This year, Delhi has defeated Jaipur by sending the maximum number of students into IITs. This year, IITs will have a huge share of children coming from the national capital. Traditionally, Jaipur topped the charts by sending the maxim number of students into IIT. but this time, Delhi has even left Jaipur behind.
Apart from that, what’s new is the addition of three Maharashtra cities in the list of top 10 IIT filling cities. These cities are Mumbai, Pune and Nagpur.
This year, Indore and Bhopal of Madhya Pradesh will be sending about 805 students to the reputed IITs.
According to the last year charts, highest number of students into IITs were from Jaipur, followed by Delhi, Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Patna and Mumbai, in that order. Mumbai from the sixth position is now in the fourth position. And Lucknow has also made an entry in the Top 10 list this year.
Out of 14,385 candidates who qualified to join the IITs this year, 50% of the students belong from the above-mentioned cities. Last year, this was not the case as only fewer cities dominated the charts, rest all students were spread from various locations.
"We were noticing the slow rise of Delhi since a few years. Mumbai and its satellite towns too have a better rank. But if one goes by the absolute numbers, we see that there has been an overall drop in candidates from all these cities," said a JEE chairman.
About 2000 students used to qualify from the top three cities- Delhi, Jaipur and Hyderabad. Interestingly, Vijayawada which saw 1,448 students qualify in 2014, witnessed a meteoric drop in the number this year.
"While diversity adds richness to the classroom, each edition of the JEE hopes to be more inclusive so that students from every corner of the country can make it to our campus," said another JEE chairman. "We also feel that while coaching class-trained students from the metros and the big cities come with a certain mindset, those from the smaller towns are also equally sharp and go on to achieve big things," he added.