02 00 PM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIIT Cutoff 2024: IIIT Karnataka Expected AI Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 665 | 38721 |
2023- Round 2 | 930 | 36301 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA AI cutoff of IIIT Karnataka will vary between 750 and 39000 ranks (tentatively).
01 30 PM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIIT Cutoff 2024: IIIT Karnataka Expected CSE Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 230 | 35382 |
2023- Round 2 | 725 | 35301 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA CSE cutoff of IIIT Karnataka will vary between 450 and 35700 ranks (tentatively).
01 00 PM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 NIT Cutoff 2024: NIT Kurukshetra Expected IT Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 25 | 13652 |
2023- Round 2 | 66 | 17409 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA IT cutoff of NIT Kurukshetra will vary between 50 and 14000 ranks (tentatively).
12 40 PM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 NIT Cutoff 2024: NIT Kurukshetra Expected EE Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 383 | 26985 |
2023- Round 2 | 588 | 24915 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA EE cutoff of NIT Kurukshetra will vary between 500 and 27000 ranks (tentatively).
12 20 PM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 NIT Cutoff 2024: NIT Kurukshetra Expected ECE Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 110 | 21569 |
2023- Round 2 | 64 | 21627 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA ECE cutoff of NIT Kurukshetra will vary between 200 and 21700 ranks (tentatively).
12 00 PM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 NIT Cutoff 2024: NIT Kurukshetra Civil Engineering Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 269 | 40502 |
2023- Round 2 | 419 | 46435 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA Civil Engineering cutoff of NIT Kurukshetra will vary between 350 and 40700 ranks (tentatively).
11 40 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 NIT Cutoff 2024: NIT Kurukshetra CSE Expected Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 50 | 10014 |
In 2023, there were no vacancies for CSE at NIT Kurukshetra, hence, the category-wise closing ranks for 2023-round 2 are unavailable. Based on the JoSAA round 1 counselling, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA CSE cutoff of NIT Kurukshetra will vary between 150 and 10500 ranks (tentatively).
11 20 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 NIT Cutoff 2024: NIT Kurukshetra AI & Machine Learning Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 357 | 19534 |
2023- Round 2 | 161 | 15687 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA AI & Machine Learning cutoff of NIT Kurukshetra will vary between 450 and 19700 ranks (tentatively).
11 00 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 NIT Cutoff 2024: NIT Silchar Expected ECE Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 33 | 54264 |
2023- Round 2 | 326 | 45733 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA ECE cutoff of NIT Silchar will vary between 150 and 55000 ranks (tentatively).
10 40 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 NIT Cutoff 2024: NIT Silchar Expected EE Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 242 | 76071 |
2023- Round 2 | 371 | 54928 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA Electrical Engineering cutoff of NIT Silchar will vary between 350 and 76500 ranks (tentatively).
10 20 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 NIT Cutoff 2024: NIT Silchar Expected Civil Engineering Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 685 | 81736 |
2023- Round 2 | 644 | 70532 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA Civil Engineering cutoff of NIT Silchar will vary between 750 and 82000 ranks (tentatively).
10 00 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 NIT Cutoff 2024: NIT Silchar Expected CSE Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 32 | 35797 |
2023- Round 2 | 109 | 29200 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA CSE cutoff of NIT Silchar will vary between 85 and 36000 ranks (tentatively).
09 40 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 NIT Cutoff 2024: NIT Uttarakhand Expected Mechanical Engineering Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 2955 | 55951 |
2023- Round 2 | 3014 | 53399 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA Civil Engineering cutoff of NIT Uttarakhand will vary between 3400 and 56000 ranks (tentatively).
09 20 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 NIT Cutoff 2024: NIT Uttarakhand Expected CSE Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 760 | 47032 |
2023- Round 2 | 1893 | 38981 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA Civil Engineering cutoff of NIT Uttarakhand will vary between 1400 and 47500 ranks (tentatively).
09 00 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 NIT Cutoff 2024: NIT Uttarakhand Expected Civil Engineering Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 2029 | 60895 |
2023- Round 2 | 2287 | 59048 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA Civil Engineering cutoff of NIT Uttarakhand will vary between 2500 and 61000 ranks (tentatively).
