GUJCET Chemistry Unofficial Answer Key 2025 (Available): Set-wise solutions PDF download

Angana Nath

Updated On: March 25, 2025 10:58 AM

To obtain GUJCET Chemistry Unofficial Answer Key 2025, access the set-wise PDFs provided here for the exam held on March 23, 2025. The correct paper solution for all questions is given here.
GUJCET Chemistry Unofficial Answer Key 2025GUJCET Chemistry Unofficial Answer Key 2025

GUJCET Chemistry Unofficial Answer Key 2025: The Gujarat Board of Secondary Education conducts the GUJCET 2025 exam today, from 10 AM to 12 PM. After concluding the GUJCET Chemistry exam, the candidates can check out the unofficial answer key for 40 questions here. Based on the GUJCET Chemistry unofficial answer key, the candidates can calculate their marks and assess their performance level. The candidates will be rewarded with 1 mark for every correct answer; whereas they will be penalised with 0.25 marks for every incorrectly marked answer.

GUJCET Chemistry Unofficial Answer Key 2025

Candidates can find out the set-wise GUJCET Chemistry unofficial answer key here in the following table:

Questions Correct Answers
41) For the given reaction how much quantity of electricity in Coulomb is required

2/3AL 2 O 3 ------->4/3AL+O 2
4X96500 C
42) Which statement is correct for ΔG and E cell ? ΔG is extensive and Ec ell is intensive property
43) Half life period for certam zero order reaction is 10 min. then how much time is required for this reaction to semplete 100%? 20 min
44) The half-life for radioactive decay of "C is 5730 years. An archaeological artifact containing wood had only 80% of the "C found in a living tree. Which is the correct formula for age (1) of the sample? t=(5730/0.3)log(100/80)
45) According to Arrhenius equation which of the following statement is correct? Increase in temperature or decrease in Activation Energy will increase rate of reaction.
46) Select correct reaction for the given rate.
rate = -6d[A]/dt=-4d[b]/dt=3d[c]/dt=4d[D]/dt
47) The highest Mn fluoride is MnF 4 whereas the highest oxide is Mn 2 O 7 because-- Oxygen forms multiple bonds and fluorine form single bond
48) Identify the metal whose divalent ion has 'spin only' magnetic moment √35 вм. Mn
49) In acidic solution MnO 4 2- convert into_____ MnO - 4 and MnO 2
50) What is the oxidation state of Ti in Zeigler catalyst? +4
51) If [Co(NH 3 ) 2 (NO 2 ) 2 ] shows facial and meridional isomers, identify values of x and y. x = 3 y = 3
52) Which statement is correct? (A) [NiCl 4 ] 2- is an outer orbital complex where as [Ni(CN) 4 ] 2- is an inner orbital complex.
53) What will be the value of Van't Hoff factor (i) for following coordination compound? (compound completely dissociate in aqueous solution, Potassium trioxalatoaluminate (III) 4
54) According to crystal field theory for which of the following coordination entities Δ 0 is maximum? [Co(CN) 6 ] 3-
55) Which of the following compound is not allylic halide? 2-Bromo-2-methylbut-2-ene
56) How many minimum numbers of C-atom containing monobaloalkape shows Optical Isomerism? 4
57) Which of the following compound has highest reactivity towards S N 2 repetion? 1-Bromobutane
58) ______ compound is slowly oxidised by air in presence of light to an extremely poisonous gas, carbonyl chloride. Trichloromethane
59) Identify R', R" and R"" for the following reaction
R'=CH 3 , R''=C 2 H 5 , R'''=CH 3
In this reaction X, Y and Z are respectively 0
CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 Cl, C 6 H 5 OH, CH 3 COCH 3
61) Which enzyme is used for fermentation of glucose? Zymase
62. Ethanol diethyl ether
The above reaction is which type?
Substitution nucleophilic bimolecular
63) Identify the functional group present in Vanillin. -CHO,-OH,-OCH 3
64) For the given reaction, identufy the proper reagent.
C 5 H 5 NH + CrO 3 Cl -
65) Which reagent is used to distinguish Acetophenone and Benzophenone? NaOI
66) For which compound pKa is highest? CH 3 CH 2 COOH
Which statement is correct for Product "X"
It has one Isomer of 2° amine
68) The most reactive amine towards dil. HCL is (CH 3 ) 2 NH
69) Assertion: Only small amount of HCL is required in reduction of Nitrocompound with iron scrap.
Reason: FeCl 2 formed gets hydrolysed to release HCl during the reaction
Both Assertion and Reason are correct. Reason give correct explanation for Assertion
70) Which type of solution of phenol is required to prepare Orange dye by couplin reaction? Alkaline solution of phenol
71) nucleotide is not present in RNA. Thymine containing
72) Each polypeptide in a protein has amino acids linked with each other in a specifie sequence. This sequence of amino acids is called structure of that protein. Primary structure
73) Deficiency of vitamin causes scurvy disease. Ascorbic acid
74) Reaction with which reagent glucose form oxime? NH 2 OH
75) What will be mass percentage of aqueous solution of NaOII in which mole fraction of NaOH is 0.2? 35.71%W/W
76) For which of the following mixture Δ mix H > 0? C 2 H 5 OH+CH 3 COCH 3
77) Which is the correct order for solubility of following compound in n-octane (at Identical Condition)
I. Cyclohexane
78) ____ solution is hypertonic with reference to fluid inside the blood cell. 1.2% W/V NaCl
79) Which relation is correct for λ° m(H20) ? λ° m(HCl)+ λ° m(NaOH)- λ° m(NaCl)
80) For Daniell cell E° cell =1.1 V. How Kc is represented for reaction occuring in Daniell cell? Kc=10 2.2/0.059

After that the authority will release the GUJCET subject-wise official answer key on the official website. The authority has not yet declared the official date of releasing the GUJCET 2025 answer key, tentatively it will be available after 7 to 10 days from the day of examination. Note that the candidates can find out the GUJCET set-wise and subject-wise official answer keys in the form of PDFs on the official website.

Note, that once the GUJCET official answer key will be released, the candidates can raise an objection against it (if the candidates will find any error in the answer key). Once the challenges will be addressed, the authority will release the GUJCET final answer key.

GUJCET Answer Key 2025 Subject-Wise |

Candidates can find out the GUJCET 2025 answer key of the other subjects here in the following table:

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