ICSE Class 10 Mathematics Weightage 2025: Unit and chapter-wise marks distribution

Mahima Gupta

Updated On: March 04, 2025 03:08 PM

The marks distribution of ICSE Class 10 Mathematics Weightage 2025 across all units and chapters is provided here. Do note that the weightage is unofficial and as per previous years' papers analysis.
ICSE Class 10 Mathematics Weightage 2025ICSE Class 10 Mathematics Weightage 2025

ICSE Class 10 Mathematics Weightage 2025: The Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) does not officially publish ICSE Class 10 weightage. However, through a comprehensive analysis of previous years' question papers, we can estimate a tentative weightage for each chapter in the Mathematics syllabus for the year 2024-25.  The Mathematics theory paper for ICSE Class 10 will be conducted for a total of 80 marks. Additionally, students will encounter questions from optional sections, bringing the total mark allocation for the paper to 100. Furthermore, the overall evaluation includes an internal assessment component worth 20 marks, which is split between the school and an external examiner. Specifically, schools will award 10 marks based on students' performance in various assessments, while another 10 marks will be awarded by a designated external examiner to ensure fairness and objectivity.

ICSE Class 10 Mathematics Weightage 2025

The following table presents a detailed weightage distribution for each chapter included in the ICSE 10th Mathematics 2024 syllabus, highlighting areas that require more attention during study sessions. This structured approach allows students to prioritize their efforts effectively, maximizing their chances of achieving a successful outcome in their examination.

Unit Name Chapter Name Weightage Total Marks
Commercial Mathematics Goods and Services Tax (GST) 5 marks 13 marks
Banking 4 marks
Shares and Dividends 4 marks
Algebra Linear Inequations 4 marks 32 marks
Quadratic Equations in one variable 5 marks
Ratio and Proportion 3 marks
Factorisation of polynomials 4 marks
Matrices 5 marks
Arithmetic and Geometric 4 marks
Progression 3 marks
Coordinate Geometry 4 marks
Geometry Similarity and Loci 2 marks 8 marks
Circles 2 marks
Tangent and Secant Properties 4 marks
Mensuration Area and volume of solids – Cylinder, Cone, and Sphere. 8 marks 8 marks
Trigonometry Using Identities to prove simple algebraic trigonometric expressions 4 marks 8 marks
Heights and distances: Solving 2-D problems involving angles of elevation and depression using trigonometric tables. 4 marks
Statistics Measures of Central Tendency 4 marks 8 marks
Graphical Representation Histograms and Less than Ogive 4 marks
Probability Random experiments, Sample space, Events, definition of probability, Simple problems on single events. 3 marks 3 marks
Total (Theory paper) 80 marks
Internal Assessment 20 marks

ICSE Class 10 Subject-Wise Weightage 2025|

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