08 40 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 NIT Cutoff 2024: NIT Uttarakhand Expected CSE Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 97 | 41844 |
2023- Round 2 | 227 | 29738 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA CSE cutoff of NIT Uttarakhand will vary between 200 and 42000 ranks (tentatively).
08 20 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
Is JoSAA cutoff 2024 for round 2 released?
It is yet to be released. Experts assume that the JoSAA round 2 cutoff will be available on the official website anytime soon, tentatively before 8 AM today. Till then the candidates can stay connected with the live blog and can check out the expected college-wise closing ranks here.
08 00 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIT Cutoff: IIT Gandhinagar Expected Electrical Engineering Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 479 | 6953 |
2023- Round 2 | 557 | 6058 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA Civil Engineering cutoff of IIT Gandhinagar will vary between 600 and 7000 ranks (tentatively).
07 40 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIT Cutoff: IIT Gandhinagar Expected Civil Engineering Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 485 | 17386 |
2023- Round 2 | 661 | 17696 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA Civil Engineering cutoff of IIT Gandhinagar will vary between 600 and 17500 ranks (tentatively).
07 20 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIT Cutoff: IIT Gandhinagar Expected CSE Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 56 | 4592 |
2023- Round 2 | 21 | 2465 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA CSE cutoff of IIT Gandhinagar will vary between 70 and 4600 ranks (tentatively).
07 00 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIT Cutoff: IIT Goa Expected Mechanical Engineering Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 1065 | 19204 |
2023- Round 2 | 831 | 20674 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA Mechanical Engineering cutoff of IIT Goa will vary between 1100 and 19500 ranks (tentatively).
06 40 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIT Cutoff: IIT Goa Expected EE Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 926 | 16435 |
2023- Round 2 | 507 | 14463 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA CSE cutoff of IIT Goa will vary between 1000 and 16500 ranks (tentatively).
06 20 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIT Cutoff: IIT Goa Expected CSE Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 380 | 10256 |
2023- Round 2 | 305 | 7646 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA CSE cutoff of IIT Goa will vary between 400 and 10500 ranks (tentatively).
06 00 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIT Cutoff: IIT Jodhpur Expected Mechanical Engineering Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 935 | 16984 |
2023- Round 2 | 937 | 17722 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA Mechanical Engineering cutoff of IIT Jodhpur will vary between 1000 and 170000 ranks (tentatively).
05 30 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIT Cutoff: IIT Jodhpur Expected CSE Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 553 | 11480 |
2023- Round 2 | 213 | 10959 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA CSE cutoff of IIT Jodhpur will vary between 50 and 6600 ranks (tentatively).
05 00 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIT Cutoff: IIT Jodhpur Expected CSE Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 29 | 6587 |
2023- Round 2 | 68 | 5760 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA CSE cutoff of IIT Jodhpur will vary between 50 and 6600 ranks (tentatively).
04 30 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIT Cutoff: IIT Roorkee Expected Mechanical Engineering Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 397 | 10404 |
2023- Round 2 | 381 | 9102 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA Mechanical Engineering cutoff of IIT Roorkee will vary between 450 and 10500 ranks (tentatively).
04 00 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIT Cutoff 2024: IIT Roorkee Expected Electrical Engineering Cutoff 2024
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 29 | 3415 |
2023- Round 2 | 28 | 2933 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA Civil Engineering cutoff of IIT Roorkee will vary between 40 and 3500 ranks (tentatively).
03 30 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIT Cutoff 2024: IIT Roorkee Expected Electrical Engineering Cutoff 2024
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 109 | 5246 |
2023- Round 2 | 61 | 4958 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA Civil Engineering cutoff of IIT Roorkee will vary between 200 and 5500 ranks (tentatively).
03 00 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIT Cutoff 2024: IIT Roorkee Expected Civil Engineering Cutoff 2024
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 358 | 13170 |
2023- Round 2 | 237 | 12810 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA Civil Engineering cutoff of IIT Roorkee will vary between 400 and 13500 ranks (tentatively).
