CBSE Class 12 Political Science Answer Key 2024 (Available): Exam Analysis, Question Paper Solutions

Mahima Gupta

Updated On: April 02, 2024 01:06 PM

Students can access CBSE Class 12 Political Science answer key 2024 here and evaluate their tentative marks in the March 22 exam. The answer key is provided for all question paper sets along with exam analysis.

CBSE Class 12 Political Science Answer Key 2024 (Image Credit: Pexels)CBSE Class 12 Political Science Answer Key 2024 (Image Credit: Pexels)

CBSE Class 12 Political Science Answer Key 2024: Students can access here the answer keys and exam analysis of CBSE Class 12 Political Science (028) examination conducted on March 22, 2024. Our subject experts have prepared CBSE Class 12 Political Science answer key solutions for twelve multiple choice questions and the 4 passage-based objective questions. Answers to other questions are not given as they are descriptive and their evaluation depends on the student’s content in writing and presenting style of answers. The Political Science question paper consists of five sections (A, B, C, D, and E) with 30 questions in total to be attempted within three hours. All questions were compulsory while there was an internal choice in 6 marks questions. Candidates can also check out CBSE 12th Political Science exam analysis covering the overall and section-wise difficulty level of the paper to predict their exam scores.

Also Read | CBSE Class 12 Result Expected Release Date 2024

CBSE Class 12 Political Science Answer Key 2024 for QP Code 59/5/1 (Set 1)

The answers to all objective questions for Set 1 (QP Code 59/5/1) are provided here in tabular format.

Question Number QP Code 59/5/1 (Set 1)
1. Arrange the following events in chronological order and choose the correct option as answer:
(i) Indo-Russian Strategie Agreement
(ii) The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
(iii) Disintegration of the Soviet Union
(iv) Socialist Revolution in Russia
(C) (iv), (ii), (iii), (i)
2. Which one of the following was formed for the planned development of India, just after independence? (B) Planning Commission
3. Which one of the following Princely States of India initially opposed joining the Indian Union? (B) Hyderabad
4. Which one of the following encourages the use of renewable energy? (C) Electricity Act
5. Match the List-I correctly with List-II:
(a) The first country to liberalise its economy in the South Asian region.
(b) Earlier this country had the Sultan as its Head of State. Now, it is a republic.
(c) A land locked country.
(d) In the conflict between the military and the pro-democracy groups, the military had prevailed over democracy in this country.
(i) Maldives
(ii) India
(iii) Pakistan
(iv) Nepal
(C) (a) - (ii), (b) - (i), (c) - (iv), (d) - (iii)
6. Assertion (A): People started protesting against the increase in prices of essential commodities, food scarcity and growing unemployment before the fourth General elections in India.
Reason (R): Failure of monsoons, widespread drought, decline in agricultural production and serious food shortage caused the problem.
(A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
7. Which one of the following developing countries was the first to successfully control the rato of growth of population? (D) Sri Lanka
8. Planning Commission of India was replaced with NITI Aayog because ___________. (B) it was becoming irrelevant to face the new challenges of development.
9. After the death of Lal Bahadur Shastri, there was an intense competition for the post of Prime Minister between Indira Gandhi and which one of the following? (A) Morarji Desai
10. Assertion (A): Presently the global atmosphere is warming up.
Reason (R): A steady decline in the total amount of Ozone in the earth's stratosphere.
(B) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
11. Which event marked the end of Communism in the Soviet Union? (C) Disintegration of the Soviet Union
12. Name the state from which Chhattisgarh was carved out. (D) Madhya Pradesh
24.1. Which principle was followed for the division of British India at the time of partition in 1947? (C) Principle of religious majorities
24.2. Who was the first Deputy Prime Minister of free India? (B) Sardar Patel
24.3. How many princely states were there in British India at the time of independence? (D) 565
24.4. Which of the following statements about the princely states is NOT correct? (B) The ruler of Junagadh had decided to be part of independent India.

CBSE Class 12 Political Science Answer Key 2024 for QP Code 59/1/2 (Set 2)

The answers to all objective questions for Set 2 (QP Code 59/1/2) are provided here in tabular format.

