CUET UG English Answer Key 2024 Unofficial (Available): All sets of questions with answers

Aman Agarwal

Updated On: July 07, 2024 06:31 PM

The unofficial CUET UG English Answer Key 2024 prepared by subject experts is now available here for all question paper sets: Set A to Set D. Download CUET English Answer Key 2024 now.
CUET UG English Answer Key 2024 UnofficialCUET UG English Answer Key 2024 Unofficial

CUET UG English Answer Key 2024: The National Testing Agency conducted CUET UG 2024 English exam on May 15 and the candidates can check the set-wise unofficial answer keys here. CUET UG English answer key 2024 for Set A, B, C and D can be accessed here. As these are unofficial answer keys prepared by subject experts, there might be a few errors despite the efforts being taken to make them error-free. The official answer key will be released after the completion of the CUET UG exam 2024. Based on the previous years' trends, candidates can expect the CUET UG English official answer key to be released between June 8 to June 13, 2024. Until the official key is released candidate can make use of the unofficial key. CUET English Answer Key 2024 for all the sets is now available below.

LATEST (July 7) | CUET UG Answer Key 2024 Released: Response sheet PDF with keys download link

CUET UG English Unofficial Answer Key 2024

The unofficial CUET English Answer Key 2024 is provided in the table below:

Questions across all paper sets are the same, only the order is shuffled. Hence, the questions and answers are directly provided so that the answer key becomes accessible for all sets.

