CAT Question Paper 2023: The Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow has conducted CAT 2023 examination on November 26, 2023. It was conducted in three slots of 2-hour duration each. The overall difficulty level of all three slots was 'Moderate' . As CAT 2023 is a computer-based test, a question paper copy was not accessible. Hence, the students can refer to the memory-based questions to better calculate their likely scores. For all three slots, the memory-based questions are accessible through the links added here added here. Along with it, the unofficial answers and solutions to the same are also provided.
CAT Response Sheet & Answer Key 2023 (Live Updates) |
Have you appeared for CAT 2023? Click Here to submit questions that you remember from Slot 1, 2 or 3 |
Join our CAT 2023 Telegram Group for memory-based questions, answers, and more. |
CAT Expected Cutoff 2023 |
CAT Question Paper 2023 Live: Slot-wise questions
The slot-wise question paper for CAT 2023 can be checked by clicking on the links below -
Slot | CAT 2023 Question Paper Link |
Slot 1 | CAT Slot 1 Question Paper 2023 |
Slot 2 | CAT Slot 2 Question Paper 2023 |
Slot 3 | CAT Slot 3 Question Paper 2023 |
CAT Answer Key 2023
For the above memory-based questions, CAT answer key 2023 unofficial can be checked through the links below
Slot | CAT 2023 Answer Key Link |
Slot 1 | CAT Slot 1 Answer Key 2023 |
Slot 2 | CAT Slot 2 Answer Key 2023 |
Slot 3 | CAT Slot 2 Answer Key 2023 |
Note: As these questions are memory-based, all 66 questions may or may not be covered.
CAT Question Paper Analysis 2023
The detailed question paper analysis of CAT 2023 can be checked through the links below. The detailed analysis includes the section-wise difficulty level viz., VARC, DILR and QA.
Slot | Question Paper Analysis Link |
Slot 1 | CAT 2023 Question Paper Analysis Slot 1 |
Slot 2 | CAT 2023 Question Paper Analysis Slot 2 |
Slot 3 | CAT 2023 Slot 3 Question Paper Analysis |
CAT 2023 Slot 1: Major highlights
Here are some of the major highlights of CAT 2023 Slot 1:
- DLIR - 6 houses were given (6 blocks) type questions - xx blocks, yy blocks, the basic cost of each house 10 lakh, 2 lakh additional if parking is there
- Employee ratings from DILR, Voting questions, Visa processing office were asked in DILR
- Singers in the restaurant - rating type question
- Hunting of vowels from VARC given
- 4 questions from Para Jumbles, and there was paraphrasing from VARC
- As per the first reactions, DILR was quite tough in the Slot 1
- VARC and QA were moderate as per the first reactions
- The overall difficulty level of the Slot 1 is 'Moderate to Difficult' in Slot 1
- The questions that appeared from DILR were from DILR games and tournaments, Arrangements, Venn diagram, Bar graph
- VARC received mixed reactions from takers. The difficulty level is 'Moderate'
- According to a few students from an exam centre in Vijayawada (Andhra), the Slot 1 exam was easier than last year
- QA was easier than last year but the paper was lengthy
- 2 sets from DILR were doable
- 'Odd one out' appeared in the Slot 1 VARC, para jumbles also appeared
- The total number of questions was 66 (24, 20, 22)
- 10 questions from DILR were easily doable
- 7 to 8 Athematic questions were there from QA
- Algebra 9 questions
- Geometry 2 questions
CAT 2023 Slot 2: Major highlights
Here are some of the major highlights of CAT 2023 Slot 2:
- The difficulty level was similar to Slot 1 i.e., 'Moderate'
- VARC was moderately easy while DILR was difficult
- QA was slightly tougher than Slot 1
CAT 2023 Slot 3: Major highlights
Here are some of the major highlights of CAT 2023 Slot 3:
- The overall difficulty level of the paper is 'Moderate'
- The difficulty level of VARC was 'Easy to Moderate'
- DILR has been slightly difficult like the previous slots
- In this slot, QA was slightly on tougher side than Slot 2 and 1
CAT Question Paper 2023: Expected Marks vs Percentile
The expected CAT 2023 marks vs percentile are as follows:
CAT Question Paper 2023: Shortlisting Criteria for IIMs
For all participating IIMs, the shortlisting criteria is available here:
Track more details such as the slot-wise analysis of the paper, expected cutoff, expected marks vs percentile, and so on through the live blog being updated here!
