IIT Patna student bags 1.8 crore package from Google Inc.

Shreya Shikha

Updated On: March 23, 2016 08:56 pm IST

A student, Ashutosh Agarwal of Indian Institute of Technology, Patna has been offered a package of Rs. 1.8 crore by the Google Inc. Ashutosh Agarwal,
IIT Patna student bags 1.8 crore package from Google Inc.

A student, Ashutosh Agarwal of Indian Institute of Technology , Patna has been offered a package of Rs. 1.8 crore by the Google Inc. Ashutosh Agarwal, who is yet to graduate, currently studying in the 7th semester of his B.Tech has brought laurels by bagging the Google’s offer. Ashutosh had been doing a three-month internship with Google in his 7th semester and had been given the offer after he completed his internship there. He had been working with Google – New York office at the ‘North American states’.

The student had to go through a very intensive interview purpose. The offer has been one of the highest offers made to an IIT Patna student in the current placement session.

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