JEE Mains result link 2025 for Session 1 has been activated today at Access the JEE Main result direct link here along with the expected rank.

JEE Main Result Link 2025 Activated:
The National Testing Agency has released the JEE Main Session 1 result 2025 has been released on the official website-
. The direct link for checking the JEE Main result for January Session has been activated on the official website, however, the candidates can get access to the direct link for checking the result here.
A total of 12,58,136 candidates appeared for the Session 1 exam. This year, in Session 1 exam, a total of 14 students secured 100 percentile marks.
To check the result, the candidates should enter the login credentials, such as the application number, date of birth/ password and security pin. The authority has followed the normalization method to release the JEE Main Session 1 result since the same was conducted in multiple shifts and for maintaining a parity in the shift-wise difficulty level.
The authority has released the JEE Main result in the form of percentile. And along with it, the NTA has also published the toppers' names and their respective percentile. Note, that the NTA has not yet released the overall rank by the candidates now, the same will be published only after the JEE Main Session 2 exam.
JEE Main Session 1 Result 2025: Download Link
Check out the JEE Main Session 1 result 2025, the candidates can go through the following direct link:
JEE Main Session 1 Result 2025: Steps to Check
Candidates can go through the following steps to check the JEE Main Session 1 result 2025 here in the following section:
- Click on the above highlighted direct link or visit the official website and click on the JEE Main Session 1 result link available on the homepage
- Enter the login credentials such as the JEE Main application number and date of birth/ password
- Click on the Submit button
- JEE Main result will be displayed on the screen and save it for future reference
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