One day work shop on “Quality in Education and Research” by Management Department of MATS University (MSMSR).
The program started with lamp lighting ceremony and ended with certificate distribution to Research Scholars. The workshop was chaired by Dr. Hanumand Yadav. The key speakers were Dr. R. Shridhar, Dr. Kottala Yogi and Dr. A.J. Khan.
During workshop Dr. B. John (Vice chancellor) and Shri Gokulananda Panda (Registrar) of MATS University assured that in future MATS will organize this type of workshop for the betterment of Research Scholars. In this workshop Research Scholar of MATS University and various academicians were also present and acquired the research knowledge.
About MATS:
MATS works with a vision to become a world class center in providing globally relevant education. MATS will be the Global University, known for the quality academic programs and outstanding faculty, products and services to students and clients independent of place and time constraint.
MATS University aims to foster an intellectual and ethical environment in which the spirit and skills within MATS will thrive so as to impart high quality education, training, research and consultancy services with a global outlook and human values. The motive is to create und develop technocrats, entrepreneurs and business leaders who will strive to improve the quality of human life. MATS University offers various streams schools of Management Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Information Technology, Basin and Applied Sciences, Humanity & Social Science and Life Skills.
The University not only focus on the development of students but it also works for the development of the teachers.
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