NEET Daily Practice Questions 30 December 2024: DPP for 2025 aspirants

Prasanthi Boodati

Updated On: December 30, 2024 06:01 AM

To enhance the regular preparation for NEET UG 2025, candidates should practice some questions daily. Here are NEET Daily Practice Questions for 30 December 2024.

NEET Daily Practice Questions 30 December 2024NEET Daily Practice Questions 30 December 2024

NEET Daily Practice Questions 30 December 2024: Aspirants preparing for the NEET 2025 shall refer to the below-mentioned NEET Daily Practice Questions 30 December 2024. These questions cover important topics from subjects like physics, chemistry, and biology. They can analyze their strengths and weaknesses in a particular subject by working through these questions and reviewing the answers. It can help them to perform better in the upcoming NEET 2025 exam.

Also Read | JEE Main DPP 30 December 2024: Daily practice problems for 2025 aspirants

NEET Daily Practice Questions 30 December 2024: Physics

Here are some of the NEET daily practice questions with answers 30 December 2024:

Question 1: An electric lift with a maximum load of 2000 kg (lift+ passengers) is moving up with a constant speed of 1.5 ms-1. The frictional force opposing the motion is 3000 N. The minimum power delivered by the motor to the lift in watts is: (g=10ms-2)

1. 23500

2. 23000

3. 20000

4. 34500

Answer: (4)

Question 2: A light ray falls on a glass surface of refractive index (3)^1/2 , at an angle of 60°. The angle between the refracted and reflected rays would be:

1. 120°

2. 30°

3. 60°

4. 90°

Answer: (4)

Question 3: A copper wire of length 10 m and radius (10−2/√π) m has an electrical resistance of 10 Ω. The current density in the wire for an electric field strength of 10 (V/m) is:

1. 105 A/m2

2. 104 A/m2

3. 106 A/m2

4. 10−5 A/m2

Answer: (1)

Question 4: If the initial tension on a stretched string is doubled, then the ratio of the initial and final speeds of a transverse wave along the string is :

1. 1:2

2. 1:1

3. (2)^1/2: 1

4. 1 : (2)^1/2

Answer: (4)

Question 5: The ratio of the radius of gyration of a thin uniform disc about an axis passing through its centre and normal to its plane to the radius of gyration of the disc about its diameter is:

1. 1 : √2

2. 2:1

3. √2 : 1

4. 4:1

Answer: (3)

NEET Daily Practice Questions 30 December 2024: Chemistry

Here are some of the NEET daily practice questions with answers 30 December 2024:

Question 1: The incorrect statement regarding chirality is:

1.  A racemic mixture shows zero optical rotation

2.  SN1 reaction yields a 1:1 mixture of both enantiomers

3. The product obtained by SN2 reaction of haloalkane having chirality at the reactive site shows the inversion of configuration

4.  Enanotiomers are superimposable mirror images on each other

Answer: (4)

Question 2: The IUPAC name of an element with atomic number 119 is

1.  ununoctium

2.  ununennium

3.  unnilennium

4.  unununnium

Answer: (2)

Question 3: Which statement regarding polymers is not correct?

1.  Thermosetting polymers are reusable

2.  Elastomers have polymer chains held together by weak intermolecular forces

3.  Fibers possess high tensile strength

4. Thermoplastic polymers are capable of repeatedly softening and hardening on heating and cooling respectively

Answer: (1)

Question 4: Given below are two statements :
Statement I : The boiling points of the following hydrides of group 16 elements increase in the order-

H2O < H2 S < H2Se < H2Te

Statement II: The boiling points of these hydrides increase with the increase in molar mass.

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

1.  Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

2.  Both Statement I and Statement II are correct

3.  Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect

4.  Statement I is correct but statement II is incorrect

Answer: (1)

Question 5: Amongst the following, which one will have maximum 'lone pair - lone pair' electron repulsions?

1.  XeF2

2.  CIF3

3.  IF5

4.  SF4

Answer: (1)

NEET Daily Practice Questions 30 December 2024: Biology

Here are some of the NEET daily practice questions with answers 30 December 2024:

Question 1: The transparent lens in the human eye is held in its place by

1. ligaments attached to the ciliary body

2. ligaments attached to the iris

3. smooth muscles attached to the iris

4. smooth muscles attached to the ciliary body

Answer: (2)

Question 2: Which of the following options correctly represents the lung conditions in asthma and emphysema, respectively?

1. Inflammation of bronchioles; Decreased respiratory surface

2. Increased number of bronchioles; Increased respiratory surface

3. Increased respiratory surface; Inflammation  of bronchioles

4. Decreased respiratory surface; Inflammation of bronchioles

Answer: (4)

Question 3: Which of  the following animals  does  not  undergo metamorphosis?

1.  Earthworm

2.  Tunicate

3.  Moth

4.  Starfish

Answer: (1)

Question 4: Identify the vertebrate group of animals characterized by crop and gizzard in its digestive system.

1.  Amphibia

2.  Reptilia

3.  Aves

4.  Osteichthyes

Answer: (3)

Question 5: Which of the following organisms are known as chief producers in the oceans ?

1.  Dinoflagellates

2.  Diatoms

3.  Cyanobacteria

4.  Euglenoids

Answer: (2)

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