UPSC CSE Mains Passing Marks 2024


Updated On: June 13, 2024 01:53 PM | UPSC Civil Services

UPSC CSE Mains Passing Marks 2024 entails 10% in each of the seven papers, including essay, GS-I, GS-II, GS-III, GS-IV, Optional-I, and Optional-II. Papers A and B are qualifying, requiring a minimum of 25% marks to pass.
UPSC CSE Mains Passing Marks 2024

The UPSC CSE Mains Passing Marks 2024 entail achieving a minimum of 10% in each of the seven competitive papers, including essay, GS-I, GS-II, GS-III, GS-IV, Optional-I, and Optional-II. Papers A and B serve as qualifying papers, with each requiring a minimum of 25% marks for candidates to clear the Mains examination. These marks determine qualification for the UPSC exam, playing a pivotal role in the overall clearance of the Civil Services Examination. Both the scores in the main written exam and the personality test contribute to establishing the ultimate order of merit. Effective preparation for the IAS main exam requires focused effort. The UPSC CSE 2024 cutoff will be accessible online in PDF format on the website -

Following each stage of the UPSC CSE, a distinct cutoff is announced alongside the official UPSC CSE result 2024 . These cutoff marks are disclosed once the entire process is concluded and final results are declared. Notably, the exam consists of two stages – Prelims and Mains (Written exam and Interview). Explore further details on UPSC CSE Mains passing marks 2024 below.

Also Read: UPSC CSE Prelims Passing Marks 2024

UPSC CSE Mains Passing Marks 2024

The qualifying Papers and other merit-counting papers are included in the main examination with Papers A and B comprising the qualifying papers. The topic of Paper A is Indian languages included in the Constitution's Eighth Schedule. Any of the Indian languages specified in the Eighth Schedule may be selected by candidates. For applicants from Meghalaya, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh, Paper A on Indian Languages is optional. The English language is the subject of Paper B. Each qualifying paper must be passed with at least 25% marks for candidates to clear the Mains examination. Even if candidates pass Papers I - VI, they will not be allowed to take the personality test if they fail to pass the qualifying  Papers.

CSE Mains exam papers that are counted for merit include:
  • Paper I - Essay
  • Paper II - General Studies-I
  • Paper III - General Studies-II
  • Paper IV - General Studies-III
  • Paper V - General Studies-IV
  • Paper VI - Optional Subject-Paper 1
  • Paper VII - Optional Subject-Paper 2
To pass the overall UPSC CSE Mains cutoff 2024 mark, which is set by the Commission, candidates must receive a minimum of 10% in each of the seven papers. A candidate cannot qualify for the main exam if they receive less than 10% in even one of the papers. The table below lists the minimum passing scores for the various main exam papers:
Type of Paper Paper Passing Marks Total Marks
Qualifying Papers Paper A - Indian Language 25% marks 300
Paper B - English 25% marks 300

Merit-Counting Papers

Paper I -Essay 10% 250
Paper-II GS - I 10% 250
Paper-III GS - II 10% 250
Paper-IV GS - III 10% 250
Paper-V GS - IV 10% 250
Paper-VI Optional Subject - Paper 1 10% 250
Paper-VII Optional Subject - Paper 2 10% 250
* Note: Candidates must achieve the total cut-off marks for all papers (I-VII) counted for merit, which are set by the Commission, as well as the minimum qualifying marks of 10% in each paper, i.e. Paper I through VII.

Also Read : UPSC Prelims Question Paper - 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019

How to Check UPSC CSE Mains Passing Marks 2024?

The students are very eager to know the Passing marks for the UPSC CSE Exam as it is the qualifying mark for the candidate according to their category, Here is the simple process to check the UPSC CSE Passing Marks and how to download the file.