Question Number QP Code 59/1/2 (Set 2)
1. Arrange the following events in chronological order and choose the correct option as answer:
(i) The Russian Revolution
(ii) The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
(iii) The disintegration of Soviet Union
(iv) The end of the World War II
(D) (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)
2. Which Central Asian Republic witnessed a civil war for ten years till 2001? (A) Tajikistan
3. A process in which the countries share ideas and information with their rivals is called _________. (C) Confidence Building
4. People who seek better economic opportunities abroad are called ___________. (B) Migrants
5. Match the List-I correctly with List-II:
a. Antarctic Treaty
b. Montreal Protocol
c. Antarctic Environmental Protocol
d. Kyoto Protocol
i. 1997
ii. 1991
iii. 1987
iv. 1959
(A) a - iv, b - iii, c - ii, d - i
6. Assertion (A): India, China and other developing countries were exempted from the requirements of Kyoto Protocol.
Reason (R): Their contribution to the emission of green house gases during the industrialisation period was not significant.
(A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
7. For the first time the communist party came to power through democratic elections in which state of India? (B) Kerala
8. The first Chief Election Commissioner of India was __________. (B) Sukumar Sen
9. In which year did China annex Tibet? (A) 1950
10. Assertion (A): The Mizo National Front (MNF) started an armed campaign for independence.
Reason (R): After independence the Mizo Hill area was made an autonomous district within Assam.
(B) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
11. India made earnest effort for the early realisation of freedom of Indonesia from the colonial regime of the _________. (D) Dutch
12. 'Karbis' community belongs to which State of India? (B) Assam
25 (i). In which year was the Earth Summit held? (C) 1992
25 (ii). Which one of the following countries was exempted from the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol? (D) China
25 (iii). Which one of the following was not an outcome of the Rio Summit? (D) Kyoto Protocol
25 (iv). The Ozone hole was discovered in the mid 80's over the __________. (C) Antarctic

CBSE Class 12 Political Science Answer Key 2024 for QP Code 59/1/2 (Set 2)

The answers to all objective questions for Set 2 (QP Code 59/1/2) are provided here in tabular format.

Question Number QP Code 59/1/2 (Set 2)
1. Assertion (A): An alliance is a coalition of states that coordinate their actions to deter or defend against military attack.
Reason (R) Countries form alliances to increase their effective power relative to another country or alliance.
(B) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
2. Which one of the following is not considered as a new source of threat to security? (D) War
3. Arrange the following rulers of Pakistan in the chronological order as per the period of their rule:
(i) General Zia-ul-Haq
(ii) Benazir Bhutto
(iii) General Musharraf
(iv) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
(A) (iv), (i), (ii), (iii)
4. Which one of the following countries is not included in 'South Asia'? (B) China
5. Which one of the following countries is not a founder-member of ASEAN? (C) Myanmar
6. The ASEAN Way' is a form of interaction that is ________. (C) cooperative
7. Match List I correctly with List II:
List I
1. Clear majority in the 17th Lok Sabha
2. Implementation of the recommendations of the Mandal Commission
3. Prime Minister H.D. Deve Gowda
4. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
List II
(i) National Front Government
(ii) United Front Government
(iii) United Progressive Alliance Government
(iv) National Democratic Alliance
(A) 1 - (iv), 2 - (i), 3 - (ii), 4 - (iii)
8. Arrange the following Prime Ministers of India in the chronological order as per their period of rule:
(i) H.D. Deve Gowda
(ii) Chandra Shekhar
(iii) P.V. Narsimha Rao
(iv) V.P. Singh
(D) (iv), (ii), (iii), (i)
9. Which of the following problems did India face before the 4th general elections?
(i) Failure of monsoon
(ii) Food crisis
(iii) Heavy rainfall
(iv) Depletion of foreign exchange reserves
Choose the correct option.
(C) (i), (ii), (iv)
10. Identify the false statement from the following related to Lal Bahadur Shastri. (A) He worked as the General Secretary of the Congress Party till 1966.
11. Which one of the following was not a major objective of Jawaharlal Nehru's foreign policy? (C) To make India a nuclear power.
12. There was considerable unease in Indo-US relations during the 1950s because: (A) India had a growing partnership with the Soviet Union.
25 (i). Which one of the following is not a dimension of globalisation? (B) Ethical
25 (ii). Which one of the following statements related to globalisation is not correct? (C) It affects all over the world equally.
25 (iii). Globalisation as a concept does not deal with which one of the following? (C) Flow of rivers
25 (iv). The impact of globalisation is vastly ____________. (B) uneven

CBSE Class 12 Political Science Answer Key 2024 for QP Code 59/3/1 (Set 1)

The answers to all objective questions for Set 1 (QP Code 59/3/1) are provided here in tabular format.

