Karnataka 2nd PUC Passing Marks: How many marks required to pass Class 12?

Chinmayai Bobade

Updated On: April 21, 2023 11:46 AM

To pass Karnataka 12th 2023 exam, the students must score a minimal given percentage by the board separately for theory and practical exams. Find 2nd PUC passing marks 2023 here.
Karnataka 2nd PUC Passing MarksKarnataka 2nd PUC Passing Marks

Karnataka 2nd PUC Passing Marks: The Karnataka School Examination and Assessment Board (KSEAB) has released Karnataka 2nd PUC 2023 result  on April 21, 2023. In order to be declared as ‘Passed’ in the exam, the student must score a minimum of 35% marks. The threshold of these minimum marks must be met separately for each subject, its theory paper as well as the practical examination. Students failing to secure at least 35% in any of the three categories will not be considered to have qualified the exam. However, as per the grace marks policy, the board will award 5% additional marks to the students in any two subjects if they so get the minimum passing marks.

Considering the marks distribution for theory and practical papers, the subjects are divided into 70-30 marks, 80-20 marks, and 100-0 marks with the higher weightage belonging to the theory paper. The passing marks for each of these papers differ, the details of which are provided below.

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Karnataka 2nd PUC Passing Marks 2023 for 70 marks theory papers

The passing marks for the subjects whose theory paper was of 70 marks are as follows:

Parameter Passing Marks
Overall marks 100
Theory marks 70
Practical marks 30
Passing percentage 35%
Passing marks for theory 24
Passing marks for practical 11
Overall passing marks 35
Major subjects Physics, Chemistry, and Biology

Karnataka 2nd PUC Passing Marks 2023 for 80 marks theory paper

The passing marks for the subjects whose theory paper was of 80 marks are as follows:

Parameter Passing Marks
Overall marks 100
Theory marks 80
Practical marks 20
Passing percentage 35%
Passing marks for theory 28
Passing marks for practical 7
Overall passing marks 35
Major subjects Accounts, Economics, Business Studies, Sociology, Geography, History and Political Science

Also read| Karnataka Class 12 Result Link 2023

Karnataka 2nd PUC Passing Marks 2023 for 100 marks theory paper

The passing marks for the subjects for which there was no practical examination are as follows:

Parameter Passing Marks
Overall marks 100
Theory marks 100
Practical marks Not applicable
Passing percentage 35%
Passing marks for theory 35
Passing marks for practical Not applicable
Overall passing marks 35
Major subjects Languages and Mathematics

Also read| Karnataka SSLC Result 2023 to be released by the second week of May

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