CAT Question Paper & Answer Key 2023 LIVE
06 30 PM IST - 27 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: QA Difficulty Level
The difficulty level of CAT 2023 QA is as follows:
- Slot 1: Moderate to Difficult
- Slot 2: Moderate to Difficult
- Slot 3: Moderate
05 30 PM IST - 27 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: DILR Difficulty Level
The difficulty level of CAT 2023 DILR is as follows:
- Slot 1: Moderate to Difficult
- Slot 2: Moderate to Difficult
- Slot 3: Moderate to Difficult
04 30 PM IST - 27 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: VARC Difficulty Level
The difficulty level of CAT 2023 VARC is as follows:
- Slot 1: Easy to Moderate
- Slot 2: Easy to Moderate
- Slot 3: Easy to Moderate
03 30 PM IST - 27 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Expected percentile (2/2)
Check out CAT 2023 expected percentile details through the links attached here:
02 30 PM IST - 27 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Expected percentile (1/2)
Check out CAT 2023 expected percentile details through the links attached here:
01 30 PM IST - 27 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Likely toughest question
Most likely, the toughest question in CAT 2023 was in Slot 3 DILR section. It was a number grid-based question in Window and Split AC. It was a tough as well as a time-consuming question.
12 27 PM IST - 27 Nov'23
CAT Answer Key 2023: Good Percentile for Tier 1 to 3 IIMs
Tier-I IIMs
11 24 AM IST - 27 Nov'23
When CAT Answer Key 2023 will be released?
Authorities have not confirmed the official date and time for the announcement of the answer key. But as per the previous year's trend candidates can expect the answer key between 6th to 8th December 2023.
08 58 AM IST - 27 Nov'23
CAT Overall Exam Anlaysis 2023
This year, CAT 2023 received highly mixed reactions from students. DILR turned out to be a slightly tougher section in all three slots. Here is the detailed overall analysis - CAT 2023 Overall Analysis
08 30 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Upcoming expected dates
For the upcoming events, the expected dates are available at the links below:
08 20 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Overall Analysis
The overall and slot-wise analysis of CAT 2023 question paper is given in detail here:
08 10 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Expected shortlisting criteria for IIMs (3/3)
Links for the expected shortlisting criteria of IIMs are interlinked below. Click on the institute name to access the same:
08 00 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Expected shortlisting criteria for IIMs (2/3)
Links for the expected shortlisting criteria of IIMs are interlinked below. Click on the institute name to access the same:
07 50 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Expected shortlisting criteria for IIMs (1/3)
Links for the expected shortlisting criteria of IIMs are interlinked below. Click on the institute name to access the same:
07 40 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Expected marks vs percentile
As per the past trends and other factors that affect CAT marks vs percentile ratio, here is a complete analysis of the same from 99.5 percentile up to 60 percentile. The previous trends are also mentioned for reference. Access the link below:
07 30 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: DILR Topics with high weightage
Across all slots, the topics from which most questions were asked in the Quantitative Aptitude section are as follows:
- Number System, Basic Arithmetic
- Geometry & Mensuration
- Algebra
- Trigonometry, Logarithms, and Sets
07 20 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: DILR Topics with high weightage
Across all slots, the topics from which most questions were asked in the Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning section are as follows:
- Syllogism
- Sets
- Blood Relations - Family Tree
- Seating Arrangements
- Pie Charts, Line Graphs, & Bar Graphs
07 10 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: VARC Topics with high weightage
Across all slots, the topics from which most questions were asked in the Verbal Aptitude and Reasoning Comprehension section are as follows:
