NEET 2024 Daily Practice Questions: NTA has announced the NEET UG 2024 exam date, which will be held on May 5, 2024. The candidates, who are planning to appear for the NEET 2024 exam, should practice the daily NEET question papers to maintain consistency in their performance level. It will not only uplift the performance level of the aspirants but also their confidence level before the exam will be boosted up.
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NEET 2024 Daily Practice Questions
Find out the subject-wise NEET 2024 daily practice questions for 20th September here-
Ques. To graph that shows the variation of the de Broglie wavelength (λ) of a particle and its associated momentum (P) is:
Ques. As the temperature increases, the electrical resistance:
1. Increases for both conductors and semiconductors
2. Decreases for both conductors and semiconductors
3. Increases for conductors but decreases for semiconductors
4. Decreases for conductors but increases for semiconductors
Ques. Let T1 and T2 be the energy of an electron in the first and second excited states of the hydrogen atom, respectively. According to the Bohr’s model of an atom, the ratio T1:T2 is:
1. 1:4
2. 4:1
3. 4:9
4. 9:4
Ques. Gadolinium has a low value of third ionization enthalpy because of:
1. Small size
2. High exchange enthalpy
3. High electronegativity
4. High basic character
Ques. The IUPAC name of an element with atomic number 119 is:
1. Ununennium
2. Unnilennium
3. Unununnium
4. Ununoctium
Ques. Which of the following p-V curves represents the maximum work done?
Ques. The gaseous plant growth regulator is used in plants to:
1. Speed up the malting process
2. Promote root growth and roothair formation to increase the absorption surface
3. Help overcome apical dominance
4. Kill dicoty ledonous weeds in the fields
Ques. Exoskeletion of arthropods is composed of:
1. Cutin
2. Cellulose
3. Chitin
4. Glucosamine
Ques. The process of translation of mRNA to proteins begins as soon as:
1. The small subunit of ribosome encounters mRNA
2. The larger subunit of ribosome encounters mRNA
3. The larger subunit of ribosome encounters mRNA
4. The tRNA is activated and the larger subunit of ribosome encounters mRNA
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