MHT CET CAP Round 1 Seat Matrix 2023: The State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra has released the MHT CET seat matrix for CAP Round 1 in the online mode. MHT CET seat matrix 2023 is nothing but the details on the available seats for admission through CAP each round. The candidates will find the MHT CET seat matrix in pdf format consisting of the details like the college-wise, branch-wise, and stream-wise available seats. The authority has released the MHT CET CAP round 1 final merit list today. The candidates, whose names have been displayed in the final merit list, will be eligible to take part in the choice-filling process. Before participating in the MHT CET choice-filling process, the candidates should refer to the CAP round 1 seat matrix. Note, that in the subsequent rounds, the number of available seats will be reduced compared to the CAP round 1.
MHT CET Seat Matrix 2023 CAP Round 1: Download PDF
Candidates can download the MHT CET CAP Round 1 seat matrix pdf here by clicking the following direct link. Now the candidates will get to know the total number of seats and the distribution for all the seats.
Direct link to download MHT CET seat matrix CAP Round 1 2023- Click Here |
MHT CET Option Form 2023 for CAP Round 1 |
MHT CET Seat Matrix 2023 CAP Round 1: Steps to Check
To check out the seat matrix of your preferred colleges, the candidates should refer to the following steps:
- Go through the above-highlighted link to download and then open the MHT CET CAP Round 1 seat matrix PDF
- Use the search (ctrl+f) option to find out the names of the preferred colleges
- Note down the choice code for the institute-branch preferences
Post that the authority will commence the MHT CET CAP Round 1 choice-filling process from July 20, 2023, to July 22, 2023.
Stay tuned to CollegeDekho for more Education News pertaining to entrance exams and admission. You can also write to us at our E-Mail ID news@collegedekho.com.
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