Question Number QP Code 59/3/1 (Set 1)
1. The 'SAARC' is a major States to evolve mutual cooperation. initiative by South Asian states to evolve mutual cooperation. (D) Regional
2. Which region of India is referred to as the 'Seven Sisters'? (A) North-East region
3. Who led the 'Peoples' March' to the Parliament in 1975? (D) Jayaprakash Narayan
4. Students of which two states started an agitation against the rising food prices in 1974? (C) Bihar and Gujarat
5. Arrange the following events in chronological order :
(i) Establishment of the World Bank
(ii) Establishment of the WTO
(iii) Establishment of the UNO
(iv) Establishment of the LAEA
Choose the correct option:
(A) (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)
6. Assertion (A): The king, with the help of the army, retained full control over the government and restricted the expansion of democracy in Nepal.
Reason (R): The king accepted the demand for a new democratic constitution in 2001, in the wake of a strong pro-democracy movement.
(C) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
7. Which one of the following movements was not started by the people of North-East to express their regional aspirations? (C) Movement to form a union of North-East States.
8. Match List I correctly with List II:
List I
1. European Currency
2. Special Economic Zone
3. A permanent member country of UN Security Council
4. A Regional Organisation
List II
(i) France
(ii) ASEAN
(iii) Euro
(iv) China
(A) 1 - (iii), 2 - (iv), 3 - (i), 4 - (ii)
9. Which political party was at the second place in winning the Lok Sabha seats in the first general elections of India? (B) The Communist Party of India
10. Assertion (A): The first general elections in India had to be postponed twice and were finally held from October 1951 to February 1952.
Reason (R): It was no longer possible to argue that democratic elections could not be held in conditions of poverty or lack of education.
(B) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
11. Which one of the following statements about the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka is false? (C) LTTE was supported by the SAARC countries.
12. UN was established with the objective to: (B) prevent international conflict and facilitate cooperation among member states.
25 (i). Choose the correct full form of BAMCEF: (C) Backward and Minority Communities Employees Federation.
25 (ii). In which year was the Bahujan Samaj Party formed? (B) 1984
25 (iii). Who was the founder leader of Bahujan Samaj Party? (D) Kanshi Ram
25 (iv). In which State did the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) form its first government? (C) Uttar Pradesh

CBSE Class 12 Political Science Answer Key 2024 for QP Code 59/2/3 (Set 3)

The answers to all objective questions for Set 3 (QP Code 59/2/3) are provided here in tabular format.

Question Number QP Code 59/2/3 (Set 3)
1. Assertion (A): Oil continues to be the most important resource in global strategy.
Reason (R) : The immense wealth associated with oil generates political struggles.
(A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
2. Match List 1 with List II and choose the correct option:
List I
1. Kyoto Protocol
2. Electricity Act of 2003, India
3. Agenda 21
4. Sustainable Development
List II
(1) List of developmental practices
(ii) Economic growth with ecological responsibility
(iii) Aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions
(iv) Encourages use of renewable energy
(A) 1 - (iii), 2 - (iv), 3 - (i), 4 - (ii)
3. People who flee their homes but remain within national borders are called ___________. (C) internally displaced people
4. 'Balance of power' requires countries to _____________. (D) attack maintain a favourable balance with other countries
5. Which two republics of Russia have had violent secessionist movements? (C) Chechnya and Dagestan
6. Arrange the following events in the chronological order :
(i) Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
(ii) Russian Revolution
(iii) End of Civil War in Tajikistan
(iv) Fall of the Berlin Wall
Choose the correct option:
(B) (ii), (i), (iv), (iii)
7. In which state of India are the Khasi Hills' located? (A) Meghalaya
8. The first summit of NAM was held in : (B) Belgrade
9. Assertion (A): In 1979, the All Assam Students' Union (AASU) led an anti-foreigner movement.
Reason (R): The movement was against illegal migrations and against faulty voters' lists.
(A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
10. In which of the following countries did Dalai Lama obtain political asylum? (C) India
11. In which year was the Election Commission of India set up? (B) 1950
12. Which political party came to power in Jammu and Kashmir in 1952? (D) National Conference
25 (i). India signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol in : (C) August 2002
25 (ii). Why were some developing countries exempted from the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol? (D) Their contribution to emission of greenhouse gases was insignificant.
25 (iii). Where was the Earth Summit' held? (B) Rio de Janeiro
25 (iv). Which one of the following is an example of 'Global Commons'? (C)The Outer Space

CBSE Class 12 Political Science Answer Key 2024 for QP Code 59/3/3 (Set 3)

The answers to all objective questions for Set 3 (QP Code 59/3/3) are provided here in tabular format.

