Central Minister VK Singh visited Sri Vishnu Educational Institutions, West Godavari on 22-June-2016. On this occasion, he interacted with the students for one hour. He shared his life experiences and enlightened the students about various issues. He answered to the various questions posed by the students. Students of various colleges of the district were present at the event.
He explained that the discipline and concentration are the key factors to the success . Students must develop concentration on par with discipline to be successful in career. One must develop service nature and help the needy . He shared his life experiences with the students. He shared that, after the retirement in military he joined in a charitable trust and started to help the needy and poor children who are deprived of education and other facilities. He mentioned that he had rendered his services to military for 42 years and later decided to serve the country where they there are lots of destitute who are looking for a helping hand.
Later students posed various questions related to politics and current affairs and got answered very clearly by the minister. He concluded that youth must play an important role in serving the nation apart from family responsibilities and career.