02 30 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIT Cutoff 2024: IIT Roorkee Expected CSE Cutoff 2024
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 7 | 1697 |
2023- Round 2 | 4 | 116 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA CSE cutoff of IIT Roorkee will vary between 10 and 1700 ranks (tentatively).
02 00 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA IIT Cutoff 2024: IIT Guwahati Expected Chemical Engineering Cutoff Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 743 | 12027 |
2023- Round 2 | 662 | 11057 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA Mechanical Engineering cutoff of IIT Guwahati will vary between 850 and 12500 ranks (tentatively).
01 30 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA IIT Cutoff 2024: IIT Guwahati Expected ECE Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 74 | 4501 |
2023- Round 2 | 50 | 4141 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA ECE cutoff of IIT Guwahati will vary between 80 and 4600 ranks (tentatively).
01 00 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA IIT Cutoff 2024: IIT Guwahati Expected CSE Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 6 | 2095 |
2023- Round 2 | 9 | 1718 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA CSE cutoff of IIT Guwahati will vary between 6 and 2100 ranks (tentatively).
12 30 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA IIT Seat Allotment 2024: IIT Guwahati Expected Civil Engineering Cutoff
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 361 | 15555 |
2023- Round 2 | 528 | 14585 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA Civil Engineering cutoff of IIT Guwahati will vary between 450 and 16000 ranks (tentatively).
12 00 AM IST - 28 Jun'24
JoSAA GFTI Round 2 Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected CSE Cutoff of Birla Institute of Technology, Deoghar?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 989 | 46885 |
2023- Round 2 | 2741 | 47854 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA CSE cutoff of Birla Institute of Technology, Deoghar will vary between 1500 and 47000 ranks (tentatively).
11 30 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA GFTI Round 2 Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected ECE Cutoff of Central University of Jammu?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 1688 | 62950 |
2023- Round 2 | 2326 | 67424 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA ECE cutoff of Central University of Jammu will vary between 1800 and 63000 ranks (tentatively).
11 00 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA GFTI Round 2 Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected CSE of Central University of Jammu?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 1474 | 57905 |
2023- Round 2 | 2064 | 58351 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA CSE cutoff of Central University of Jammu will vary between 1500 and 58000 ranks (tentatively).
10 30 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA GFTI Round 2 Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected ECE Cutoff of Central University of Jammu?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 3998 | 60399 |
2023- Round 2 | 4819 | 53303 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA ECE cutoff of Central University of Jammu will vary between 4200 and 60500 ranks (tentatively).
10 00 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA GFTI Round 2 Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected CSE Cutoff of Central University of Haryana?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 2199 | 46408 |
2023- Round 2 | 3920 | 48401 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA CSE cutoff of Central University of Haryana will vary between 2500 and 46500 ranks (tentatively).
09 40 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA GFTI Round 2 Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected Civil Engineering Cutoff of Central University of Haryana?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 2646 | 73191 |
2023- Round 2 | 3854 | 65542 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA Civil Enginering cutoff of Central University of Haryana will vary between 2800 and 735000 ranks (tentatively).
09 20 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA GFTI Round 2 Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected CSE cutoff of Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 75 | 22669 |
2023- Round 2 | 157 | 25757 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA CSE cutoff of JNU Delhi will vary between 120 and 23000 ranks (tentatively).
09 00 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA IIT Round 2 Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected CSE of IIT Indore?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 14 | 4011 |
2023- Round 2 | 6 | 2768 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA CSE cutoff of IIT Indore will vary between 30 and 4200 ranks (tentatively).
08 40 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA IIT Round 2 Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected Civil Engineering of IIT Hyderabad?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 541 | 14183 |
2023- Round 2 | 428 | 14111 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA Civil Engineering cutoff of IIT Hyderabad will vary between 600 and 14400 ranks (tentatively).
08 20 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA IIT Round 2 Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected EE cutoff of IIT Hyderabad
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 277 | 4434 |
2023- Round 2 | 37 | 4459 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA Electrical Engineering cutoff of IIT Hyderabad will be varied between 300 and 4500 ranks (tentatively).
