The registrations for fifth and sixth semester examination of Mumbai University have been delayed by a week. The registrations were to commence on 1-August-2016 . The students tried to register for the exams and the website displayed process was under maintenance. The officials of the university said that the registrations will begin on 8-August-2016. The website of Mumbai University is handled by Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Limited (MKCL).
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It is mandatory for the students to register for the semester exams. The university uses these details in generating admit cards and the examination centres. The university received complaints even last year regarding goof-ups in admit cards and examination centres. The university has terminated the contract with MKCL stating not seek IT- based service from the MKCL.
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The university handed over the process of admission to Exxon Automation Private Limited. The MKCL is only concerned with the collection of pre-examination data and issuing of admit cards. These type of problems spoil the reputation of the university. The university has to take proper measures to avoid these problems.
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