- Word Usage (Vocabulary)
- Fill in the Blanks
- Sentence Completion and Correction
- Odd Sentences
- Para-Summary
07 00 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Expected cutoff
Check out here the institute-wise cutoff percentile likely required to make it to the selection list of IIMs: CAT Expected Cutoff 2023
06 50 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Slot 3 Analysis
As per the student reviews, the following is the analysis for CAT Slot 3 Question Paper 2023:
- Overall: Moderate
- VARC: Easy to Moderate
- DILR: Moderate to Difficult
- QA: Difficult
Check the detailed analysis here: CAT 2023 Question Paper Analysis Slot 3
06 40 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Good attempts
For all slots, check the expected number of good attempts in CAT question paper 2023 at the link provided here: Good Attempts in CAT 2023 Slot-wise
06 30 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Slot 3 concluded
With the end of Slot 3, CAT 2023 examination has now concluded. Now that students are leaving the exam centre, their reviews and the complete analysis of the paper will be provided here in the same manner as those of the earlier two shifts. The memory-based questions along with their answers will also be provided.
06 20 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Attempts required to score 90 percentile
Based on the accuracy of the attempts, the following are the number of attempts required to score 90 percentile in CAT 2023 question paper:
Accuracy Attempts Required Correct Incorrect Raw Score 100% Around 28 All 0 84 marks 90% Around 32 29 3 84 marks 80% Around 38 31 7 86 marks 70% Around 47 33 14 84 marks 06 10 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Attempts required to score 95 percentile
Based on the accuracy of the attempts, the following are the number of attempts required to score 95 percentile in CAT 2023 question paper:
Accuracy Attempts Required Correct Incorrect Raw Score 100% Around 30 All 0 90 marks 90% Around 35 31 4 92 marks 80% Around 41 33 8 91 marks 70% Around 50 35 15 90 marks 06 00 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Attempts required to score 97 percentile
Based on the accuracy of the attempts, the following are the number of attempts required to score 97 percentile in CAT 2023 question paper:
Accuracy Attempts Required Correct Incorrect Raw Score 100% Around 32 All 0 96 marks 90% Around 38 34 3 98 marks 80% Around 45 36 9 99 marks 70% Around 52 37 15 96 marks 05 50 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Attempts required to score 99 percentile
Based on the accuracy of the attempts, the following are the number of attempts required to score 99 percentile in CAT 2023 question paper:
Accuracy Attempts Required Correct Incorrect Raw Score 100% Around 36 All 0 108 marks 90% Around 40 36 4 104 marks 80% Around 48 39 9 108 marks 70% Around 55 39 16 101 marks 05 40 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: MBA Scholarships at IIM Calcutta (2/2)
The following are the institute scholarships available at IIM Calcutta for selected candidates to pursue MBA courses at the institute:
- TIL Scholarship
- India Carbon Scholarship
- B.P. Poddar Scholarship
- Aditya Kashyap Memorial Scholarship (for 1st rank holder)
- P. R. Karthik Scholarship
- Aditya Kashyap Memorial Scholarship (for achieving highest CGPA in Compulsory & Elective Courses)
Note: Refer to the eligibility criteria and conditions of the scholarship before applying.
05 30 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: MBA Scholarships at IIM Calcutta (1/2)
The following are the sponsored scholarships available at IIM Calcutta for selected candidates to pursue MBA courses at the institute:
- Aditya Birla Group Scholarships
- Tata Education Trust Scholarship
- T. Thomas Scholarship
- OP Jindal Engineering & Management Scholarship
- NTPC Scholarship
- National Means Cum Merit Scholarship
- Scholarships for Top Class Education for students with disabilities
- Top Class Education for Scheduled Tribe Students
Note: Refer to the eligibility criteria and conditions of the scholarship before applying.
