BSEB 12th Exam 2023: Major Changes Introduced in Exam Rules

Rini Maria

Updated On: January 24, 2023 07:02 PM

The BSEB has introduced some major changes in the examining pattern for the 12th exam 2023 to be held from Feb 1 to 11, 2023. Students appearing for the exams are advised to note these changes.  
BSEB 12th Exam 2023

The Bihar School Examination Board has introduced some major changes to the rules and regulations for the BSEB 12th Exam 2023 to be held from February 1 to 11, 2023. Students who are preparing to appear for the exams are advised to note these changes as the exams will be held by following these rules. The board has introduced these new rules to avoid malpractices during the examination, and at the same time to offer the students the scope to score well for the exams. The BSEB has introduced these rules and implemented them from the upcoming BSEB 12th Exam 2023. For all the streams and subjects, the rules will be followed.

Major Changes Introduced for BSEB 12th Exam 2023

Here are the list of changes as implemented by the BSEB for the upcoming 12th board exams 2023, that students shall be aware of before the exams begin, and to ensure not to confuse themselves with the exam pattern:
  • At each exam centre, while entering the examination hall, students' roll number will be mentioned on the list placed outside the exam hall as well as on the bench they will be seated at. Students shall be seated on the bench where their examination roll number is written and matches the exam roll number mentioned in their admit card.
  • Students will be distributed with pre-printed answer sheets, where the name, roll number, school name & code, and the subject will be printed. Students will not be required to write these details on their own to avoid any spelling errors or any mistakes of writing the details on the answer sheet.
  • BSEB 12th Exam 2023 will have 10 sets of question papers for each subject. The question paper will be distributed in a manner where Set 1 will be given to student 1 and then directly to student 11th.
  • Students will be given time to read the question papers before they start answering them.
  • As per the new format, 50 questions will be MCQ format where students will be distributed with OMR sheets. Students shall respond to the questions in the OMR sheets, and also write the same in their pre-printed answer sheet to keep a tally of the responses. The OMR sheets will be taken back by the invigilator after 1.5 hours of the exams begins.
  • While collecting the answer sheet, the invigilator will match the answer sheet, OMR sheet and question paper to ensure that no malpractice has been committed.
For BSEB 12th Exam 2023, the forms were filled online. Around 13,18,439 students have registered for the exams, which will be starting soon. Students are advised to prepare well for the exams.
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