08 00 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA IIT Round 2 Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected Mechanical Engineering Cutoff of IIT Kanpur?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 161 | 8039 |
2023- Round 2 | 366 | 6999 |
Therefore, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA Mechanical Engineering cutoff of IIT Kanpur will be varied between 300 and 8200 ranks (tentatively).
07 40 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA IIT Round 2 Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected CSE Cutoff of IIT Kanpur?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 290 | 13464 |
2023- Round 2 | 347 | 12621 |
Therefore, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA Civil Engineering cutoff of IIT Kanpur will be varied between 400 and 13500 ranks (tentatively).
07 40 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected CSE Cutoff of IIIT Kancheepuram?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 76 | 18841 |
2023- Round 2 | 361 | 18398 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected JoSAA round 2 CSE cutoff of IIIT Kancheepuram will be tentatively between 300 and 18900.
07 20 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA IIT Round 2 Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected CSE Cutoff of IIT Kanpur?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 4 | 1117 |
2023- Round 2 | 6 | 610 |
Therefore, it can be assumed that the expected round 2 JoSAA CSE cutoff of IIT Kanpur will be varied between 5 and 1150 ranks (tentatively).
07 00 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA GFTI Round 2 Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected CSE Cutoff of University of Hyderabad?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 309 | 28508 |
2023- Round 2 | 625 | 28424 |
The expected JoSAA round 2 CSE cutoff 2024 of the University of Hyderabad will range between 400 and 28800.
06 40 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA GFTI Round 2 Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected CSE Cutoff of Birla Institute of Technology?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 501 | 41767 |
2023- Round 2 | 421 | 25610 |
The expected JoSAA round 2 CSE cutoff 2024 of Birla Institute of Technology will range between 600 and 42000.
06 20 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA GFTI Round 2 Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning cutoff of Birla Institute of Technology?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 447 | 48659 |
2023- Round 2 | 555 | 28473 |
The expected JoSAA round 2 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning cutoff 2024 of Birla Institute of Technology will range between 500 and 48800.
06 00 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA GFTI Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected Civil Engineering cutoff of Birla Institute of Technology?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 1262 | 86915 |
2023- Round 2 | 2961 | 64338 |
Hence, it can be analysed that the expected JoSAA round 2 Civil Engineering cutoff will be tentatively between 1500 and 90000.
05 40 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA GFTI Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected ECE cutoff of Assam University?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 2549 | 95469 |
2023- Round 2 | 2834 | 94386 |
Based on the previous year's and round's trends, it can be assumed that the JoSAA round 2 ECE cutoff of Assam University will range between 2700 and 95500.
05 20 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA GFTI Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected CSE Cutoff of Assam University
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 948 | 80400 |
2023- Round 2 | 1576 | 80457 |
The expected JoSAA round 2 CSE cutoff of Assam University will be tentatively between 1200 and 80700.
04 40 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected ECE Cutoff of IIIT Tiruchirappalli?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 793 | 38704 |
2023- Round 2 | 465 | 38026 |
The expected JoSAA round 2 ECE cutoff of IIIT Tiruchirappalli will range between 800 and 39000 (tentatively).
04 20 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected CSE Cutoff of IIIT Tiruchirappalli?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 454 | 26162 |
2023- Round 2 | 300 | 26719 |
Based on the previous year's and past round's JoSAA cutoff trend, it can be assumed that the round 2 CSE cutoff of IIIT Tiruchirappalli will be between 500 and 26500 tentatively.
04 00 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected ECE Cutoff of IIIT Dharwad?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 403 | 15767 |
2023- Round 2 | 515 | 16486 |
The expected JoSAA round 2 CSE cutoff of IIIT Lucknow will range between 500 and 16000.
03 40 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected CSE Cutoff of IIIT Dharwad?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 64 | 35619 |
2023- Round 2 | 265 | 32420 |
The expected JoSAA round 2 CSE cutoff of IIIT Dharwad will be between tentatively 100 and 36000.
