University of Lucknow informs that candidates who applied for admission to M.Phil. in A.I.H., English, Anthropology, Hindi, Political Science, Sanskrit, Social Work, Public Administration, Sociology Programmes are informed that the entrance test will held on 20th October at 9.30 am in the Department of Social Work, Lucknow.
Candidates are required to bring with them
A Press release from the University clarified the following points-
• A copy of the print out of the Admit Card is required to be carried along inside the examination hall.
• A proof of photo identity is a must that needs to be brought along to the campus as well.
• Candidates are required to report at 9 am at the venue. Any candidate reporting after 20 minutes of the commencement of exam will not be permitted to take the test.
• Candidates are also advised not to carry their mobile phones or any other electrical gadgets along with them inside the room as there would be no provisions for their safe.