Expected MHT CET Cutoff 2023 for Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli

Shilpa Pradhan

Updated On: July 25, 2023 12:05 PM

For B.Tech admission through MHT CET counselling, the expected MHT CET cutoff 2023 for Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli in a category-wise and branch-wise manner is given here.

Expected MHT CET Cutoff 2023 for Walchand College of Engineering, SangliExpected MHT CET Cutoff 2023 for Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli

Expected MHT CET Cutoff 2023 for Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli: Popularly known as WCE Sangli, the Walchand College of Engineering is a renowned institution that offers quality education in the field of engineering. Known for its academic excellence and industry-oriented curriculum, the college has gained recognition as one of the top engineering institutes in Maharashtra. With a history of setting high cutoffs across various branches, Walchand College of Engineering attracts some of the brightest minds in the state. We will explore the expected MHT CET cutoff 2023 for Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli, providing valuable insights for students seeking admission to this esteemed institution.

Expected MHT CET Cutoff 2023 for Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli

The tables below show the branch name and its related MHT CET 2023 expected cutoff for Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli.

1. Civil Engineering

Category Expected Cutoff/Closing Rank
GOPENS 12480
GSCS 20610
GSTS 112150
GVJS 24575
GNT1S 23080
GNT2S 13755
GNT3S 18775
GOBCS 163450
TFWS 8710
EWS 11100

2. Computer Science and Engineering

Category Expected Cutoff/Closing Rank
GSCS 4480
GSTS 19080
GVJS 4965
GNT1S 1975
GNT2S 1730
GNT3S 1875
GOBCS 1270
TFWS 515
EWS ---

3. Electrical Engineering

Category Expected Cutoff/Closing Rank
GSCS 15090
GSTS 40380
GVJS 10210
GNT1S 9035
GNT2S 6936
GNT3S 9070
GOBCS 7660
TFWS 3810
EWS 5420

4. Electronics Engineering

Category Expected Cutoff/Closing Rank
GSCS 11600
GSTS 88000
GVJS 9020
GNT1S 3635
GNT2S 5110
GNT3S 6170
GOBCS 3330
TFWS 1965
EWS 3055

5. Mechanical Engineering

Category Expected Cutoff/Closing Rank
GSCS 17880
GSTS 113870
GVJS 31450
GNT1S 14950
GNT2S 8380
GNT3S 8130
GOBCS 9280
EWS 6470

6. Information Technology

Category Expected Cutoff/Closing Rank
GSCS 5560
GSTS 22710
GVJS 6430
GNT1S 2265
GNT2S 2485
GNT3S 3315
GOBCS 1495
EWS 1400

MHT CET 2023 Related Reads

Links that you may find useful are available in the table below:

MHT CET 2023 College-Wise Cutoff

The expected cutoff or closing rank for the top colleges in Maharashtra can be checked here:

MHT CET 2023 College-Wise Placements

The placement-related details for some of the top colleges in the state are available through the links below:

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