International Polytechnic for Women (IPW) located in New Delhi organised its annual fashion event, ‘Kaleidoscope 2017’ on April 7, 2017. The primary objective behind the event was to enable students to highlight their creative talent. The event is organised every year, aiming to bridge the gap between the students, media and commercial markets.
This year, the theme of the event was ‘Moods of a Woman’. Students designed various garments by taking inspiration from the quote - ‘’She has the Spirit of the Sun, the Moods of the Moon, the Will of the Wind”. The focus of the event was on highlighting a good design that is an ideal blend of creativity and that matches function and form. The event provides exposure to students to help them fulfill their future endeavours.
Kaushik Ghosh, India’s leading Bollywood and Fashion Show director took charge of the show. The Master of Ceremony for the event was popular RJ Rahul Makin.
Ashok Mastie (Punjabi Singer) and Kumar Ashish, ICICI Bank’s SGM-Head North India attended the event as the Guests of Honour. The institute also invited some jury members and special guest including -
- Anubha Dawar, Head of Trainings, Make Up Studio, United Kingdom
- Bindiya Sharma, Model & Fitness Expert
- Shalini Vig Wadhwa, Entrepreneur
- Joyeeta Kumar, Fashion Retail Expert
- Rajdeep Ranawat, Fashion Designer
- Varija Bajaj, Fashion and Interior Designer
- Bharat & Reshma Gover, Designer Duo
- Sonia Jetleey, Fashion Designer
Ms. Sanjana Kalra, Director of International Polytechnic for Women exclaimed that the designs made by students are exceptional and she had not seen such kind of creativity before. She felt proud while mentioning that the students have put their soul and effort into designing. These students will become excellent designers in the future, she added.
A total number of 13 collections were displayed by students of Fashion & Textile Design. These were:
- Nothing Risquéd Nothing Gained
- Miss Print
- Jolie
- Step Out
- Khwabdaah
- Ying & Yang
- Dreams Come True
- A Whisper of Roses
The International Polytechnic for Women (IPW) presented ‘Kaleidoscope’2017’with the pride of accomplishment in providing the Indian design industry, professionals committed to service & excellence.
’Kaleidoscope’2017’ was the culmination of 3 years training in Fashion/Textile Design, which covers the development of the design from the source of inspiration to the finished product.
The show was rocked by popular foreign models of international fame.
The International Polytechnic for Women was set up by the Educational Society of Professionals and Vocationals, more than three decades ago, with the prime objective of equipping women with various vocational skills. It is a part of the illustrious Sri Sukhmani Group of Institutions, based in New Delhi, Chandigarh and Punjab.
IPW has carved a niche for itself in the areas of Arts & Design, Media, Management and Technology. The institute is recognized by the Board of Technical Education, Govt. of Delhi and approved by A.I.C.T.E., Govt. of India.
The diploma courses in design are the most popular programs of IPW, which cater to the growing needs of the Indian garment industry. Apart from providing the necessary technical knowledge & vocational skills, the institute also assists in placing the students. IPW alumnae are holding coveted positions in the fashion and apparel industry in India and abroad.