Best AIIMS Colleges for BSc Nursing are AIIMS Delhi, AIIMS Jodhpur, AIIMS Bhubaneswar, AIIMS Rishikesh, AIIMS Bhopal, AIIMS Patna etc. These colleges stand out for their academic excellence, expert faculty and more.
is one of the best institutions for BSc Nursing in India. It has been ranked in 1st place in NIRF Ranking 2024. The aforementioned top
colleges for BSc Nursing are equipped with advanced faculty and highly skilled staff.
There are other notable colleges apart from AIIMS that provide great education in BSc Nursing such as CMC Vellore, St. Stephen's Hospital College of Nursing, College of Nursing, Tata Main Hospital and so on. Scroll through the article and learn in detail about the best AIIMS for BSc Nursing courses spread across the country.
Best AIIMS Colleges for BSc Nursing
AIIMS Delhi, AIIMS Raipur, AIIMS Nagpur, and AIIMS Gorakhpur are some of the best AIIMS colleges for BSc Nursing Courses in 2024. Candidates can find the best AIIMS colleges for BSc Nursing courses 2024 along with their NIRF Ranks 2024 below.
NIRF Rank 2024 | Colleges |
1 | AIIMS Delhi |
14 | AIIMS Rishikesh |
15 | |
16 | AIIMS Jodhpur |
26 | AIIMS Patna |
31 | AIIMS Bhopal |
38 | AIIMS Raipur |
Also, Check the full list of AIIMS Colleges in India
Best AIIMS Colleges for BSc Nursing Fees
The fee structure for the best AIIMS colleges for BSc nursing courses varies every year. Candidates can find the list of best AIIMS colleges for BSc Nursing along with their respective fee ranges below:
Colleges | Fees |
AIIMS Delhi | INR 5,000 to INR 10,000 |
AIIMS Jodhpur | INR 5,500 to INR 12,000 |
AIIMS Bhubaneswar | INR 3,500 to INR 13,000 |
AIIMS Rishikesh | INR 4,1500 to INR 11,500 |
AIIMS Patna | INR 3,300 to INR 10,000 |
AIIMS Bhopal | INR 3,500 to INR 8,000 |
AIIMS Raipur | INR 2,000 to INR 7,500 |
AIIMS Gorakhpur | INR 3,500 to INR 14,000 |
AIIMS Bathinda | INR 1,200 to INR 15,000 |
Also Read: NEET 2024 Cutoff for AIIMS
Other Top Colleges for BSc Nursing
Candidates can find the list of other top colleges for B.Sc Nursing below:
IIRF Rank 2024 | Colleges | Fees |
1 | College of Nursing, CMC Vellore | Rs. 3835 to Rs. 49, 480 |
2 | St. Stephen's Hospital College of Nursing | Rs. 5,20,000 |
3 | College of Nursing, Christian Medical College, Ludhiana | Rs. 4,92,200 |
4 | College of Nursing, Tata Main Hospital School of Nursing | Rs. 3,15,000 |
5 | St. John's College of Nursing, Vellore | Rs. 30,000 |
6 | SDM Institute of Nursing Sciences | Rs. 40,000 |
7 | St. John's College of Nursing, Bengaluru | Rs. 6,38,000 |
8 | Holy Family College of Nursing, New Delhi | Rs. 2, 40,000 |
9 | Post Graduate College of Nursing, Bhilai | Rs. 1,13,000 |
10 | Rs. 1,00,000 |
How to Choose the Best AIIMS College for BSc Nursing
Choosing the right AIIMS college for BSc Nursing is essential for students as it impacts their careers. Below are some tips for choosing the best AIIMS college for BSc Nursing:
- Understand the reputation and ranking: It is really important to check the college's reputation and ranking regarding the colleges. Good ranking and reputation depict great faculty and academics and it is even good for students' careers.
- Evaluate course structure and curriculum: Students need to go through the course structure and curriculum. It will give students an idea about the course curriculum and more.
- Check eligibility criteria: Students must cross-check the eligibility criteria as the candidates who don’t meet the eligibility criteria will be disqualified. Further, going through the eligibility criteria will allow students to understand the entrance exam requirements.
- Entrance exam performance: Students' performance in the entrance exam plays a vital role in their selection in the universities. Further, good scores in the entrance exam will help students to get into the top AIIMS colleges across the country.
- Know seat matrix: Students need to know and understand the seat matrix per university. The seat matrix for every university is different and varies every year.
- Consider fee structure: It is very important to consider the fee structure for every university. The fee structure for every college varies and keeps changing every year. Candidates must make sure that they choose a college that matches their budget.
- College location and campus environment: Students need to research on campus environment as they will be a part of it after admissions. Further, students must also have a check on the location of the AIIMS college and look for the nearest ones. They must choose based on their preferences and comfort.
- Research Opportunities and Facilities: During college research, candidates must look for colleges that provide good research opportunities and facilities. A college with good research opportunities and facilities will help students to conduct research regarding their interests.
For more information on AIIMS colleges, stay tuned to CollegeDekho!
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