Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam Results 2022 have been announced today, August 26, 2022 at te.samsodisha.gov.in. The direct link to check Odisha B.Ed Merit List 2022 is given here.

Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam Results 2022 are announced on August 26, 2022 online on its official website at https://te.samsodisha.gov.in. The result is announced in the form of a Merit List which is prepared entirely on the basis of the marks scored by the candidate in the entrance test. Through this merit list, further admission activities will be carried out. Odisha B.Ed Merit List 2022 is published category-wise as well as stream-wise.
In order to resolve ties in the merit list, the Higher Education Department of Odisha has implemented a tie-breaking policy. In case of a tie between two or more candidates, the candidate with who has scored the higher percentage of marks at the Graduation Level shall be given a higher rank. If the tie still persists, the date of birth will be considered and the older candidate will be given a higher rank.
Once the merit list is published, the counselling process for choice filling will commence, followed by the seat allotment process. Higher Education Department, Odisha will announce the schedule for the same soon after the publication of the results.
Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam Results 2022: Direct Link
The direct link to check Odisha B.Ed Merit List 2022 is available below:
Odisha B.Ed Entrance Exam Results 2022: Steps to Check
The step-by-step procedure to check Odisha B.Ed Results 2022 is as stated below:
Step 1: Click on the direct link given above or go to te.samsodisha.gov.in >> Odisha B.Ed 2022 Results link available on the homepage.
Step 2: A login window will appear wherein the candidates shall enter their Hall Ticket Number before submitting.
Step 3: Odisha B.Ed Merit List 2022 will now be displayed on the screen. Save and print it for future reference.
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