GUJCET Biology Unofficial Answer Key 2025 (Available): Set-wise solutions PDF download

Rini Maria

Updated On: March 25, 2025 10:58 AM

To obtain GUJCET Biology Unofficial Answer Key 2025, access the set-wise PDFs provided here for the exam held on March 23, 2025. The correct paper solution for all questions is given here.
GUJCET Biology Unofficial Answer Key 2025GUJCET Biology Unofficial Answer Key 2025

GUJCET Biology Unofficial Answer Key 2025: The GUJCET 2025 exam was administered by the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, Gandhinagar, on March 23, 2025 . As per the pattern, the exam was held in three sections, Physics and Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology. The Biology exam was held from 1 PM to 2 PM, for 40 questions for 40 marks. Candidates will be able to access GUJCET Biology Unofficial Answer Key 2025 here now. The unofficial answer key will guide the candidates to know their expected scores and analyse their performances.

GUJCET Biology Unofficial Answer Key 2025

In the table below the set-wise GUJCET Biology Unofficial Answer Key 2025 is provided for aspirants to check their answers:

Question GUJCET 2025 Paper Solution Biology
1. Find out the odd one for covergent evolution:
(A) Bobcat-Tasmanian lion cat
(B) Anteater-Numbat
(C) Wolf- Tasmanian wolf
(D) Lemur- Spotted Cuscus
(A) Bobcat-Tasmanian lion cat
2. Who worked in the Malay Archipelago?
(A) Alfred Wallace
(B) Oparin and Haldane
(C) Karl Ernst von Baer
(D) Ernst Heckel
(A) Alfred Wallace
3. Which of the following examples show the common ancestry? (D) Only (I) and (II)
4. Diagram question.
(A) Lymph nodes
5. Which of the following causes allergy? (D) Histamine
6. The B-lymphocytes produce an army of proteins in response to pathogens in blood to fight with them. What are these proteins called? (C) Antibodies
7. Bioactive molecule obtained from which of the following microbe is used to treat the myocardial infarction? (A) Streptococcus
8. Which of the following species-specific viruses are excellent candidates for narrow spectrum insecticidal applications? (D) Baculoviruses
9.  Which of the following bacteria can fix atmospheric nitrogen in free-living conditions? (C) Azospirillum, Azotobacter
10. Which of the following techniques is used to introduce alien DNA into animal cells? (A) Micro-injection
11. If PCR method is repeated for 30 cycles, then how many times amplification of DNA segment will be obtained? (B) 1 Billion times
12. Which of the following is used to deliver a piece of DNA known as T-DNA transform normal plant cells into a tumor? (D) Agrobacterium tumifaciens
13. Find the inappropriate for:
Transgenic animals are used in investigation for many human diseases.
14. Crystals of Bt toxin produced by some bacteria do not kill the bacteria themselves because- (C) Toxin is inactive
15. Use of this method resulting in formation of tomato (C) Somatic hybridisation
16. Select the type of biotic interaction with an example, in which one of the interaction species is beneficial while the other remains unaffected. (B) Commensalism- Epiphyte on mangi branch
17. If in a pond there are 40 lotus plants last year and through reproduction 8 new plants were added, calculate the birth rate. (B) 0.2
18. Which one of the following has the largest population in a food chain? (C) Decomposers
19. Which of the following option is inappropriate for the components of the ecosystems? (C) Biosphere
20. In which condition the "Prey" might become extinct? (C) When the prey is overexploited
21. The main difference between "sixth extinction" and the previous five extinctions is that the sixth extinction: (B) is occurring at a faster rate
22. Alexander von Humboldt described for the first time (B) Species area relationships
23. There are 4 microsporangia present in an anther. Each possesses 1000 sporangia tissue cells. How many pollen-tetrad will be produced in this anther at the end of microsporogenesis? (D) 4000
24. Pollen grain of which of the following family do not maintain viability for month. (C) Poaccae
25. Match the Column-I and Column-II and choose the appropriate option:
Column-I Column-II
p) Amorphophallus
q) Beetles
r) Honey Bees
s) Moths
i) Dominating pollinating agents
ii) Yucca
iii) Floral rewards
iv) Flowers secret foul odours
(B) p-iii, q-iv, r-i, s-ii
26. In a lady, the first menstruation began at the onset of 14 years of age and manopause observed at the completion of 46 years of age. She became mother of two children during this period. So, how many ova were produced during her reproductive phase? (D) 366
27. In a woman uterine contraction does not occur for normal delivery. What do you think the doctors inject to induce delivery? (C) Oxytocin
28. Select the correct option for the name X structure in the given diagram and the number of chromosome it has.
(B) Secondary spermatocyte, 23
29. Which of the following structures constitute the female accessory ducts? (D) All of these
30. Increase level of which hormone induces ovulation. (B) LH
31. Which of the following statement is not created for MTP? (D) Nearly 50 to 60 million MTPs are performed in a year all over the world.
32. Which of the following symptoms are belong to STIs? (D) Only (i) and (iii)
33. Which of the following is correct for  α Thalassemia? (D) Chromose-16
34. Choose the appropriate option for a metabolic error called phenylketonuria. (C) Phenylalanine hydroxylase- Phenylglutamic acid and other derivatives.
35. Out of the five organisms given below, How many organisms have the same number of chromosomes in the males and female both.
Grasshopper, parrot, chick, drosophila, honey bee
(C) 3
36. Who united the knowledge of chromosomal segregation with Mendelian principles and called it the chromosomal theory of inheritance? (D) Sutton
37. Chromosonal aberrations are commonly observed in____ (B) Oncogenic cells
38. Which of the following presents the structure of "Translation Unit"? (D)
39. Choose the correct option for X, Y, and Z in the given diagram:
(C) 5'-Tyr-3'
40. Scientists have identified _______ location of "snips" in human. (B) 1.4 million

GUJCET Biology Unofficial Answer Key 2025: Key Details

Here are some of the details regarding the GUJCET Biology Unofficial Answer Key 2025 that candidates should note:
  • Candidates are not allowed to register objections to this unofficial answer key, but it should be assured that the answer key is definitive as it is being prepared by subject matter specialists.
  • Each question on the multiple-choice question (MCQ) paper will have four possible answers, with only one right response.
  • According to the marking scheme, one mark is awarded for each right response, and 0.25 marks are subtracted for each wrong response.
  • Additionally, a candidate or student will receive one fewer mark (negative marking) for selecting two or more of the four possibilities (answers) for a single multiple-choice question.
Besides, it should be mentioned that the official answer key will be available on the official website within 3 to 5 days for applicants to review and object to the answer key directly through the official website. This GUJCET Biology Unofficial Answer Key 2025 will help candidates understand their anticipated marks in the interim.

GUJCET Answer Key 2025 Subject-Wise |

Candidates can find out the GUJCET 2025 answer key of the other subjects here in the following table:

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