05 20 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: MBA Scholarships at IIM Indore
The following are the scholarships offered at IIM Indore for selected candidates to pursue MBA courses at the institute:
Scholarship Name Amount Need-based Financial Assistance (NBFA) Variable, depending on the need of financial assistance Note: Refer to the eligibility criteria and conditions of the scholarship before applying.
05 10 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: MBA Scholarships at IIM Kozhikode
The following are the scholarships offered at IIM Kozhikode for selected candidates to pursue MBA courses at the institute:
Scholarship Name Amount Sir Ratan Tata Trust Scholarship Rs 1 lakh Societe Generale Global Solution Centre India Scholarship Complete expense of the candidate Note: Refer to the eligibility criteria and conditions of the scholarship before applying.
05 00 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: MBA Scholarships at IIM Lucknow
The following are the scholarships offered at IIM Lucknow for selected candidates to pursue MBA courses at the institute:
Scholarship Name Amount Need-based IIML Scholarships Tuition Fees Amrit Kala Dayal Scholarship Rs 75,000 Bharti Scholarship Rs 50,000 The Government of India Merit-cum-Means scholarships Rs 2,200 per year Note: Refer to the eligibility criteria and conditions of the scholarship before applying.
05 00 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: MBA Scholarships at IIM Bangalore
The following are the scholarships offered at IIM Bangalore for selected candidates to pursue MBA courses at the institute:
Scholarship Name Amount IIM Financial Aid Undisclosed The Citi Women's Leader Award 2nd year tuition fee Societe Generale Global Solution Centre India Scholarship 2nd year tuition fee IIMB PGP Alumni First Batch (1976) Scholarship Rs 75,000 stipend Runwal Education Trust Scholarship Rs 1 lakh Yes Bank Scholarship Rs 2 lakh Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Department of Persons with Disabilities (PwD) Rs 2,55,000 per year Note: Refer to the eligibility criteria and conditions of the scholarship before applying.
04 50 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: MBA Scholarships at IIM Ahmedabad
The following are the scholarships offered at IIM Ahmedabad for selected candidates to pursue MBA course at the institute:
Scholarship Name Amount Aditya Birla Scholarship Rs 1.75 lakh OPJEMS Scholarship Rs 1.50 lakh IIM Ahmedabad Special Needs Scholarship Undisclosed PGP Alumni Endowment Funds Rs 2 lakh to Rs 3 lakh. Shri GC Mital Entrepreneurship Aid Rs 2 lakh Dunia Scholarships for scholastic excellence Rs 1 lakh T. Thomas Scholarship Rs 1 lakh Note: Refer to the eligibility criteria and conditions of the scholarship before applying.
04 40 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Percentile round-off method
The percentile scores will be rounded off with an accuracy of 0.01 percentile. For example, if a candidate scores more than or equal to 99.985 and strictly below 99.995, then his/her percentile will be rounded off to 99.99 percentile. Uniquely, if a candidate scores 99.995 percentile, then his/her percentile will be rounded off to 100 percentile.
04 30 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Slot 3 exam begins
The paper for the third and final shift of the CAT 2023 examination has now begun. It will conclude at 6:30 PM and by 7 PM, its analysis and student reviews will be provided here. The paper for PwD candidates will conclude at 7:10 PM.
04 20 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Will percentile be rounded off?
While in many exams, percentile scores are not rounded off and calculated until 7 digits, it is not the case with CAT. The percentile scores in CAT 2023 will be calculated until 3 decimal digits and it will be rounded off to 2 decimal digits.
04 10 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: How is percentile calculated?