03 20 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA NIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected CSE Cutoff of NIT Puducherry?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 788 | 60539 |
2023- Round 2 | 472 | 61157 |
Hence, the expected JoSAA round 2 CSE cutoff of NIT Puducherry will be tentatively between 800 and 60800.
03 00 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA NIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected CSE Cutoff of NIT Hamirpur?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 965 | 108289 |
2023- Round 2 | 1544 | 111603 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected JoSAA round 2 CSE cutoff of NIT Hamirpur will range between 1200 and 108500.
02 40 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA NIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected CSE Cutoff of NIT Hamirpur?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 22 | 34720 |
2023- Round 2 | 107 | 32375 |
The expected JoSAA round 2 CSE cutoff of NIT Hamirpur will be tentatively between 100 and 35000.
02 20 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA NIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected ECE Cutoff of NIT Hamirpur?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 83 | 52702 |
2023- Round 2 | 225 | 56054 |
It is expected that the JoSAA round 2 ECE cutoff of NIT Hamirpur will range between 200 and 53000.
02 00 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA NIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected Electrical Engineering Cutoff of NIT Durgapur?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 432 | 29200 |
2023- Round 2 | 228 | 26496 |
Therefore, it can be assumed that the JoSAA round 2 EE cutoff of NIT Durgapur will range between 500 and 29500.
01 40 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA NIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected Civil Engineering Cutoff of NIT Durgapur?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 730 | 49258 |
2023- Round 2 | 617 | 46328 |
Considering the past year's and previous round's trends, the expected cutoff of JoSAA round 2 Civil Engineering of NIT Durgapur will be 800 and 49500.
01 20 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA NIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected CSE Cutoff of NIT Durgapur?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 20 | 17424 |
2023- Round 2 | 27 | 13280 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected JoSAA round 2 CSE cutoff of NIT Durgapur will range between 30 to 17500 (tentatively).
01 00 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA IIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected ECE cutoff of IIT Kharagpur?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 9 | 3372 |
2023- Round 2 | 17 | 2372 |
Based on the past years and previous round's trends, it can be assumed that the expected JoSAA round 2 ECE cutoff of IIT Kharagpur will be between 10 and 3400.
12 40 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA IIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected CSE cutoff of IIT Kharagpur?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 2 | 1579 |
2023- Round 2 | 2 | 702 |
The expected JoSAA round 2 CSE cutoff of IIT Kharagpur will be between 5 and 1600.
12 20 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA IIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected Electrical Engineering cutoff of IIT Madras?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 39 | 2537 |
2023- Round 2 | 20 | 2158 |
The expected JoSAA cutoff rank for EE in round 2 will be tentatively between 50 and 2600.
12 00 PM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA IIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected Civil Engineering cutoff of IIT Madras?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 147 | 11919 |
2023- Round 2 | 81 | 9502 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected JoSAA round 2 cutoff for Civil Engineering will be tentatively between 150 and 12000.
11 40 AM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA IIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected CSE cutoff of IIT Madras?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 4 | 757 |
2023- Round 2 | 3 | 479 |
Considering the previous year and previous round's trends, it can be assumed that the JoSAA round 2 CSE cutoff of IIT Madras will range between 5 and 800.
11 20 AM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA NIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected Chemical Engineering Cutoff of NIT Rourkela?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 415 | 32532 |
2023- Round 2 | 900 | 36032 |
Since the JoSAA round 2 cutoff of the Institutes will be higher than the round 1 for all the streams, therefore, it can be expected that the Chemical Engineering cutoff of NIT Rourkela will range between 800 and 33000.
11 00 AM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 Opening and Closing Rank 2024: What will be expected EE Cutoff of IIT Delhi?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 18 | 1826 |
2023- Round 2 | 19 | 1693 |
The expected JoSAA round 2 cutoff for admission to IIT Delhi with EE will be between 30 to 1900 (tentatively).
