CSIR-CDRI and Carl Zeiss jointly organized a National Workshop on Confocal Microscopy on 05-06 May, 2016. Topics covered at the workshop were , Basics of microscopy; fluorescence and confocal microscopy; Principles, applications and practical aspects of confocal microscopy and specimen preparation; Intra-vital and Super-Resolution Microscopy .
Dr. H. Krishnamurthy (Head, Central Imaging and Flow Cytometry Facility, NCBS, Bangalore); Mr. Rishi Kant (National Manager, Marketing & Applications, Carl Zeiss India), Mr. Sujoy Dey (Applications expert, Carl Zeiss), Dr. Kumaravelu Jagavelu (Senior Scientist, CSIR-CDRI); Dr. Kalyan Mitra (Senior Scientist, CSIR-CDRI) and other faculty members were present during the workshop.
Topics like Basics of microscopy; fluorescence and confocal microscopy; Principles, applications and practical aspects of confocal microscopy and specimen preparation; Intra-vital and Super-resolution Microscopy were covered at the two day workshop.
CDRI is constantly working on research and devlopment of drugs and medicines for the society. Unique achievements of the Institute includes discovery and development of 12 new drugs, of which, Arteether (Brand Name: E-mal), BESEB (Brand Name: Memory Sure), Centchroman (Brand Name: Saheli) are currently in market ; transferred more than 130 indigenous technologies to the pharmaceutical companies, a significant contribution in the metamorphosis of the Indian Pharma Industry.
Source: Rahul Pandey, City Journalist - Lucknow, CollegeDekho