IBSAT 2020 (Dec 27) Exam and Question Paper Analysis (Out), Answer Key and Solutions

Sukriti Vajpayee

Updated On: December 29, 2020 02:08 PM

IBSAT 2020 was successfully held on December 26 and 27, 2020. The exam was conducted via an online proctored mode from 10:00 am to 12 noon. Find the paper analysis and answer key of IBSAT 2020 (Dec 27) here.

IBSAT 2020 Dec 27 Exam Analysis

The ICFAI Business School (IBS), Hyderabad conducts its individual entrance exam called ICFAI Business Studies Aptitude Test,  commonly known as IBSAT . The exam is held every year for admission to the various MBA (Master of Business Administration) programmes offered at the ICFAI Business School. IBSAT 2020 was held on December 27, 2020, from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. We have provided an in-depth exam analysis of IBSAT 2020 in this article.

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IBSAT 2020 was organised through an online proctored mode and applicants were able to take the exam from home. No specific time limit was allotted to any section of IBSAT 2020 and candidates could answer any section at any time. The difficulty level of IBSAT 2020 (Dec 27) was easy to moderate.

As per the IBSAT 2020 exam pattern informed earlier, the exam had 4 sections and all the questions were of multiple-choice format. Four options were given for each question and candidates had to pick one correct answer among them. IBSAT 2020 answer key and solutions are also given here.

IBSAT 2020 Exam Analysis (Dec 27)

IBSAT 2020 consisted of four sections, Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal Ability, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency, and Reading Comprehension. The duration of IBSAT 2020 was 2 hours and a total of 120 questions were asked. The table given below provides the difficulty level of each section and the questions asked in IBSAT 2020.


Total Questions Asked

No. of Good Attempts

Estimated Time Required

Verbal Ability


32 - 34

25 - 27 minutes

Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency


22 - 24

25 - 30 minutes

Quantitative Aptitude


23 - 25

25 - 30 minutes

Reading Comprehension


22 - 23

25 - 28 minutes



102 - 110

120 minutes

Also Read: MBA Colleges Accepting IBSAT 2020 Score: Courses and Cut-Off

Section Wise IBSAT 2020 Exam Analysis

In this section, you will find the section-wise analysis of IBSAT 2020 (Dec 27 exam). Check the details of all sections of IBSAT 2020 below.

Section 1: Verbal Ability

The section of Verbal Ability in IBSAT 2020 carries the maximum questions and one mark is awarded for each question. In this section, the Grammar, Vocabulary, and Reasoning Skills of an individual will be assessed. Candidates will be evaluated based on their proficiency in the English language. Check the topic-wise distribution of the IBSAT 2020 Verbal Ability section here.

Topics Asked


Meaning of Idioms/ Phrases

Jumbled Paragraph (4 sentences)

Find error from four underlined parts

One word substitute of the given phrase


Double FIB

Word Analogy

Replace a part of the given sentence

Cloze passage

Section 2: Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency

The Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency section of IBSAT 2020 will have most of the questions based on Logical reasoning and critical reasoning. A total of 30 questions will be asked in this section and the candidate's data interpretation skills will be judged. Check out the topic-wise distribution of the section below.

Topics Asked

Data Interpretation

Caselet (Calculations)

Table (Calculations)

Data Sufficiency

Pie + Bar Chart (Calculations)





Modern Math

Section 3: Quantitative Aptitude

In the Quantitative Aptitude section of IBSAT 2020, the Mathematical and Logical abilities of the candidate will be assessed. A total of 30 questions will be asked in this section and each question will carry 1 mark. Check out the sectional analysis of IBSAT 2020 Quantitative Aptitude here.

Topics Asked










Profit & Loss

Simple-Compound Interest

Time and Work



Simple equations






Modern Maths





Permutation - Combination

Section 4: Reading Comprehension

The Reading Comprehension section of IBSAT 2020 will have 30 questions and a total of 30 marks. It is expected that 4 unseen passages will be asked in this section and rach passage will have around 5 to 9 questions. Here is the IBSAT 2020 analysis of the Reading Comprehension section.

Passage No.


Word Count

Passage 1

A Celestial Star

500 words

Passage 2


800 words

Passage 3

Election and Economy

800 words

Passage 4


900 words

IBSAT 2020 Exam Pattern: Overview

The table provided below explains the marking scheme followed for the calculation of IBSAT 2020 results . Candidates can take the reference of the table to calculate their respective scores and evaluate their performances.

Medium of Exam


Total Sections

4 Sections

Name of Exam Sections

  • Verbal Ability
  • Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Reading Comprehension

Type of Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Total Number of Questions


Total Marks


Negative Marking


Marking Scheme

  • +1 for correct answer
  • 0 for incorrect answer
  • 0 for unattempted question

Also Read: IBSAT 2020 Important Dates

IBSAT 2020 (Dec 27) Answer Key/ Solutions

The answer key of IBSAT 2020 will be available a few days after the completion of the exam. The answer key helps in giving an idea of the candidate's performance and expected marks. Click on the links given below to check out the IBSAT answer key and selection process.

IBSAT 2020 (Dec 27) Question Paper

The question paper of IBSAT 2020 (Dec 27) will be provided below once it is released.

IBSAT 2020 (Dec 27) Question Paper- To be Updated Soon

Stay tuned to CollegeDekho for more updates on IBSAT . If you have any queries regarding IBSAT 2020, you can write to us through the QnA zone . You can also dial the toll-free number 1800-572-9877 to talk to our admission experts and explore more options.

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