The government has mentioned in the Lok Sabha that in the past three years over 1,200 cases have been registered regarding unfair means in recruitment tests for government jobs which are conducted by Union Public Service Commission and Staff Selection Commission. Out of these, 1,173 cases were registered regarding the tests conducted by SSC . A total number of 42 cases were registered regarding UPSC exam.
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A total number of 240 cases were registered last year in the process of examination conducted by SSC. It was 400 in 2013 and 528 in 2014. There were 13 cases regarding cheating in the exams conducted by UPSC in the year 2015-16.
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The UPSC informed that it would take strict action against those who resort to malpractices. The candidates will be debarred permanently and penalty will be imposed. The commission is not going to tolerate any activities which restrict the smooth conduct of the examination.
The SSC has informed that in order to maintain genuity in examination the commission is adopting computer-based examinations. The main motive is to safeguard the interests of candidates.