MICAT I 2021 Exam & Question Paper Analysis (Out), Answer Key & Solutions - Check Here

Yash Dhamija

Updated On: December 07, 2020 12:42 PM

Candidates appearing for the MICAT II exam can check the exam analysis of MICAT I provided here to get an idea of the exam. They can also check the question paper/ answer key of MICAT I exam here.

MICAT I Exam Analysis

MICAT I was conducted on December 5, 2020, from 9:00 AM to 11:15 AM, as per the reduced exam duration of 2h 15min. The number of questions in MICAT 2021 was less as reported earlier in the revised exam pattern of MICAT .

The overall exam difficulty level was Moderate but it was reported to be higher as compared to the previous year MICAT question papers . Students who based their assumptions for the exam on the MICAT 2021 Mock Test were also surprised to find many tricky questions, particularly in the Quantitative Ability section.

The detailed paper analysis of MICAT I is provided here. Candidates who have appeared for the MICAT I exam can check the paper analysis provided here to know the difficulty level of the exam and the number of questions asked in the exam. The answer key/ solutions of MICAT I is also available here.

MICAT I Exam Timings

MICAT I started at 9:00 AM and ended by 11:15 AM. Candidates had to reach the exam centre by 8:00 AM.

Reporting Time

Exam Time

8:00 AM

9:00 AM- 11:15 AM

MICAT 2021 Answer Key & Solution

The answer key of MICAT I is expected to be released in the first week of January 2021. Candidates can check the answer key/ solutions of MICAT I here.

MICAT I 2021 Exam Analysis - Out Now

80 questions were asked in the Aptitude section of the MICAT 2021. Candidates needed to complete those questions within 80 minutes. This number of questions asked in Section C of the exam has been reduced this time as compared to 100 questions last year. Apart from this, 150 questions were asked in the Psychometric Test and 4 in the Descriptive Test. The overall difficulty of the QA section was Moderate to Difficult while the DI section was tricky. A score of 40 will be considered a decent score for getting a good percentile in the exam.


Name of the Section

Total No. of Questions

Time Allotted Difficulty Level

Expected Total Good Attempts


Psychometric Test


30 min --

As Many As Possible in Given Time


Descriptive Test

4 25 min -- 4


Divergent & Convergent Thinking


80 min Moderate

13 - 14

Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation



12 - 14

Verbal Ability



14 - 16

General Awareness



15 - 16

TOTAL 234 135 min Moderate - Difficult

50 - 60 in Section C

Section-wise Analysis of MICAT I 2021

Check the section-wise analysis of the MICAT I question paper given below.

SECTION A - Psychometric Test

A total of 150 questions were asked in the Psychometric Test of MICAT. Since there were no right and wrong answers, there is no concept of difficulty level here. Candidates had to answer the questions truthfully as per the given information.

Topic Type of Question No. of Questions
Situation / Course of Action based True / False 33
Personality Trait / Choice of Action based MCQs with 8 options in each 117

The following 8 options were available to the candidates in the MCQ type of questions.

Totally Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree
Totally Agree Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree

The total duration of the Psychometric Test was 30 minutes. Candidates needed to answer 150 questions within the 30 minutes. There was no negative marking in the Psychometric Test and candidates must try to attempt as many questions as possible.

SECTION B - Descriptive Test

This section had 3 Argumentative questions and 1 story type question and candidates had to complete all of them in 25 minutes. Here is a breakdown of the questions asked in the Descriptive Test of MICAT I 2021.

Question Type Topic Required No. of Questions Marks Allocated
Argumentative Since time cannot be stored, therefore, Time Saved is Time Wasted Points in Favour 1 10
Points Against 1 10
Suggest steps by which a young manager should ensure that no time is saved Essay 1 20
Story 30
-- -- TOTAL 4 70

The Argumentative questions were related ‘Since time cannot be stored, therefore, Time Saved is Time Wasted’. Candidates had to write points for and against the topic in the first two questions, which were of 10 marks each. In the 3rd question, candidates were asked to write an essay on the topic 'Suggest steps by which a young manager should ensure that no time is saved'. This question was of 20 marks.

The fourth question in the section was the famous Story-type question asked in MICAT. Candidates were shown 4 pictures in this question and then they had to choose an order of the pictures and write a story based on their chosen order. The four pictures shown in this question were of:

  • Scarf hanging on a window
  • Kids lying on a playground
  • Farmer milking a buffalo
  • Shoe with its shoelaces untied

SECTION C - Aptitude Section

This section has 4 sections which had 20 questions each. The total number of questions in this section was 80 and candidates were given a total of 80 minutes in this section. The overall difficulty level of the section ranged from Moderate to Difficult. Here is a break down of the Aptitude Section of MICAT I 2021.

Divergent And Convergent Thinking - 80 questions, Moderate

Number of Questions
Difficulty Level
Word Association
Statement Assumption
Moderate to Difficult
Logical Reasoning
Easy to Moderate
Logical Data Sufficiency
Easy to Moderate
Visual Reasoning
Easy to Moderate

The difficulty level of Divergent and Convergent Thinking was a notch higher as compared to last year but the section was overall quite doable. A majority of the questions asked in the section were from the Verbal Reasoning section. A lot of questions were from Statements-Assumptions, Word Association etc. in this section.

Quantitative Ability And Data Interpretation - 20 questions, Moderate to Difficult

Number of Questions
Difficulty Level
Data Interpretation 1 set, 5 questions Moderate to Difficult
Modern Math
Moderate to Difficult
TOTAL 20 Moderate to Difficult

The difficulty level of the Quantitative Ability section was Moderate to Difficult. This was reported to be the most difficult section in MICAT I 2021. Most of the questions were asked from Arithmetic and Modern Maths. The DI questions were reported to be a bit tricky to attempt.

Verbal Ability - 20 questions Moderate

Number of Questions
Difficulty Level
RC 1 - ~500-word passage 5 Easy to Moderate
RC 2 - ~200-word passage 4 Moderate
Sentence Correction
Para Jumbles
Single-Word substitution
Meaning of Idioms
Fill in the Blanks with Phrases

The Verbal Ability section was of Moderate difficulty and quite doable. There were 2 RCs in the MICAT I paper. Other topics included Para Jumbles, Sentence Correction etc.

General Awareness - 20 questions, Easy to Moderate

Topic No. of Questions Important Topics
Static GK ~15 Business and Logos, Ad Agencies, Company HQs, Authors, Awards, Economics etc.
Current Affairs ~5

The General Awareness section was reported to be the easiest in this year's exam. The question types were as expected and mostly what are usually asked in MICAT. Most of the questions asked in the GK section were from Brands, Logos, Books and Company headquarters.

Also Read: What is a Good MICAT 2021 Score?

MICAT I 2021 Question Paper

The memory-based questions shared by the test takers of MICAT 2021 will be updated here.

MICAT I 2021 Question Paper- To be Updated

Candidates who have any doubt regarding the paper analysis of MICAT I exam can ask questions on the Collegedekho QnA zone .

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