CUET English Questions 2024 CUET English Answer Key 2024
1. Complete the sentences given in List-I with the appropriate adverbs given in List-II:
List-I (Sentences)
(A) I thought the restaurant would be expensive but it was _______ affordable.
(B) It was a serious accident. But the car was _______ damaged.
(C) The meeting was a disaster as it was very _______ organized.
(D) Mira is gifted, she has the ability to learn any language _______.
List-II (Adverbs)
(I) badly
(II) reasonably
(III) quickly
(IV) hardly
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (A) - (II), (B) - (IV), (C) - (I), (D) - (III)
2. Choose the appropriate word pair to complete the sentence:
I didn't know Rahul was in the hospital. If I ______, I would ________ him.
(2) had known, have visited
3. Complete the sentences given in List-I with the appropriate phrasal verbs given in List-II:
List-I (Sentences)
(A) She was very _____ with him for his offensive remarks on women in politics.
(B) I have plenty of interesting books to _____ to book lovers.
(C) Strange that people easily _____ temptation and ruin their reputation!
(D) Rahul is trying to _____ on his smoking.
List-II (Phrasal verbs)
(I) give away
(II) cut down
(III) cut up
(IV) give in
(4) (A) - (III), (B) - (I), (C) - (IV), (D) - (II)
4. Identify the option closest in meaning to the underlined word:
The movie star's biography is a glossy, sycophantic portrayal.
(3) flattering
5. Choose the correct ANTONYM of the underlined word:
The Minister unleashed a compliment against the newspaper for its biased editorial on illiteracy among women in his constituency.
(1) denunciation
6. Choose the correct SYNONYM for redoubtable from the options given below. (3) formidable
7. Choose the correct ANTONYM for sullen from the options given below. (4) genial
8. Rearrange the following parts in the correct sequence to make a meaningful sentence:
(A) are inborn but our
(B) constituents of flavour, are learned
(C) our responses to basic tastes
(D) perceptions of smells, the main
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(3) (C), (A), (D), (B)
9. Match the words in List-I with their definitions in List-II:
List-I (Words)
(A) Theocracy
(B) Megalomania
(C) Apothecary
(D) Antiquarian
List-II (Definition)
(I) One who kepps drugs for sale and puts up prescriptions
(II) One who collects and studies objects or artistic works from the distant past
(III) A government by divine guidance or religious leaders
(IV) A morbid delusion or one's power, importance or godliness
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (A) - (III), (B) - (IV), (C) - (I), (D) - (II)
10. Fill in the blank with the correct option.
A small _____ between two children ended up as a group fight.
(1) altercation
11. Re-arrange the following phrases in the right sequence to form a meaningful sentence.
(A) for seven hours but was hardly
(B) because of the absence of any motivation
(C) able to decide who the murderer was
(D) she worked on the case
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(2) (D), (A), (C), (B)
12. Fill in the blank with the correct option.
The candidate assured the interviewers that the dip in her grades during her second semester as an ________ since she had always been a top scorer in the first semester.
(1) anomaly
13. Replace the underlined word with the most appropriate SYNONYM.
For sometime now, we've been toying with the idea of transferring all our business from physical to online sales only.
(3) considering
14. Select the word opposite in meaning to the underlined word.
At first the workers were agreeable to the proposals of their Manager, but later they were reconciled to the new proposals.
(2) estangered
15. Complete the sentences given in List-I with the appropriate words given in List-II:
List-I (Sentences)
(A) She was able to give a _______ explanation in the court for her presence near the crime scene.
(B) The Rockland Hospital _______ with AIIMS to conduct a free cancer screening camp.
(C) Though she has shown only 4% improvement in achieving her target yet her efforts _______.
(D) The doctors give the prognosis by _______ their diagnosis with several tests.
List-II (Words)
(I) collaborate/d
(II) corroborate/ing
(III) credible
(IV) creditable
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(3) (A) - (III), (B) - (I), (C) - (IV), (D) - (II)
16. Fill in the blank with the correct option.
Most of the guests arrived for the concert __________ bus.
(1) by
17. Choose the word closest in meaning to the underlined word.
Why did you make that flippant remark about her choice of clothes?
(2) disrespectful
18. Select the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word.
The thief showed his disbelief when informed that his partner had been arrested
(2) concealed
19. Fill in the blank with the correct option.
The President finally had to _______ the demands of the public for his resignation.
(3) acede to
20. Re-arrange the following parts of a sentence in their correct sequence to form a meaningful sentence.
(A) for organizations which provide
(B) services to customers on a face-to-face basis.
(C) employees with whom they deal is very important
(D) the quality of the relationship between customers and
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
(4) (D), (A), (C), (B)
21. Re-arrange the following parts of a sentence in their correct sequence to form a meaningful sentence.
(A) as a concept fundamental to
(B) especially with the injunction to treat equals equally
(C) justice is associated with the notion of equity and equality,
(D) ethical theory and political philosophy,
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(4) (A), (D), (C), (B)
22. Match the idioms in List-I with their meanings in List-II:
List-1 (Idioms)
(A) blow the gall
(B) at the end of your tether
(C) be full of beans
(D) want to curl up and die
List-II (Meanings)
(I) feel unable to deal with something
(II) feel terribly ashamed and embarrassed
(III) divulge a secret
(IV) be full of energy
(1) (A) - (III), (B) - (I), (C) - (IV), (D) - (II)
23. Match the blanks in List-I with the Prepostions in List-II:
List-I (Sentences)
(A) The edited version of her article is indistinguishable ______ her first version.
(B) I just don't feel any affinity _______ prose style. It's too caustic. his
(C) Her ideas are not all that dissimilar ______ mine.
(D) It would be wrong to mistake his diffidence ______his arrogance or coldness.
List-II (Prepositions)
(I) with
(II) to
(III) for
(IV) from
(1) (A) - (IV), (B) - (I), (C) - (II), (D) - (III)
24. Re-arrange the parts in their correct sequence to form a meaningful sentence:
(A) students with tools for critical thinking
(B) cooperative learning is an
(C) that enhances creativity and provides
(D) eclectic and unique teaching method
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(2) (B), (D), (C), (A)
Read the given passage and answer the six questions that follow.
When I was in my late teens and still undecided about which language I should write in...
25. The author grew up with the expectation that she would take up ______.
Fill in the blank with the correct option to complete the sentence.
(3) creative writing.
26. When her father said, "She will go far," he meant that ________.
Fill in the blank with the correct option to complete the sentence.
(1) she will travel widely.
27. Choose a Statement which is not true with respect to the passage: (2) She felt obligated to carry on the legacy of Premchand.
28. Premchand became too large for her to understand mainly because of
(A) his ability to connect with people from a walks of life.
(B) the fact that she feared him.
(C) the kind of love and reverence that he inspired in people.
(D) her constant anxiety of failing him.
Choose the correct answer from the options Riven below
(2) (A) and (C) only.
29. 'Inhaled his writing' refers to:
Choose the correct option from the following.
(1) imbibing his style subconsciously.
30. Choose the correct meaning of the word " Ubiquity " as it appears in the passage: (1) Occassional
Read the given passage and answer the six questions that follow.
Free will is the ability to decide and act free from any influence of past events...
31. The author argues that humans don't have "will" because ________.
Fill in the blank with the correct option to complete the sentence.
(1) our decisions are shaped by past events and environmental influences.
32. "Karmic imprint" referred to in the passage implies _________.
Fill in the blank with the correct option to complete the sentence.
(2) our genetic code, upbringing and environment.
33. "Free will" can be experienced if __________.
Fill in the blank with the correct option to complete the sentence.
(3) we let go of our ego, attachments and fixed beliefs.
34. The author proves that the idea of "free will" a myth by suggesting that __________.
Fill in the blank with the correct option to couplete the sentence.
(1) our ability to make a choice is restricted by our predispositions.
35. What does the author propose as a means to expand the scope of one's agency? Choose the correct option. (2) Engaging in sustained inner work and self-awareness.
36. What do you think could be a suitable title for this passage? Choose the most appropriate option. (1) Definition of "Free Will".
Read the given passage and answer the six questions that follow.
On a chilly winter evening, nothing warms you up better than a cup of hot cocoa...
37. Cocon was first introduced by the (2) Omlee people.
38. The Aztec people made their cocoa palatable by (4) drinking it as a medicine.
39. Why did hot chocolate become "the beverage of the aristocracy" in Europe? (3) Only wealthy Europeans could buy it
40. The Chocolate Houses didn't survive past the 18th century as (3) chocolate was costlier than tea or coffee
41. Choose the correct statement from the following: (3) Colombians serve hot chocolate topped with a dollop of cheese.
42. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined expression in the following sentence:
Soon enough, though, hot chocolate caught on with the masses.
(2) became popular among the commoners.
Read the given passage and answer the six questions that follow.
Coffee's genetic make-up is no trivial concern; 10 million tonnes of the crop were grown and...
43. Which of the following varieties of coffee is the most sold in the world? (2) Coffea Arabica
44. Which of the following species of coffee has more than two copies of each chromosome? (1) Arabica
45. Which of the following statements is true about Coffa Arabica? (1) Hybridization is the main source of its genetic variation.
46. Which of the following species of coffee developed only in the last 50,000 years? (3) Arabica
47. Which of the following types of variability is not very high for Coffea Arabica ? (4) Variability at the DNA level
48. Choose the statement that is factually incorrect from the options given below. (3) Due to its genetic make-up, novel mutations do not occur in the species Coffea Arabica.
49. Re-arrange the following phrases in correct sequence to form a meaningful sentence.
(A) created by human
(B) collective cultural heritage
(C) all languages
(D) communities are our
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(3) (C), (A), (D), (B)
50. Fill in the blank with the correct option, to form a meaningful sentence.
The Principal addressed us in the assembly and ___________ the rumours of an early summer break.
(2) quashed

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