University of Allahabad M.Ed Admission 2023: Dates, Entrance Exam, Application Form, Eligibility, Merit List, Selection Process


Updated On: April 27, 2023 05:16 PM

The University of Allahabad M.Ed Admission 2023 will start soon. Read the following article for the complete details regarding University of Allahabad M.Ed Admission 2023 including the dates, application form, eligibility, merit list, selection process, etc.

University of Allahabad M.Ed Admission

The University of Allahabad is the fourth oldest university in India after Bombay, Calcutta, and Madras University. The University was established on September 23, 1887, and currently, the university is named Prayagraj. The Department of Education at the University of Allahabad was founded in 1942 with the M.Ed program.

Every year, the Department of Education, University of Allahabad conducts M.Ed. admission through which it shortlists the candidates for admission to 2 years M.Ed. course . The shortlisting of the candidates is done through the Post Graduate Admission Test which is conducted by the University of Allahabad. It is essential for the candidates to acquire the minimum qualification marks to get eligible for admission. The M.Ed program at the University of Allahabad is for a duration of two years.

The official notification for the University of Allahabad M.Ed. Admission 2023 has not been released yet. Meanwhile, the candidates can check here the complete details related to the University of Allahabad M.Ed. Admission 2023 including the important dates, application form, eligibility criteria, merit list, selection process, and other details.

University of Allahabad M.Ed Admission Dates 2023

The candidates can find below the important dates for the University of Allahabad M.Ed Admission 2023:


Dates (Tentative)

Online M.Ed Registration Start Date

June 2023

Last Date to Submit Forms

June 2023

M.Ed Admission Test Date

August 2023

Result Declaration

August 2023

Cutoff and Counselling Schedule

September 2023

Counselling Schedule (1st Cutoff)

October 2023

Cutoff Extension Notice

October 2023

2nd Cutoff

October 2023

University of Allahabad M.Ed Eligibility Criteria 2023

Before applying for admission, it is very important for the candidates to read the complete eligibility criteria for admission. Candidates who do not fulfil the required eligibility criteria will not be allowed to appear for the entrance test.

Given below are the complete eligibility criteria for the University of Allahabad M.Ed Admission 2023:

  • The candidate must have passed their degree in Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) from a recognized institute.
  • The candidate must have acquired an aggregate of 55% in the qualifying exam putting all the subjects together.

University of Allahabad M.Ed Application Form 2023

Now that you are familiar with the eligibility criteria for admission, the next step is to apply for admission. The application form for the University of Allahabad M.Ed Admission 2023 will be available online mode.

The candidates can follow the given instructions to fill out the application form for the University of Allahabad M.Ed Admission 2023:

  1. Visit the official website and click on the “Apply Now” link.
  2. Register on the website by entering your name, contact number, email ID, and other details.
  3. After registration, you will receive the registration ID and password on your registered email ID and contact number. Using the same credentials, you can log in to proceed with the further steps.
  4. After logging in, you will be able to access the application form. Enter all the required information in the form.
  5. After cross-checking the details, upload the photograph and signature in the prescribed format.
  6. Click on submit.
  7. You will land on the payment page where you will have to pay the application fee using debit/ credit/ net banking details.
  8. Download & save the form for future reference.

University of Allahabad M.Ed 2023 Application Fee

It should be noted that the application fees shall not be refunded or carried over in case the application of the candidate is rejected. The application fee for University of Allahabad M.Ed Admission 2023 for different category of candidates is given below:


Application Fee (INR)

For UR, EWS, OBC Category


For SC/ ST/ PH Category


University of Allahabad M.Ed Admission Reservation Policy 2023

As prescribed by the University of Allahabad & the Government of Uttar Pradesh, there will be some reserved seats for the backward category candidates. The reservation policy for University of Allahabad M.Ed Admission 2023 is given below:


Reservation Policy (%)

Scheduled Caste (SC)


Scheduled Tribe (ST)


Other Backward Caste (OBC)


Economically Weaker Section (EWS)

25% (10% of the total seats)

Person with Disability (Divyang)


University of Allahabad M.Ed Admission Test Pattern 2023

The M.Ed Entrance Test will consist of 150 multiple choice type Questions carrying 2 marks each. The test shall be of two hours duration. The test will be conducted for a total of 300 marks. The section-wise pattern for Allahabad University M.Ed Entrance Test is as follows:



Hindi Language Comprehension


English Language Comprehension


Current Affairs


Mental Ability


Core Courses of B.Ed. syllabus of University of Allahabad


University of Allahabad M.Ed Admission Merit List 2023

After the entrance test is over, the University of Allahabad will prepare and release the merit list for the University of Allahabad M.Ed Admission 2023. The merit list will consist of the names of all the candidates who have qualified for the test and are eligible for the further admission process. In the merit list, each candidate will be provided with a merit position on the basis of which they will be allotted seats for admission.