The following formula is used to calculate percentile scores based on the raw marks achieved in CAT 2023 question paper:
- P = [ (N - r) / N ] *100
N = Total number of candidates
r = Rank of the candidate04 00 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Parameters considered for IIM selection
The following are the factors that will be considered at the time of selection for admission at IIM:
- CAT Score
- Graduation Scores
- Gender Diversity
- Work Experience
- Class 10 & 12 Scores
- Academic Diversity
- WAT/GD-PI Scores
03 50 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: IIM Seat Matrix (4/4)
...(list continued)...
Institute Number of seats available IIM Udaipur 150 seats IIM Bodh Gaya 120 seats IIM Vishakhapatnam 120 seats IIM Sambalpur 120 seats IIM Jammu 120 seats 03 40 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: IIM Seat Matrix (3/4)
...(list continued)...
Institute Number of seats available IIM Raipur 210 seats IIM Tiruchirappalli 210 seats IIM Kashipur 210 seats IIM Shillong 180 seats IIM Sirmaur 170 seats 03 30 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: IIM Seat Matrix (2/4)
...(list continued)...
Institute Number of seats available IIM Ahmedabad 385 seats IIM Rohtak 240+60 seats IIM Nagpur 240 seats IIM Amritsar 240 seats IIM Ranchi 210+150 seats 03 20 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: IIM Seat Matrix (1/4)
Until CAT 2023 question paper is being updated, check out here the seat matrix for all participating IIMs:
Institute Number of seats available IIM Bangalore 565 seats IIM Mumbai 550 seats IIM Kozhikode 525 seats IIM Lucknow 490 seats IIM Calcutta 462 seats 03 10 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Slot 2 Analysis
As per the student reviews, the following is the analysis for CAT Slot 2 Question Paper 2023:
- Overall: Moderate to Difficult
- VARC: Easy to Moderate
- DILR: Difficult to Moderate
- QA: Moderate to Difficult
Check the detailed analysis here: CAT 2023 Question Paper Analysis Slot 2
03 00 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Slot 3 reporting begins
The exam centre reporting for the third and final session of CAT 2023 has now commenced. Candidates are advised to reach the examination centre at least 30 to 45 minutes before the commencement of the exam despite the last reporting time being 4:15 PM. Ensure to carry the exam admit card, original photo ID proof, and one passport-sized photograph to the examination centre.
02 50 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Is scaled score given in percentile?
No, the scaled score will be given in terms of marks instead of percentiles. However, the calculation of percentile will be based on the scaled score instead of the raw scores.
02 40 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: What is scaled score?
In order to adjust the differences between the difficulty level of the three slots, the raw scores of the candidates will be converted to scaled scores using the following formula:
- Scaled score of Slot 1 candidate = G + [ (R - G1) (M0.1 - G) / (M10.1 - G1) ]
G1 = Mean + Standard Deviation of Slot 1
M0.1 = Mean raw score of top 0.1% candidates in all three slots
M10.1 = Mean raw score of top 0.1% candidates in Slot 102 30 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Slot 2 exam concludes
The afternoon slot of CAT 2023 has also concluded now. Only one more shift is now left for the conclusion of CAT examination. The last slot will commence at 4:30 PM and will end at 6:30 PM. As for Slot 1, the memory-based questions and answers, along with the shift analysis will shortly be made available here.
02 20 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Expected good percentile
For admission to all participating IIMs, the expected details of very good percentile, good percentile, and average percentile requirements are available at this link: Expected Good Percentile in CAT 2023
02 10 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Validity of CAT score
From the date of issuance of the result, CAT 2023 score is valid only until December 31, 2024. Thereafter, no queries or issuance requests of CAT 2023 scorecard will be entertained.
02 00 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Can a new institute be selected now?
Any accommodation for a new college is not feasible at the time of counselling registration. Hence, the candidate will only be eligible for admission at the institutes selected during CAT 2023 registration.
01 50 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Is shortlisting criteria the same for all IIMs?