  • Visit the official UPSC website -
  • Search for the UPSC CSE Qualifying Marks 2024 link and click on it
  • The UPSC Civil Services Qualifying Marks PDF file will be displayed on the screen
  • Check the category-wise UPSC CSE Passing Marks in the given PDF
  • Download and save the UPSC CSE Qualifying Marks PDF for future reference

UPSC CSE Mains Cut-off 2024

The number of UPSC CSE vacancies depends on the difficulty of the UPSC IAS question paper, and other variables will all be taken into consideration while determining the UPSC CSE Cutoff 2024 for mains.

GS I, GS II, GS III, GS IV, Optional I, and Optional II are the seven competitive papers. If applicants receive the same number of marks in the UPSC civil services examination, the ranking criteria will be determined by the following circumstances:
  • Case 1: Candidates would be ranked higher if they combined their scores from the compulsory exam and personality tests.
  • Case 2: The senior in age would be ranked higher if the marks mentioned in Case 1 were equal.
  • Case 3: Candidates who receive higher marks in the required papers will be ranked higher if cases 1 and 2 are identical.

UPSC CSE Mains Previous Year Cut-off 2024

To appear for the UPSC Civil Services main exam 2024, candidates must pass the IAS prelims cutoff 2024. UPSC IAS mains exam has 9 papers for a total of 1750 marks. The UPSC IAS mains cutoff marks are determined out of 1750. Only three times the applicants are eligible to take the UPSC IAS personality test and qualify for the IAS main exam. The UPSC IAS mains cut off will not take into account the scores in Indian and English language exams, however, candidates must receive 25% or more to pass the CSE mains stage. View the official UPSC CSE Mains Previous year cut-off in the table below:

UPSC CSE Mains Cut-off 2021

The UPSC 2021 Mains Exam was held from January 7 to January 16, 2021, for a total of five days. The UPSC Mains Cut Off for 2021 was formally announced and was 745. Candidates can check the UPSC Mains Cut-Off for each category in the table below:
Category UPSC Cut Off 2021
General 745
EWS 713
SC 700
ST 700
OBC 707
PwBD-1 688
PwBD-2 712
PwBD-3 388
PwBD-4 560

Also Read : UPSC Exams 2024 Preparation Tips

UPSC CSE Mains Cut-off 2020

The UPSC Mains exam (2020 exam cycle) was conducted on January 8, 9, 10, 16 and 17, 2021. The General category's 736 score met the 2020 UPSC Mains Cut Off. The following list includes the official IAS Cut Off 2020 for the various categories:
Category Cut off Marks 2020
General 736
EWS 687
SC 680
ST 682
OBC 698
PwBD-1 648
PwBD-2 699
PwBD-3 425
PwBD-5 300

UPSC CSE Mains Cut-off 2019

Following are the UPSC Mains 2019 Cut-off scores for various categories:
Category Cut-off Marks 2019
General 774
OBC 732
SC 719
ST 719
PwBD-1 711
PwBD-2 696
PwBD-3 520
PwBD-5 460

Also Read: How to Prepare for UPSC Civil Services Personality Test Tips?

UPSC CSE Passing Marks 2024 - Deciding Factors

The UPSC qualifying marks will remain constant year after year, however, the cut-off varies depending on a number of variables. The cut-off varies depending on the category; the following are some of the variables that influence the cut-off: Number of Vacancies - Every year, a significant factor in determining the IAS cut off is the number of vacancies.
  • Number of Test Takers: The UPSC CSE cut off is also determined by the number of candidates who appeared for the exam. There is huge competition as more candidates seek to take the examination.
  • Difficulty: The difficulty level of the examination also has a significant impact; the harder the examination, the lower the passing score.
  • Category: The category to which the candidate belongs is the primary and major aspect as there will be lots of differences in the cut-off marks from category to category.
Eventually, clearing the UPSC CSE Mains exam would depend on the number of vacancies in the category the test-taker is from. Since UPSC prepares a separate rank list for each other, one must make sure to rank well in their category to make it to the final rank list.

Helpful Articles:
For further queries on UPSC CSE Mains exam, reach out to us on the CollegeDekho QnA zone . Also, please stay tuned to keep yourself updated on recruitment exams.

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