MH CET LAW 2025 Questions and Answers

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As per the official announcement by Maharashtra Minister Vinod Tawde …READ MORE...

For the entrance test of LLB, on which subjects a student have to focus more?

- Subhosree Dolui KoleyUpdated on March 19, 2022 09:33 AM2
Dear Student, There are multiple entrance exams at the national …READ MORE...
Dear Student, The exam schedule for the MH CET Law …READ MORE...
A.K.K. New Law Academy, Law

What is the MH CET Law Cutoff for BA LLB at A.K.K. New Law Academy, Pune?

- Tisha AgrawalUpdated on February 15, 2021 01:24 PM1
The opening MH CET Law cutoff marks for BA LLB …READ MORE...
Dear Student, The result date for the MH CET LAW …READ MORE...
Dear Student,  State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra has postponed …READ MORE...