A lot of complaints are registered regarding the fees charged by professional colleges because the fees include the capitation fee.
Capitation fee is an amount of money charged for uniform per person.
Recently a
National Fee Committee
was made to fix the problems related to tuition and the committee is headed by
Justice B N Srikrishna.
In an effort to fix the problem related to capitation fee, the committee proposes the maximum fees that can be charged by professional institutes in their report to
Union HRD Ministry
.This committee was made on the command of honourable Supreme Court of India.
In the report, committee mentions that the capitation fee should not be charged by the professional colleges from students.
Lok Sabha asked the HRD Ministry that what should be done to colleges who continues to charge capitation fee. This question’s reply was given by HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar which said, “Therefore, any Institution reported to be charging capitation fee shall be liable for punitive action under the AICTE Approval Process Handbook”.