Question Number QP Code 59/3/3 (Set 3)
1. Which country among the following extended massive economic help for reviving Europe's economy? (C) USA
2. Which one of the following movements was not started by the people of North-East to express their regional aspirations? (C) Movement to form a union of North-East States.
3. Which one among the following events is not related to the proclamation of emergency in 1975? (B) The Naxalite Movement
4. Which region of India is referred to as the 'Seven Sisters'? (A) North-East region
5. Assertion (A): The first general elections in India had to be postponed twice and were finally held from October 1951 to February 1952.
Reason (R): It was no longer possible to argue that democratic elections could not be held in conditions of poverty or lack of education.
(B) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
6. Match List I correctly with List II:
List I
1. European Currency
2. Special Economic Zone
3. A permanent member country of UN Security Council
4. A Regional Organisation
List II
(i) France
(ii) ASEAN
(iii) Euro
(iv) China
(A) 1 - (iii), 2 - (iv), 3 - (i), 4 - (ii)
7. Arrange the following events in chronological order :
(i) Establishment of the World Bank
(ii) Establishment of the WTO
(iii) Establishment of the UNO
(iv) Establishment of the LAEA
Choose the correct option:
(A) (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)
8. Which one of the following statements about the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka is false? (C) LTTE was supported by the SAARC countries.
9. Who was the Education Minister in the first Union Cabinet of free India? (C) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
10. Students of which two states started an agitation against the rising food prices in 1974? (C) Bihar and Gujarat
11. Assertion (A): The king, with the help of the army, retained full control over the government and restricted the expansion of democracy in Nepal.
Reason (R): The king accepted the demand for a new democratic constitution in 2001, in the wake of a strong pro-democracy movement.
(C) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
12. Which one of the following is an organ of the United Nations? (C) General Assembly
25 (i). Choose the correct full form of BAMCEF: (C) Backward and Minority Communities Employees Federation.
25 (ii). In which year was the Bahujan Samaj Party formed? (B) 1984
25 (iii). Who was the founder leader of Bahujan Samaj Party? (D) Kanshi Ram
25 (iv). In which State did the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) form its first government? (C) Uttar Pradesh

CBSE 12th Political Science Exam Analysis 2024

Find the complete CBSE 12th Political Science exam analysis 2024 in the following table.

Parameters CBSE 12th Political Science Exam Analysis 2024
Overall difficulty level of the paper Moderate
Difficulty level of Section A Easy to Moderate
Difficulty level of Section B Easy to Moderate
Difficulty level of Section C Moderate
Difficulty level of Section D Moderate but the cartoon-based question was tough
Difficulty level of Section E Moderate to Tough
Overall expected good score 70+ marks
Was the overall paper time-consuming? Somewhat
Which section was the lengthiest? Section E

CBSE Class 12 Answer Key 2024 Links |

The question papers for the respective day-wise exams are available at the links below:

Subject CBSE 12th Answer Key 2024 Link CBSE Class 12 Analysis 2024 Link
Computer Science CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Answer Key 2024
Informatics Practices CBSE Class 12 Informatics Practices Answer Key 2024
Sociology CBSE Class 12 Sociology Answer Key 2024
History CBSE Class 12 History Answer Key 2024 CBSE 12th History Exam Analysis 2024
Business Studies CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Answer Key 2024 CBSE 12th Business Studies Exam Analysis 2024
Accountancy CBSE Class 12 Accountancy Answer Key 2024 CBSE 12th Accountancy Exam Analysis 2024
Biology CBSE Class 12 Biology Answer Key 2024 CBSE 12th Biology Exam Analysis 2024
Economics CBSE Class 12 Economics Answer Key 2024 CBSE 12th Economics Exam Analysis 2024
Psychology CBSE Class 12 Psychology Answer Key 2024
Home Science CBSE Class 12 Home Science Answer Key 2024
Physical Education CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Answer Key 2024 CBSE 12th Physical Education Exam Analysis 2024
Home Science CBSE Class 12 Home Science Answer Key 2024
Mathematics CBSE Class 12 Mathematics Answer Key 2024 CBSE 12th Mathematics Exam Analysis 2024
Physics CBSE Class 12 Physics Answer Key 2024 CBSE 12th Physics Exam Analysis 2024
Geography CBSE Class 12 Geography Answer Key 2024 CBSE 12th Geography Analysis 2024
Chemistry CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Answer Key 2024 CBSE 12th Chemistry Analysis 2024
English Core CBSE Class 12 English Core Answer Key 2024 CBSE 12th English Analysis 2024
Hindi CBSE Class 12 Hindi Core Answer Key 2024 CBSE 12th Hindi Analysis 2024
Biotechnology CBSE Class 12 Biotechnology Answer Key 2024 CBSE 12th Biotechnology Exam Analysis 2024
Entrepreneurship CBSE Class 12 Entrepreneurship Answer Key 2024 CBSE 12th Entrepreneurship Exam Analysis 2024

CBSE Class 12 2024 Weightage Subject-Wise |

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