BITSAT Iteration 5 Result 2024 : BITS Pilani released BITSAT Iteration 5 Result 2024 on August 6 . The candidates will be able to access the result at www.bitsadmission.com . The direct link to the result has been updated on the page below for convenience. Candidates will be required to enter their login details such as application number and password to check the result. BITSAT Iteration 5 Result 2024 will include the applicant's name, registration number, selected course, and admission status, as well as a confirmed list or waitlist.
BITSAT Iteration 5 Result 2024 Download Link
Here is the direct link to BITSAT Iteration 5 Result 2024 -
Important Instructions Regarding BITSAT Iteration 5 Result 2024
Candidates can check out the important instructions regarding BITSAT Iteration 5 Result 2024 here:
The seat allotment result will be displayed only after the login through the BITS admission portal
After checking the result, candidates need to choose between the ‘Freeze’, and ‘Campus Slide’ options (not advisable as there are fewer chances for Iteration 6) . Candidates who secured a seat in Iteration 5 are advised to accept the seat as the chances of securing admission in Iteration 6 might be less
The Freeze option means that the candidate is satisfied with the seat provided and would like to accept it. The Campus Slide option indicates that the candidate wants to take admission to some other campus of BITS Pilani. In such a case, candidates will have to pay a nominal fee for the transfer which is irreversible, and the decision cannot be reconsidered by the authorities later.
After BITSAT Iteration 5 Result 2024 is released, selected candidates need to pay the balance fees on August 10, 2024, and visit their respective campuses for the document verification and the admission process between August 12, 2024, at 9 AM. BITS Pilani, BITS Hyderabad, and BITS Goa admission fee is Rs. 57100.
If no action is taken post-result release, then such a candidate will not be given admission to any BITS campus
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