How to Become a Oath Commissioner

About Oath Commissioner

Commissioner of Oath or the oath commissioner is the person authorized under state or provincial legislation to witness and administer the affirmations or oaths in the taking of an affidavit for any legal matter. An oath commissioner is also empowered to witness any declaration as made under a statute. 

An oath commissioner ensures that the required affirmation or declaration or oath has been properly administered in his presence. The role of the commissioner is to take the oath from the declarant in the way prescribed by the law. He/she also has to verify the authenticity and identity of the deponents before signing the documents himself. To be able to pursue the career of an oath commissioner, the aspirant must possess adequate qualifications and skills required to excel in the field.

Eligibility to become Oath Commissioner

To be able to start practising as an oath commissioner, a candidate must ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility requirements as mentioned below.

  • A candidate must have completed LLB from a recognised college or university.
  • If an aspirant has completed an integrated LLB from a recognised college or university, he/she is also eligible to take admission in the college or university.
  • The aspirant must be a practising advocate with below three years and above two years of experience.
  • One should apply for the post of an oath commissioner before their five years of practice.

Types of Job Roles Oath Commissioner

Candidates seeking career opportunities in the line of an oath commissioner can also consider the options mentioned below.

Notary: The responsibilities of a Notary Public are be an impartial witness by serving the public and help them prevent the fraud by verifying the authenticity.

Oath Commissioner: An oath commissioner tends to certify that the required declaration, affirmation or oath has been administered properly in his presence.

Advocate General: Being the highest law officer in the state, an advocate general is responsible for assisting the state government in all the legal matters.

Legal Officers in Banks: Banks are supposed to function as per the norms of the regulators. Legal officers ensure that the banks abide by the rules.

Judicial Members of Income Tax: Legal officers in income tax department make sure that the rules and guidelines are being followed without fail.

Judicial Members of Sales Tax: In sales tax, lots of rules and regulations are prescribed by the law. A legal officer is appointed by the department to make sure that they stick to the affixed norms so that they do not fall under any legal trouble.

Judicial Members of Excise Departments: An excise department hires legal officers so that they can look after the regulations and guidelines embedded in their department. Not following the norms can cause lots of legal problems. To ensure legal obedience, judicial members are appointed by excise departments.

Staff in Registrar of Company Office: The staff overlooks that the guidelines of the companies are being followed as without it a company can face a lot of legal damages.

Law Inspectors: They examine and investigate that the associated departments are abiding by the laws and regulations.

Employment Opportunities for Oath Commissioners

An oath commissioner can work on various sectors depending on the career profile he/she has opted. Enlisted below are few sectors that provide employment opportunities for oath commissioner.

  • Legal sector
  • Banking sector
  • Income Tax
  • Sales
  • Real estate offices
  • Educational Institutions

Top Recruiting Companies for Oath Commissioners

An oath commissioner has job opportunities in multiple recruitment firms and companies. Gathered below is a list of top recruiting companies that an oath commissioner can look out for in search of a job.

  • Supreme Court
  • High Court
  • District Court
  • Income Tax Department
  • Banks
  • Colleges/Universities

Planning to choose Oath Commissioner as your career?

Pay Scale/Salary of Oath Commissioner

The salary of an oath commissioner varies depending on the vivid job profiles. Go through the data mentioned below in order to grasp the starting, mid-level and senior-level salary of different job profiles.

Job Profile

Starting Salary per annum (in INR)

Mid Level Salary per annum (in INR)

Senior Level Salary per annum (INR)





Oath Commissioner




Advocate General




Legal Officers in Banks




Judicial Members of Income Tax




Judicial Members of Sales Tax




Judicial Members of the Excise Department




Staff in the Registrar of Company Office




Law Inspectors




Note: The pay scale or salary mentioned above is not a fixed figure. It is subject to change.

Books & Study Material to Become Oath Commissioner

The remuneration of an oath commissioner depends on the service and knowledge of an individual. Check out the books mentioned below in order to broaden up your understanding of the profession and crack the entrance exams to become an oath commissioner.

  • The Law of Affidavits by John Levingston
  • The Pearson Guide to CLAT 2020 by Pearson's
  • Legal Awareness and Legal Aptitude by AP Bhardwaj
  • Bare Acts of Indian Constitution
  • Universal’s CLAT Guide
  • Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal

Pros of becoming a Oath Commissioner

  • An oath commissioner encounters multiple opportunities in vivid sectors including banks, income tax, courts and educational institutions.
  • With an adequate amount of knowledge and skills, an individual can obtain good and better career opportunities.
  • An oath commissioner has a clear career path. With a little bit of experience, the profession becomes easy to understand and implement.

Cons of becoming a Oath Commissioner

  • An oath commissioner needs to stay updated with the legal proceedings and laws. Also, they must constantly keep refreshing their knowledge as they are given opportunities based on it.
  • Doing the same thing, again and again, might become monotonous and the job might start appearing dull to an individual.
  • There is no scope for carelessness as even a little deflection can result in a huge blunder in the affidavits and oaths.

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FAQs about Oath Commissioner

How much can I earn as a senior professional on the post of an Oath Commissioner?

The senior level salary offered to Oath Commissions falls in the range of Rs. 7 lacs per annum to Rs. 12 lacs per annum. The payscale depends upon your profile and company/ organisation.

Which law colleges in India are the best for becoming an Oath Commissioner?

Getting your degree from one of the topmost law colleges in India will assist you in becoming an Oath Commissioner. Some of the best colleges are the NLUs, Symbiosis Law School, OP Jindal Law School, Faculty of Law - BHU, Campus Law Centre - DU.

What is the starting salary of an Oath Commissioner?

The starting salary of an Oath Commissioner in India is between Rs. 2.5 lacs per annum to Rs. 3.8 lacs per annum.

Do I have to appear for an entrance exam to become an Oath Commissioner?

You will have to appear for a law entrance exam to get into a law school which will pave the way of becoming an Oath Commissioner. Some law colleges in India also conduct direct admissions on the basis of merit.

What are the types of jobs offered to Oath Commissioners?

Oath Commissioners can be hired for the job roles of Advocate Generals, Notary, Legal Officers in Banks, Judicial Members of Sales Tax, Judicial Members of Income Tax, Staff in Registrar of Company Office, etc.

What is the minimum qualification required for becoming an Oath Commissioner?

The minimum qualification required to become an Oath Commissioner is an undergraduate degree in law. Those who have completed an integrated law couse or an LLB degree done after any undergraduate degree are eligible to become Oath Commissioners.

Who is an Oath Commissioner?

An Oath Commissioner is a person who is authorised to verify affidavits, statutory declarations, and other legal documents.

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