COMEDK Analysis 2023 Shift 1 (Available): Difficulty Level, Weightage, Good Attempts

Chinmayai Bobade

Updated On: May 30, 2023 08:24 AM

COMEDK 2023 is being conducted on May 28 in two shifts. Obtain here COMEDK Analysis 2023 Shift 1 in terms of its section-wise difficulty level, topics with high weightage, and expected number of good attempts.
COMEDK Analysis 2023 Shift 1COMEDK Analysis 2023 Shift 1

COMEDK Analysis 2023 Shift 1: The Consortium of Medical, Engineering, and Dental Colleges in Karnataka (COMEDK) conducted the Undergraduate Entrance Test (UGET) on a single day on May 28, 2023. COMEDK UGET is an online computer-based exam that was conducted in two shifts of which the morning shift 1 was conducted from 9 AM to 12 noon. However, there are no internal section-wise time slots in the paper.

The exam is over and the examinees’ reviews on the online test have been posted on this page. Accordingly, an in-depth section-wise analysis of difficulty level and expected good attempts has also been updated. Furthermore, the candidates can also find the topics that carried the highest weightage in all three sections below. The question paper for COMEDK consists of 180 questions, each for one mark, divided equally into three sections: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. The test had no negative marking.

COMEDK Analysis 2023 Shift 1: Students Reviews

Candidates can check below the COMEDK Analysis 2023 for shift 1 based on students' reviews and experts analysis:
  • The overall difficulty level of the paper was easy to moderate.
  • The Physics paper was a bit difficult and some formula-based questions were time taking.
  • The chemistry section was easy and there were direct questions.
  • The Mathematics section was easy to moderate. There were 1-2 trick questions.
  • 2-3 questions in Physics were asked from Kinematics and Laws of Motion.
  • 1-2 questions in Chemistry were asked on Bohr's model.
  • 2-3 questions in Mathematics were asked on Relations and Functions.
  • There were very few logic-based questions. A lot of the questions in Physics needed calculations.
  • All of the questions were from the syllabus only.

COMEDK Question Paper Analysis 2023 Shift 1

The section-wise difficulty level of the paper as per the reviews of the candidates is available here:

Particulars Shift 1 Analysis
Overall difficulty level Easy to moderate
Difficulty level of physics Moderate to Difficult
Difficulty level of chemistry Easy
Difficulty level of mathematics Easy to moderate
Was the paper lengthy? No
Most time-consuming section Chemistry

COMEDK Analysis 2023 Shift 1: Topics with high weightage

The topics from which the highest number of questions were asked in shift 1 are as follows:

Section Topics with high weightage
Physics Motion in a straight line, Uniform, and non-uniform motion, Laws of Motion, Kinetic and potential energies, Centre of mass of a rigid body, Thermodynamics, Dual Nature of Matter, and Radiation
Chemistry Atomic models, state function and path function, Heat, Work, Dynamic nature of equilibrium, Redox reactions and Electrochemistry, s- Block & p-Block Elements and metallurgy, Chemical Kinetics, Environmental Chemistry
Mathematics Relations and Functions, Real valued functions and their graphs, Trigonometric Functions, Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations, Binomial Theorem, Probability, Matrices

COMEDK Analysis 2023 Shift 1: Expected good attempts

The following are the number of questions from each section that a candidate with an average preparation level shall be able to answer.

Section Total Questions Expected Good Attempts
Physics 60 45-50
Chemistry 60 35-40
Mathematics 60 45-50
Total 180 165+

COMEDK 2023 Related Reads

Related to the COMEDK exam, the following links are helpful:

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