University of Allahabad M.Ed Admission Selection Process 2023

The selection of the candidates for the University of Allahabad M.Ed Admission 2023 will be done on the basis of the score obtained by the candidates in the admission test. For all students who have passed the qualifying exam in the same year in which they appear in the Admission Test no marks will be deducted from their grand total, but for those who appear after the gap of one year 5% marks will be deducted from the grand total similarly two years gap will invite 10% deduction and three years gap will invite in 15% deduction a gap of more than three years will not invite more than 15% deduction.

University of Allahabad M.Ed Syllabus 2023

The M.Ed programme at the University of Allahabad is a two-year programme which is 80 credits. The programme is divided into four semesters of 20 credits each. Let’s take a look at the University of Allahabad M.Ed Syllabus 2023:

Semester I

Course Title



Educational Studies



Philosophy of Education



Research Method in Education and Educational Statistics



Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Education



Internship in Teacher Education Institutions



Semester II

Development of learner



Sociology of Education



Curriculum Studies and Assessment



Perspectives, Research and Issues in Teacher Education



Self-Development and Yoga



Semester III

Psychology of Learning



Advanced Research Methods and Statistics in Education



Perspectives of the Secondary Education System



Secondary Education Internship






Semester IV

History, Economic and Political Perspectives in Education



Curriculum Assessment and Evaluation in Secondary Education



Educational Administration and Management



Inclusive Education



Educational Technology and ICT



Guidance and Counselling






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For more articles related to M.Ed admission, stay tuned to CollegeDekho .

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What is the M.Ed syllabus at the University of Allahabad?

The University of Allahabad offers subjects like Educational Studies, Research Methods in Education and Educational Statistics, Advanced Research Methods and Statistics in Education, Guidance and Counselling, Educational Technology and ICT, Curriculum Assessment and Evaluation in Secondary Education, Perspectives, Research and Issues in Teacher Education, Perspectives of Secondary Education System, Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Education, etc. 

How are the candidates selected for the University of Allahabad M.Ed admission?

The selection will be done on the basis of the score obtained by the candidates in the entrance test. Students passing the entrance test in the same year of filling up the application form, no marks will be deducted from their grand total, but for those who appear after the gap of one year 5% marks will be deducted from the grand total similarly two years gap will invite 10% deduction and three years gap will invite in 15% deduction a gap of more than three years will not invite more than 15% deduction.

Does the University of Allahabad follow a reservation policy for the M.Ed programme based on the candidate’s category?

Yes, the University of Allahabad follows a reservation policy for the M.Ed programme based on the candidate’s category. The merit list is released based on the category of the candidates. The Scheduled Caste candidates get 15% reservations, Scheduled Tribe gets 7.5%, Other Backward Caste or OBC candidates get 27% and the Economically Weaker Section (EWS) get 25% reservation (10% of the total seats). 

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As I am currently in the 3rd semester of MSc Maths and eligible for the HPSET exam, if I clear the exam this year but do not have my MSc degree yet, will I receive the certificate or not?

-soniaUpdated on February 21, 2025 03:56 PM
  • 1 Answer
Himani Daryani, Content Team

If you clear HP SET exam while still in your 3rd semester of MSc Mathematics, you will be eligible to receive the HPSET certificate, but only after you complete your Master's degree. According to the eligibility criteria for HP SET 2025, candidates who are pursuing their final year of a Master's degree can appear for the exam, but they must pass their degree with the required percentage (minimum 55% for general candidates and 50% for reserved categories) within two years from the date of HPSET result to be awarded the certificate


I Completed my MCA and now I want to complete my B.Ed and M.Ed.... Please suggest me which subject I would like to select for B.Ed M.Ed integrated course

-YAMKAR SANDEEP BAPUUpdated on February 25, 2025 01:48 PM
  • 1 Answer
Himani Daryani, Content Team

For getting admission to BEd-MEd integrated course, you just need to apply for MAH CET 2025 exam. Since you have already completed post-graduation, you fulfill the eligibility criteria for the same. Another important criterion is that students need to be a domicile of Maharashtra and/or be born in Maharashtra. This is mandatory. 


Class 12 arts stream walo ko practical ke marks kitne milte h up board mein

-AnonymousUpdated on February 25, 2025 03:57 PM
  • 1 Answer
Nikkil Visha, Content Team

Dear Student, 

Practical marks external examiner decide karta hai based on your performance. You can ask your teacher once to get an idea about how many marks are given to you by the examiner. 


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