10 40 AM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 Opening and Closing Rank 2024: What will be expected Civil Engineering Cutoff of NIT Calicut?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 379 | 36193 |
2023- Round 2 | 518 | 44475 |
For admission to NIT Delhi with Civil Engineering, the candidates should be ranked between tentatively 500 to 36500.
10 20 AM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 Opening and Closing Rank 2024: What will be expected CSE Cutoff of NIT Surathkal?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 2 | 3358 |
2023- Round 2 | 27 | 4267 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the expected JoSAA round 2 cutoff of CSE for admission to NIT Surathkal will range between 20 to 3500.
10 00 AM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 NIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected CSE Cutoff of NIT Warangal?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | NIT Warangal JoSAA Closing Rank 2024 |
2024- Round 1 | 5 | 4625 |
2023- Round 2 | 5 | 4000 |
Hence, the JoSAA round 2 CSE cutoff will likely be between 10 and 4700.
09 40 AM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected ECE cutoff trend of IIIT Guwahati?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 862 | 33746 |
2023- Round 2 | 640 | 34435 |
The expected JoSAA Round 2 ECE cutoff of IIIT Guwahati will be ranged between 1000 to 33800.
09 20 AM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected CSE cutoff trend of IIIT Kota?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 229 | 30231 |
2023- Round 2 | 334 | 28535 |
Hence, it can be assumed that the JoSAA round 2 cutoff of CSE for admission to IIIT Kota will be tentatively between 400 to 30500.
09 00 AM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 IIT Cutoff 2024: Will the Round 2 CSE cutoff of IIT Bombay increase?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 1 | 421 |
2023- Round 2 | 1 | 291 |
It can be expected that the JoSAA round 2 cutoff for CSE of IIT Bombay will range between 1 and 500.
08 40 AM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 NIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected Civil Engineering cutoff trend of Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal for admission to Civil Engineering?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 24051 | 49917 |
2023- Round 2 | 23051 | 50317 |
The expected JoSAA round 2 Civil Engineering cutoff of Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal will range between 25000 and 50000.
08 20 AM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 NIT Cutoff 2024: What will be the expected cutoff trend of MNIT Jaipur for admission to CSE?
Year | JoSAA Opening Rank | JoSAA Closing Rank |
2024- Round 1 | 1501 | 8836 |
2023- Round 2 | 2323 | 7236 |
Note that the expected cutoff rank of round 2 for the colleges will be higher than round 1. This means, that the JoSAA round 2 cutoff for CSE to complete admission to MNIT will be ranged between 2300 to 8900.
08 00 AM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA Cutoff 2024: IIT Bombay likely to be the top ranked college
Based on the trends, it can be assumed that the IIT Bombay will be the top-opted Institute. More specifically, the cutoff of CSE will be the highest compared to the rest. The top 500 rank holders will get admission to this institute like every year.
07 40 AM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA Cutoff 2024: Is it possible to edit the choices after 2nd round?
No, it is not possible to edit the choice once the seat allotment is done. The same could be done only before the deadline for choice filling. Note, that if the candidates will not be satisfied with the JoSAA round 2 seat allotment, then they should wait for the next round and can expect a seat degradation.
07 20 AM IST - 27 Jun'24
Will JoSAA round 2 opening rank be increased?
Yes, the JoSAA round 2 opening rank for the colleges and categories will be higher than the round 1 opening rank, since the availability of seats will be lower than the previous round. However, based on the last year's trend, it can be assumed that there might not be so visible difference in the closing ranks compared to the round 1 closing ranks.
07 00 AM IST - 27 Jun'24
JoSAA Round 2 Cutoff 2024 Result: Time to Release
The authority is yet to declare the official time of releasing the JoSAA round 2 cutoff 2024. Tentatively it will be released by 10 or 11 PM on June 27, 2024, or on 2 to 3 PM on June 28. Usually the authority takes 6 to 7 hours to release the cut-off after the declaration of JoSAA seat allotment result. Note, that JoSAA round 1 cutoff was released around 2.30 PM on June 20, 2024. On the same day, the round 1 seat allotment result was also released. This time, the JoSAA round 2 seat allotment result will be released at 5 PM on June 27.