The stages of recruitment process of UPSC CMS exam are shared by the commission. Here is how important is personality test in UPSC CMS selection process.

How important is Personality Test in the UPSC CMS selection process? This is a common question candidates have when thinking about the stages involved in UPSC CMS recruitment 2022. The stages of the UPSC CMS selection process have been mentioned in detail by the Union Public Service Commission in the official notification of the Combined Medical Services recruitment process 2022. However, we have also mentioned the different phases of the selection process for the UPSC CMS exam.
Stage 1: Computer-based Written Examination (500 Marks)
Stage 2: Personality Test/ Personal Interview (100 Maks)
Stage 3: Physical Fitness Efficiency Test (Qualifying according to the norms of UPSC CMS Board)
After qualifying in the written examination (Computer Based Test), the applicants have to appear for the personality test in stage 2 of the UPSC CMS selection process which is as important as any other phase.
Importance of Personality Test in UPSC CMS Selection Process
Candidates qualifying in the first phase will only be invited to appear for the personality test that is stage 2 of the process
Applicants will be judged on the basis of their knowledge of Medical Science, and personality to work in the medical institutions
The Personality Test will be having 100 marks in total. There are no minimum qualifying marks for the personal interview in UPSC CMS.
This personality test will be held for examining the general knowledge and the efficiency of the applicants in their field of academics. Moreover, the personality test is conducted to analyse the applicant’s curiosity, Ability to work under rigorous medical conditions, Spontaneity, Wise Judgement of treatment, Leadership approach, and social inclusion.
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