No, the shortlisting criteria is not the same for all IIMs. The criteria is decided individually by each IIM and the selection list is also individually released. The selection process however will remain the same afterwards.
01 40 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Admission Process
Based on the shortlisting criteria of the IIMs, the list of shortlisted candidates will be posted online at the official website of the IIMs, except for those IIMs participating in IIM CAP counselling. Shortlisted candidates will have to appear for selection rounds, namely:
- Written Ability Test (WAT)
- Group Discussion (GD)
- Personal Interviews (PI)
01 30 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Reservation Criteria
As per the legal requirements, the reservation criteria in CAT 2023 admissions is as follows:
- NC-OBC: 27%
- EWS: Up to 10%
- SC: 15%
- ST: 7.5%
- PwD: 5%
01 20 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Number of seats at IIMs
The total number of seats at all participating IIMs is 5500+ seats, far less than the number of applicants, thus increasing cutoff requirements and making IIM admission much tougher.
01 10 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Number of registrations
This year has recorded the highest-ever number of registrations for CAT examination. Over 3.3 lakh applicants have registered for CAT 2023 while last year, the number was at 2.55 lakh and in 2021, it was 2.31 lakh.
01 00 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Section-wise score for 99 percentile
The expected section-wise score required for 99 percentile are as follows:
- DILR: 30 to 35 marks
- VARC: 40 to 45 marks
- QA: 35 to 40 marks.
12 50 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Institutes participating in IIM CAP
The following are the institutes participating in IIM CAP 2023 counselling:
- IIM Bodh Gaya
- IIM Jammu
- IIM Kashipur
- IIM Raipur
- IIM Ranchi
- IIM Sambalpur
- IIM Sirmaur
- IIM Trichy
- IIM Udaipur
12 40 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: IIM CAP counselling
IIM CAP is a common admission process held for MBA/PGP admissions to the nine new IIMs. The counselling process for IIM CAP consists of the shortlisting of candidates based on their CAT 2023 exam scores, followed by a Written Ability Test (WAT), Personal Interview (PI), and a Final Selection based on parameters such as the academic record of the candidate and their work experience.
12 30 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Slot 2 exam begins
CAT 2023 Slot 2 paper has now commenced and it will conclude by 2:30 PM for regular candidates and at 3:10 PM for PwD candidates. As for Slot 1, a complete analysis for Slot 2 will be provided here as well along with its memory-based questions and answers.
12 20 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Expected Good Percentile for Non-IIMs
The expected percentile requirements to obtain admission to MBA courses at various participating non-IIMs are as follows:
Institute Type Expected Good Percentile Tier-I Non-IIMs 92+ percentile Tier-II Non-IIMs 90+ percentile Tier-III Non-IIMs 85+ percentile 12 10 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Expected Good Percentile for IIMs
The expected percentile requirements to obtain admission to MBA courses at various participating IIMs are as follows:
Institute Type Expected Good Percentile Tier-I IIMs 98+ percentile Tier-II IIMS 96+ percentile Tier-III IIMs 92+ percentile 12 00 PM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Unofficial Answer Key
For the memory-based questions shared here, the unofficial answer key for all slots is available for reference here:
Do note that the answer keys for Slot 2 and Slot 3 will be added only after the conclusion of each shift while the Slot 1 answer key is now available.11 50 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Expected cutoff percentile for IIMs - Important note
A candidate qualifying the cutoff percentile is only eligible to register for the counselling process. It is important to note that it does not guarantee admission to any of the institutes. The actual seat allocation will be based on the scores of the candidates who have opted for that IIM as a preference.
11 40 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Expected cutoff percentile for IIMs (3/3)
...(list continued)...
Institute Expected Cutoff IIM Kozhikode 85 percentile IIM Amritsar 85 percentile IIM Vizag 80 percentile IIM Ahmedabad 80 percentile IIM Shillong 60 percentile 11 30 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Expected cutoff percentile for IIMs (2/3)
...(list continued)...
