Candidates appearing for the MICAT II exam can check the exam analysis of MICAT II provided here. They can also check the question paper/ answer key of MICAT II exam here.

MICAT II was conducted on January 30, 2021, from 9:00 AM to 11:15 AM. The exam was conducted in the online mode. MICAT II was based on the same revised exam pattern with 80 questions in Section C. The difficulty level of MICAT II 2021 was reported to be quite difficult. Students reported that the MICAT II Difficulty level was higher as compared to MICAT I. The Quantitative Aptitude section was reported to be very difficult this year. Students have reported that the difficulty level of the Quant section in MICAT II 2021 was more difficult than the Quant sections in CAT 2020 and XAT 2021. The Verbal Ability section was Moderate, DCT and General Awareness sections were of Moderate difficulty. Candidates who appeared for the MICAT II 2021 exam can check the paper analysis of MICAT II provided here to get an idea about the expected cutoff of MICAT . The paper analysis of MICAT II will also allow the candidates to know the difficulty level of the exam. It should be noted that the answer key/ solutions of MICAT II will also be updated here.
MICAT II 2021 Exam Pattern and Difficulty Level
The detailed exam analysis for MICAT II can be checked here. The analysis is prepared on the basis of student reactions.
Sections | Name of the Section | Total No. of Questions | Duration | Difficulty Level |
A | Psychometric Test | 150 | 30 minutes | -- |
B | Descriptive Test | 4 | 25 minutes | -- |
C | Divergent & Convergent Thinking | 20 | 80 minutes | Moderate to Difficult |
Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation | 20 | Very Difficult | ||
Verbal Ability | 20 | Moderate | ||
General Awareness | 20 | Moderate | ||
TOTAL | 234 | 135 minutes | Difficult |
MICAT II 2021 Number of Good Attempts and Good Score
The section-wise number of good attempts and expected good score in MICAT II 2021 can be checked in the table below.
Section | Total No. of Questions | Expected Good Score | Good Attempts |
Divergent & Convergent Thinking | 20 | 8 - 10 | 10 - 12 |
Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation | 20 | 5 - 7 | 8 - 10 |
Verbal Ability | 20 | 10 - 12 | 12 - 13 |
General Awareness | 20 | 10 - 12 | 14 - 15 |
Overall | 80 | 35 - 40 | 40 - 50 |
Section-wise Analysis of MICAT II 2021 - Live Analysis
SECTION A - Psychometric Test
The Psychometric Test section in MICAT II 2021 had 150 questions this year as per the expected pattern. Students had around 30 minutes to attempt this section. The Psychometric Test had 33 questions that were True and False questions with two options and the remaining 117 questions had 8 options and candidates had to select the best matching option as per their preference.
Section B - Descriptive Test
The Descriptive Test was conducted as per the reduced time duration of 25 minutes this year. There were a total of 4 questions in this section. The topics for the Descriptive Test in MICAT II 2021 were as follows.
Picture Perception Test
Rock, Paper, Scissors - Bitterest Rivals Make the Best Team - argue for the topic
Rock, Paper, Scissors - Bitterest Rivals Make the Best Team - argue against the topic
How Young Managers can Optimize the Managerial Output
SECTION C - Aptitude Section
Divergent And Convergent Thinking Analysis
The difficulty level of the Divergent and Convergent Thinking section in MICAT II 2021 ranged from Moderate to Difficult. The questions were reported to be generally Moderate but the section was quite time-consuming. The number of questions from each topic in this section can be checked below.
Topics | No. of Questions | Difficulty Level |
Word Association | 7 | To be Updated |
Statement & Assumption | 3 | Moderate |
Coding & Decoding | 3 | Moderate & Lengthy |
Visual Reasoning | 2 | To be Updated |
Analogy | 2 | To be Updated |
Logical Data Sufficiency | 1 | Lengthy |
Odd One Out | 1 | To be Updated |
Blood Relations | 1 | Lengthy |
Also Read: What is a Good MICAT 2021 Score?
Verbal Ability Analysis
Verbal Ability in MICAT II 2021 was a Moderately difficult section. There were 2 RC passages, one on Priming Effect and a short passage on Climate Change.
Topics | No. of Questions |
RC Passage 1: Priming Effect | 5 |
RC Passage 2: Climate Change | 4 |
Synonyms & Antonyms | 2 |
Grammatically correct sentence | 2 |
Jumbled Paragraph | 3 |
Vocabulary | 1 |
Fill in the Blanks | 2 |
One-Word Substitution | 1 |
Quantitative Ability And Data Interpretation Analysis
The Quantitative Ability section of MICAT II 2021 was reported to be very difficult this year. The difficulty level was much higher as compared to MICAT I and previous year MICAT exams. This section was reported to be even more difficult than the quant sections in CAT 2020 and XAT 2021.
Topics | Types of Questions | No. of Questions | Difficulty Level |
Arithmetic - 6 questions | Profit & Loss | 1 | To be Updated |
Percentage | 1 | To be Updated | |
SI & CI | 2 | Moderate | |
Time Speed & Distance | 1 | To be updated | |
Partnership | 1 | To be Updated | |
Heights & Distance | Heights & Distance | 2 | Moderate |
Statistics | Mode | 1 | To be updated |
Modern Maths | Permutation & Combination | 1 | To be Updated |
Probability | 1 | Moderate | |
Distance & Direction | Distance & Direction | 1 | To be Updated |
Algebra | Maxima & Minima | 2 | To be Updated |
Data Interpretation | Line Graph | 1 | Easy |
Pie Chart | 5 | Very Difficult |
General Awareness Analysis
The General Awareness section in MICAT II 2021 was Moderate this year.
Topic | No. of Questions |
Brands-Tagline and Logos | 6 |
Current Affairs | 4 |
Awards | To be updated |
Economics | To be updated |
Science | To be updated |
Geography | To be updated |
MICAT II Exam Timings
MICAT exam started at 9:00 AM and ended by 11:15 AM. The reporting time for the candidates was before 8:00 AM.
Reporting Time | Exam Time |
8:00 AM | 9:00 AM- 11:15 AM |
MICAT 2021 Answer Key/ Solutions
The answer key of MICAT II is expected to be released in the second week of February 2021. Candidates can check the answer key/ solutions of MICAT II here.
MICAT II 2021 Question Paper
The memory-based questions shared by the test takers of MICAT II 2021 will be updated here.
MICAT II 2021 Question Paper- To be Updated |
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