Gujarat government’s Education department has recently announced that in the year 2015 Engineering and Pharmacy admission procedure, the state government is going to replace existing GUJCET with CBSE’s JEE (MAIN) 2015
JEE (Main) (Paper I of earlier AIEEE) will be held in two modes, viz offline and online (CBT), Also 50% weight will be given to JEE Main score and 50% weight will be given to higher secondary examination board’s 12th result while creating a merit list. However, percentile rank will be taken into consideration while preparing merit list instead of a percentage of the candidate.
A question paper will be available in any of three languages – Hindi, English and Gujarati which will be in objective style. Applications for this exam will be accepted online at a certain time once CBSE’s made an announcement in this regard.
More details can be obtained from the institute website which is