For the exam on March 21, find here Karnataka SSLC English (First Language) Exam 2025 most expected questions to gain high marks in the exam. The expected questions are provided as per an analysis of previous years' papers.

Karnataka SSLC English (First Language) 2025 Most Expected Questions: Karnataka SSLC English (First Language) 2025 exam will be conducted on March 21, 2025. Candidates who will be appearing for the Karnataka SSLC English (First Language) 2025 exam, should refer to the most expected questions once, especially during your last minute revision. It will help the candidates to know the paper pattern, type of the questions asked for each marks distribution etc.
Apart from the most expected questions, the candidates should also know the Karnataka SSLC English (First Language) 2025 paper pattern here. For instance, the candidates will get 45 questions of 100 marks from Prose, Poems and Grammar etc. And there will be questions of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 marks in the Karnataka SSLC English exam 2025.
SSLC English (First Language) Answer Key 2025 Karnataka |
SSLC Karnataka English (First Language) Exam Analysis 2025 |
Karnataka SSLC English (First Language) 2025 Most Expected Questions
Here are the Karnataka SSLC English 2025 most expected questions:
1 Mark Questions:
1. What does Rabindranath Tagore compare the girl’s movement on the road to? What is the girl’s movement on the road compared to?
2. Why did not the man fit in with the scheme of things in Workers Paradise? How did the man waste his time on the earth? How did the wrong man spend his life on earth?
3. What is the “Cheering sight” mentioned by Sir C.V. Raman? How does sir C.V. Raman shows that water is the real elixir of life?
2 Marks Questions:
1. What does “hurrying feet” suggest? Why did they become less hurried?
2. Describe how the girl examined the painted pitcher at home. What was the impact on her?
3. What changes took place in the girl after the wrong man gave her the painted pitcher?
4. Why did the elders of the worker’s paradise become anxious? What decision did they take?
5. How was Della’s gift worthy of the watch?
3 Marks Questions: Reference to Context Questions
1. “Wait a moment! I shall come with you”
2. “You have no work in hand. Have you?”
3. “What do they mean, all those lines and colours?”
4. “Take yer hat off and let’s have a sight at the looks of it”.
5. “Please God. Make him think I am still pretty”
4 Marks Questions:
1. How did Della try to fix her hair before Jim got home?
2. Explain the context in which Gandhiji cites the examples of Alexander the Great and Saint Theresa.
3. What qualities of David Webster does Gandhiji mention?
4. Illustrate the humour among the ranks of the Fordenden, when a run could bring them victory.
5. Explain the blunders committed by the three batsmen in their excitement to score the run of victory.
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