Expected MHT CET Cutoff 2023 for Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur

Shilpa Pradhan

Updated On: July 25, 2023 12:05 PM

For B.Tech admission through MHT CET counselling, the expected MHT CET cutoff 2023 for Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering, Nagpur in a category-wise and branch-wise manner is given here.
Expected MHT CET Cutoff 2023 for Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, NagpurExpected MHT CET Cutoff 2023 for Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur

Expected MHT CET Cutoff 2023 for RCOEM Nagpur: Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur is one of Maharashtra's top engineering colleges for MHT CET B.Tech admissions and as per NIRF 2023 rankings, it falls in the rank band of 151 to 200 engineering ranks. As a result, the cutoffs are frequently quite high across all branches. Seats will be allocated entirely at the state level based on the State General Merit Rank. There is no distinct reservation for Home University applicants at RCOEM Nagpur. The institute now has eleven branches whose expected MHT CET 2023 cutoff ranks are shown below. Do note that as the seat reservation at RCOEM is mainly for Hindi-speaking linguistic minorities, the reservation categories are only OPEN and TFWS.

Expected MHT CET Cutoff 2023 for Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management

The branch name and its respective MHT CET 2023 expected cutoff for Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur are available in the tables below.

1. Civil Engineering

Category Expected Cutoff/Closing Rank
GOPENS 46370
LOPENS 51525
TFWS 27605

2. Computer Science and Engineering

Category Expected Cutoff/Closing Rank
TFWS 2095

3. Information Technology

Category Expected Cutoff/Closing Rank
TFWS 2775

4. Electrical Engineering

Category Expected Cutoff/Closing Rank
GOPENS 21885
LOPENS 19725
TFWS 16025

5. Electronics and Communication Engineering

Category Expected Cutoff/Closing Rank
GOPENS 12025
LOPENS 13735
TFWS 9005

6. Bio-Medical Engineering

Category Expected Cutoff/Closing Rank
GOPENS 43005
LOPENS 33300
TFWS 16465

7. Mechanical Engineering

Category Expected Cutoff/Closing Rank
GOPENS 29450
LOPENS 55660
TFWS 18565

8. Electronics and Computer Science

Category Expected Cutoff/Closing Rank
GOPENS 17230
LOPENS 18730
TFWS 10055

9. Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security)

Category Expected Cutoff/Closing Rank
TFWS 6625

10. Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

Category Expected Cutoff/Closing Rank
TFWS 4340

11. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)

Category Expected Cutoff/Closing Rank
TFWS 5415

MHT CET 2023 Related Reads

Links that you may find useful are available in the table below:

MHT CET 2023 College-Wise Cutoff

The expected cutoff or closing rank for the top colleges in Maharashtra can be checked here:

MHT CET 2023 College-Wise Placements

The placement-related details for some of the top colleges in the state are available through the links below:

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