Institute Expected Cutoff IIM Lucknow 90 percentile IIM Indore 90 percentile IIM Jammu 90 percentile IIM Nagpur 90 percentile IIM Bangalore 85 percentile IIM Calcutta 85 percentile 11 20 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Expected cutoff percentile for IIMs (1/3)
In order to participate in the counselling for the respective IIMs, the expected cutoff percentile to be obtained in CAT 2023 are as follows:
Institute Expected Cutoff IIM Rohtak 95 percentile IIM Raipur 92 percentile IIM Trichy 92 percentile IIM Bodh Gaya 92 percentile IIM Sirmaur 92 percentile 11 10 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Slot 2 reporting begins
The reporting time for CAT 2023 Slot 2 paper has begun at 11 AM while the last reporting time is at 12:15 PM. Candidates are advised to reach the examination centre at least between 11:30 PM and 12 PM in order to avoid any on-time rush.
11 00 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Slot 1 Analysis
As per the student reviews, the following is the analysis for CAT Slot 1 Question Paper 2023:
- Overall: Moderate
- VARC: Moderate
- DILR: Tough to Moderate
- QA: Moderate
10 50 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Tentative result date
WIth the release of the notification for the exam, IIM Lucknow has declared the tentative date for the release of CAT 2023 result as the second week of January 2024.
10 40 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Expected answer key date
If previous timelines are analysed, IIM Lucknow is likely to release the provisional answer key by the first or second week of December 2023. Along with the answer key, the response sheet will also be released.
10 37 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT 2023 Slot 1: First reactions
As per the initial reaction, DILR was little difficult in the Slot 1 of CAT 2023
10 30 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT 2023 Question Paper: Slot 1 concludes
The first shift of CAT 2023 has now concluded. Shortly anytime soon, CAT Slot 1 memory-based question paper 2023 along with its answer key will be provided here.
10 20 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper: What after CAT?
Within a few days after the conclusion of CAT 2023 examination, IIM Lucknow will release its provisional answer key. Objections to the answer key will be accepted until 2 to 3 days and based on the final answer key, the result will be released. Shortly after, the IIMs counselling rounds will commence and a separate IIM CAP counselling round for the nine new IIMs will also be conducted.
10 10 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Time extension for PwD
An additional time of 13 minutes and 20 seconds is provided per section for PwD candidates i.e., 40 minutes in total. Hence, Slot 1 for PwD will conclude at 11:10 AM, Slot 2 at 1:10 PM, and Slot 3 at 3:10 PM.
10 00 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT 2023 Question Paper: CAT 2010 Analysis
Before 2017, CAT 2010 was also conducted by IIM Lucknow whose analysis is as follows:
- Overall: Moderately Difficult
- VARC: Moderate
- QA: Moderate to Tough
- DILR: Moderate to Difficult
09 50 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper: CAT 2017 Analysis
CAT 2017 was conducted by IIM Lucknow and the papers this year are also expected to follow the same:
- Overall: Moderate
- VARC: Easy to Moderate
- QA: Moderate
- DILR: Difficult
09 40 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Will the paper be time-consuming?
The overall paper is expected to be moderately time-consuming and the section-wise lengthiness of the paper is as given here:
- VARC: Moderately time-consuming
- QA: Less-to-moderately time-consuming
- DILR: Very time-consuming
09 30 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT 2023 Question Paper: Expected section-wise difficulty level
The overall difficulty level for CAT 2023 is expected to be above moderate while the section-wise difficulty level is as stated here:
- VARC: Moderate
- DILR: Slightly Tough
- QA: Moderate to Tough
09 20 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper: Percentile vs Marks (3/3)
The expected scaled marks requirement from 70 to 60 percentiles are as follows:
Percentile Expected Marks 70 percentile 28 to 32 marks 65 percentile 23 to 28 marks 60 percentile 20 to 23 marks 09 10 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Percentile vs Marks (2/3)
The expected scaled marks requirement from 90 to 75 percentiles are as follows:
Percentile Expected Marks 90 percentile 50 to 65 marks 85 percentile 40 to 50 marks 80 percentile 35 to 40 marks 75 percentile 32 to 35 marks 09 00 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT 2023 Question Paper: Percentile vs Marks (1/3)
The expected scaled marks requirement from 99.5 to 95 percentiles are as follows:
Percentile Expected Marks 99.5 percentile 90 to 110 marks 99 percentile 85 to 90 marks 98 percentile 75 to 85 marks 95 percentile 65 to 75 marks 08 50 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Will difficulty level be same for all slots?
