OJHCQ
    4. CFHJM

Ans: (2)

  1. If TSICET is coded as VQKAGR, then BACKWARD is coded as

Ans: (3)

  1. In a code language if GALAXY is coded as DXIXUV, then code word for STAR is
    1. PQXN
    2. PQXO
    3. PQXM
    4. PQOX

Ans: (2)

  1. If SHARE is coded as 43256 and ARRIVE is coded as 255176, then code for SHIVER is
    1. 431764
    2. 427165
    3. 421365
    4. 47365

Ans: (1)

  1. If June 23, 2015, is Thursday, then day on November 10, 2020 is
    1. Tuesday
    2. Wednesday
    3. Thursday
    4. Friday

Ans: (3)

  1. The acute angle between the two hands of the clock when the time is 4:15 PM (in degrees)
    1. 45
    2. 36
    3. 3712
    4. 6712

Ans: (3)

  1. A clock strikes 2, 4, 6, ……, 24 times when the time is 1, 2, 3, …., 12 (am or pm). Then the number of times it strikes between 10:30 am on a day  and 1:40 pm next day is
    1. 312
    2. 330
    3. 348
    4. 360

Ans: (4)

  1. At what time between 2 PM and 3 PM will two hands of a clock be at 150o angle to each other?
    1. 36 111 minutes past 2 PM
    2. 38 215 minutes past 2 PM
    3. 37 115 minutes past 2 PM
    4. 38 211 minutes past 2 PM

Ans: (4)

  1. At 3:40 PM the hour hand and the minute hand of a clock form an angle of
    1. 120 degree
    2. 125 degree
    3. 130 degree
    4. 135 degree

Ans: (3)

  1. A is the mother of B, B is the daughter of C. D is the father of C. How is D related to A?
    1. Grandfather
    2. Father-in-law
    3. Grandmother
    4. Daughter-in-law

Ans: (2)

  1. Kabir left for Patna from Ranchi at 8:30 AM. He travelled at the speed of 60 kmph for 3 hours and 15 minutes. After that, he reduced the speed to 20 kmph. If the distance between the two cities is 205 km at what time did Kabir arrive at Patna?
    1. 12:15 PM
    2. 12:45 PM
    3. 1:15 PM
    4. 1:30 PM

Ans: (1)

  1. A person comes for an interview at 10:10 AM which was 30 minutes before scheduled time, which in fact was already delayed by 35 minutes. Then the time at which the interview started was
    1. 9:15 AM
    2. 9:35 AM
    3. 9:55 AM
    4. 10:15 AM

Ans: (4)

  1. Four bells A, B, C & D ring regularly at intervals of 25 minutes, 35 minutes, 40 minutes and 80 minutes respectively. If all the bells rang together at 10 AM on Sunday when will they ring again simultaneously?
    1. Monday
    2. Tuesday
    3. Wednesday
    4. Thursday

Ans: (2)

  1. A woman introduces a man as the son of the brother of her mother. How is the man related to the woman?
    1. Son
    2. Uncle
    3. Cousin
    4. Nephew

Ans: (3)

  1. If the first day of a non-leap year was Sunday, then what was the last day of that year?
    1. Tuesday
    2. Sunday
    3. Saturday
    4. Friday

Ans: (2)

  1. Reaching the place of the meeting on Monday 15 minutes before 8:30 AM, Ram found himself half an hour earlier than Shyam who was 40 minutes late. What was the scheduled time of the meeting?
    1. 8:25 AM
    2. 8:15 AM
    3. 8:10 AM
    4. 8:05 AM

Ans: (4)

  1. A, B, C, D, and E sit around a round table facing the center. A sits between E and B, D sits immediately right of C. If B sits between A and D, then who is immediately right of E?
    1. C
    2. A
    3. B
    4. D

Ans: (1)

  1. The departure of a local train at a station is every 45 minutes. A person A arrives at the station and found that the train left 5 minutes ago and the next train is at 7:45 AM. What is the arrival time of A at the station?
    1. 7:00 AM
    2. 7:05 AM
    3. 7:10 AM
    4. 7:15 AM

Ans: (2)

TS ICET Analytical Ability Best Books 2025

Candidates need to be aware of the best books for TS ICET 2025 exam preparation for analytical ability when preparing for the same. Check the best books for the TS ICET analytical ability section.

  • A New Approach to Reasoning by B.S. Sijwali & S. Aijwali Arihant
  • Analytical Reasoning by MK Pandey
  • Competitive Reasoning by Kiran Publication
  • Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency by Arihant
  • How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning by Arun Sharma
  • Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation by Arun Sharma
  • Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation by Nishit Sinha
  • Logical Reasoning by Arihant
  • Multi-Dimensional Reasoning by Mishra & Kumar Dr Lal
  • Non-Verbal Reasoning by R. S Agarwal
  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams by RS Aggarwal
  • Reasoning Book for Competitive Examinations by Pearson

We hope the TS ICET 2025 Sample Questions for Analytical Ability mentioned in this article were helpful. Check out the articles mentioned below to learn more!

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Is the TS ICET Analytical Ability section tough?

The TS ICET analytical ability section has a moderate to difficult difficulty level. The overall difficulty level of this section varies each year. In order to perform well on this section of TS ICET, candidates must improve both their speed and accuracy. Aspirants will need to attempt mock test series in order to work on time management for the TS ICET Analytical Ability.

What is the TS ICET marking scheme for Analytical Ability?

According to the Telangana ICET marking scheme, applicants will receive one mark for each correctly marked response, regardless of the section. Furthermore, the TS ICET exam marking scheme specifies that wrong responses provided by the candidate will not result in a negative score. Furthermore, questions that are not attempted will not receive a negative marking.

How to prepare for TS ICET Analytical Ability?

In order to prepare for TS ICET analytical ability candidates must complete the syllabus first and then start practicing sample questions and mock tests. Achieving a high score in the Analytical Ability requires a lot of practice. Therefore, aspirans must practice as many sample papers and TS ICET previous year papers as possible to prepare for TS ICET Analytical Ability.

What are some important topics from TS ICET’s Analytical Ability section?

Some important topics from TS ICET’s Analytical Ability section include Reasoning, Coding and Decoding Problems, Sequences and Series, Data Interpretation, Data Sufficiency, Problem Solving, Venn Diagrams, Complete the Blank Spaces, Pie Chart, and Data, Time and Arrangement Problems. The TS ICET Analytical Ability section is divided into two sub sections which include Data Sufficiency and Problem Solving.

Where can I download TS ICET sample papers?

You will find TS ICET sample papers online on various platforms and TS ICET preparation websites. You will also have the option to download the TS ICET sample papers in PDF format. Candidates must practice these sample papers throughout their TS ICET preparation to increase their chances of scoring well on the exam.

TS ICET Previous Year Question Paper

TS ICET 2020 30 Sep Shift 1 Question Paper

TS ICET 2020 30 Sep Shift 2 Question Paper

TS ICET 2020 30 Sep Shift 2 Urdu Question Paper

TS ICET 2020 1 Oct Shift 1 Question Paper

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