To accumulate the slot-wise differences in difficulty level and more, the marks of candidates will be scaled across all slots and the final score will be normalized in the form of percentiles. The ranks will be allotted based on the percentile scores.
08 40 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper: Will difficulty level be same for all slots?
IIM Lucknow will set the paper such that the difficulty level across all slots will broadly be the same. However, there will be slight differences in the difficulty level, types of questions asked, section-wise number of questions asked, and so on.
08 30 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT 2023 Question Paper: Slot 1 exam begins
The first shift of CAT 2023 examination has now commenced and it will conclude at 10:30 AM. Shortly afterwards, the memory-based questions for the same along with their answer key will be made available here.
08 20 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023 Analysis
Post the examination, a complete analysis of CAT 2023 question paper for all slots will be provided here.
08 10 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper: Last reporting time
The deadline to report to the examination centre concludes in five minutes at 8:15 AM. After this time, no candidate will be allowed inside the exam centre. The examination will commence in 20 minutes at 8:30 AM and will conclude after two hours at 10:30 AM.
08 00 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT 2023 Question Paper: Slot 1 subject-wise timing
The subject-wise timings for Slot 1 are as follows:
- Slot 1 (VARC): 8:30 AM to 9:10 AM
- Slot 2 (DILR): 9:10 AM to 9:50 AM
- Slot 3 (QA): 9:50 AM to 10:30 AM
07 50 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Section-wise time limit
As CAT is a computer-based test, section-wise time limits have been set. Each section can only be solved in 40 minutes. After that, all marked answers will be auto-submitted and the next section will begin. Switching back and forth between the sections will not be permitted.
07 40 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT 2023 Question Paper: Reference number
A unique Reference Number for each candidate is provided on the admit card. Candidates shall use the reference number for identifying the examination hall only. For all other purposes such as marking attendance, logging in for the test, and others, only CAT 2023 registration number shall be provided and not the reference number.
07 30 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper: Is the paper expected to be tough?
It is likely that the CAT paper set by IIM Lucknow will be slightly tougher than the previous years, given that IIM Lucknow CAT papers in both 2017 and 2010 were of a higher difficulty level. To know more about the expected section-wise difficulty level, click here: Is CAT 2023 going to be Tougher than Previous Years?
07 20 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT 2023 Question Paper: Original valid ID proof required
Aside from the admit card, candidates must also carry their original valid photo ID proof with them. This proof must be in original and not a printout or soft copy of the same. Furthermore, it must not be expired such as an expired driving license will not be considered even if it is presented in original. Any of the government-issued IDs with a photograph such as the Aadhar Card, Driving License, Voter's Card, and so on can act as valid ID proofs.
07 10 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Reporting time for Slot 1
The reporting time for Slot 1 has commenced at 7 AM while the last reporting time is until 8:15 AM. After the last reporting time, no candidate will be permitted to enter the examination centre.
07 00 AM IST - 26 Nov'23
CAT Question Paper 2023: Exam Today
IIM Lucknow is the conducting authority of CAT 2023. As scheduled, the exam will be conducted today, November 26, 2023. It will be held in three slots as follows:
- Slot 1: 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM
- Slot 2: 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM
- Slot 3: 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM
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